Sunday, July 29, 2012

All Things MMJ with Jessica LeRoux - July 29, 2012

Hey now,
some changes coming down the chute this week, including new chocolate tiering, a new Flavor of the Month, and an accurate pricing sheet! All that will be below the MMJ stories and political round up, and after the Sales section... so at the very least this week make sure you scroll down past the homework and read your new price sheet! thank you! 

Lil bit of Good news... due to the increase in demand for appointments to go give blood from people of all walks of life after the Dark Knight shooting last week we have extended the MCCBD for two more weeks Through August 15th, to give all interested in participating time to make an appointment and save lives. Thank you all for your continued interest in making a difference. Go to ANY Bonfils location, and Remember to use code 7165 to be registered as a member of the Medical Cannabis Community Blood Drive.
Learn more and Invite folks you know to join us...

This type of closure has already occurred in Douglas Country, Dacano, Longmont, etc, etc....

the latest stats from CDPHE on patient numbers, another minor uptick, but hell, we'll take the new patients, welcome Friends!

As you likely already know I am personally supporting I-70 because I think it is better for Colorado than A64, but 64 has the cash, that much is obvious... y'all do what you think best! 

With similarities in our legal definitions, this has unpleasant implications for our industry, I will be following this story in coming weeks.

Mickey Martin's Coverage of the Harborside kurfuffle shows that we arent the only state where pooping in the pool where you swim is common in this industry

no wonder babies are always sleeping, inarticulate, and shitting themselves, Blame Mom!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Trees add value

Tree Applications available NOW
The Park People’s
4th Annual Denver Digs Trees
Fall Shade Tree Distribution
Apply Online:
or contact The Park People at 303-722-6262
Deadline for applications: September 1
Tree pick-up: October 6
These trees are strictly for your yard (on private property),
NOT along the street in the public right-of-way.
(For street-side trees, consider our spring street tree program.)
Trees are only $25 each
and Free to residents in our target neighborhoods
(Trees this size usually sell for $100+)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Press release:
Here we go again!
Denver Public Schools senior administrators and OSRI (Office of School Reform and Innovation) offered Manual High School to GALS
without informing staff, students or parents
GALS is a 6-8 girls only charter school seeking a building to expand through 12th grade
Starting in the 2013-2014 school year, Manual and GALS will co-locate which means:
Ø  GALS would occupy the entire 3rd floor (no access to Manual staff or students)
Ø  GALS would have exclusive use of the small gym (no access to Manual staff or students)
Ø  GALS would have shared use of the cafeteria, but not “co-mingle” with Manual students
Ø  GALS would have shared use of dance, weight, cardio rooms and pool, but not “co-mingle” with Manual students
July 26, 2012 from 6:00-8:00PM (Manual Cafeteria)
Mark your calendars:
August 2, 2012 from 6:00-8:00PM (Manual Cafeteria)
Joint community meeting with GALS – August 7, 2012 from 6:00PM – 8:00PM (Manual Cafeteria)
Public Comment to the DPS Board of Education – Monday, August 13, 2012 at 4:30PM
DPS Board meeting FINAL VOTE – Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 4:30PM

Coming up at 5:00pm today 7/25/2012

Editor's note: I'm looking forward to this one. I hope Sen. Michael Bennet is listening. Thanks to David Sirota for continuing to keep this topic alive.

5pm: Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi on how the LIBOR scandal is going to hit Denver schools and CO taxpayers on 630 KHOW.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

All Things MMJ - with Jessica LeRoux - July 22, 2012

  • Reeling and recovering....

    Hey Now,

Writing tonight with a heavy heart about the shooting rampage in Aurora. That mall is just miles from where we had our Blood Drive breakfast last Tuesday. I am not going to spend much time lamenting since there is no "why" that will make sense of that young man's deadly actions, instead I am going to focus on what we as a group can do to improve things. America really needs to wake up to the fact that Human Beings are a dangerous plaything and stop our violent & greedy culture if we still can. 

‎7/20/12 Bonfils has put out a call for donations - Types O- A- and platlette donors specifically, but also all types to replentish the 300+ units distributed to hospitals already for this violence. Call 303 363-2300 to make an appt. And remember to use code 7165 to be counted in the MCCBD which unknowingly was thankfully already underway when local need was greatest. 

Please share this info and help spread the word to all you know who may be eligible to donate blood.


putting things in perspective: Blood from drive donors who gave at Tuesday morning's breakfast is already pumping through victim's veins. 
See Blood drive pix from Tuesday's breakfast kickoff. You will note that Bonfils gave the Donors a stylish blue shirt, if you see a patient shopping with you while wearing one hook em up with some donor appreciation! If you have one wear it to work to help spread the word! 
and in other news

Tuesday is the day for delivery to the Springs, and all points south so get your orders in right away. 
wednesday delivery to Boulder, louisville, longmont, garden city, berthoud, etc... so lemme know if that is your route! 
Thursday is always the City of Denver metro area ~!
and this Friday I will be doing a live in store at Durango Healing Center in their new post Walsh-letter location from 3-7pm so my regular Friday delivery will be arriving early or on Saturday as routing for my event appearance permits! If you are in or near the four corners this Friday come meet some awesome folks with sweet new meds in Durango @  555 Camino del Rio! 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Denver Area Labor Federation Names Sheila Lieder as New Leader

via Dave Felice:

News Release:
Date: July 20, 2012
Contact: Sheila Lieder (720) 314-2935
Delegates of the Denver Area Labor Federation (DALF) elected Sheila Lieder as their new President on July 16, 2012.  Lieder takes over leadership of the 55,000-member AFL-CIO body after John Fleck, who led the group for over 4 years, stepped down to become the Sheet Metal Workers Local 9 Apprenticeship Coordinator.  Sheila assumes leadership of the body immediately.
Sheila Lieder, a 30 year union member of Communications Workers of America Local 7777, has held many positions in her union throughout the years, including her most recent role as the Legislative and Political Director, along with acting as State Coordinator for Legislative and Political Action for CWA. She has also served on DALF’s Executive Board for many years and has been a tireless activist for workers’ rights at all levels of government. DALF's newly elected President is also a leader in the broader community. Sheila serves as the Vice President of the Coalition of Labor Union Women, a group that promotes inclusion and leadership development of women in the labor movement.
As the AFL-CIO Central Labor Council for the Denver Metro Area, DALF represents more than 55,000 union members through its political and organizing programs. Founded in 1882, the Federation works with local and national labor and community organizations around policies and initiatives in support of worker rights. This includes support for union organizing, as well as education and endorsement of candidates seeking elected office. DALF also serves as a forum for the labor movement to partner with community organizations on issues that impact all workers, and those that affect union members where they live.

How to help by Jessica LeRoux

Update 12:41pm, 7/23/12 Medical Cannabis Community Blood Drive
Bonfils has 7 locations open till 7pm today and ready to take your blood for the MCCBD. call 303 363 2300 and make an appt or just go on in to your closest branch... make sure to use code 7165 to be counted with the Drive. Give a gift you made with your heart and save a life... Bonfils is calling for increased donations in response to the violence in Aurora CO which tapped Colorado's blood supply. Lets get out and help restock our hospitals while the need is still greatest.

Update 11am, 7/20/12: 
Due to the overwhelming response by our community to the all appointments for today are booked and we can't accept walk-ins

As you know by now there are 50 Coloradans in area hospitals after last night's shooting at the Aurora CO premier of the Dark Knight movie. Many of us want to do something to help but are uncertain as to what we might do. A gunshot wound is extremely serious and many of the victims will need multiple surgeries in coming weeks, and that means multiple blood transfusions. Nobody could have known last month when talks to create the 1st Medical Cannabis Community Blood Drive began how timely this would be. Regardless of any politics or prior commitments in the MMJ industry please please please get out and Give that Blood in the next few days, it is critically needed right now. Traditionally in the case of a serious local accident or shooting rampage, Blood banks will call on law enforcement and Fire departments to step up their donations, but we already know that our firefighters have been physically taxed recently, so lets help shoulder the burden and do our part, it is easy to give something you made with your heart! 

Go to ANY Bonfils blood center and donate whole blood using code 7165 for MCCBD. the drive goes through the 31st, but these victims are in need of blood right now. No matter what your financial situation blood is something you can give easily. 

Here are links to the Bonfils locations that you can donate at. as well as links to the FB events page so you can invite friends. People who want to join our blood drive can be from any walk of life, not just MMJ people, so bring a non-cardholder with you and donate together. 

Call Bonfils at 303 363 2300 to make an appointment in advance or click this link to see the 7 locations you can choose from, as well as mobil blood mobile locations that will be participating! & if you care please share!

If I could give more blood today after donating on Tuesday morning I would, but I cant... so I really need you all to get out and donate if you are eligible. And not just you, but please forward this email, not just to your MMJ friends but to anybody who might be in search of a way to show solidarity and compassion for the Dark Knight movie shooting victims. 

Thanks for reading and sharing. 
Jessica LeRoux
Twirling Hippy confections 
303 922 3661 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Walkabout - July 15, 2012

This morning presented an opportunity to get out of my cave and walkabout the neighborhood on my way to the farmer's market at Colfax and the Esplanade (in front of East High).

I've never been fond of the 10ft "prison" fence they put up when they rebuilt the ($3 million) athletic field, complete with artificial turf.
 "Denver Public Schools Private Property"? Hmm...

 Despite the heat, the crowds were beginning to form at the farmer's market
 Lining up for Crepes.
Gimme some of that Fresh!

 This guy is not happy about the state of disrepair at the Esplanade. I thought they had the money to refurbish this classic statuary a few years back.

 But the "Site of the Future Central Recreation Center" gardens are doing well.
 Shining example.
 Interesting art at the back of the filling station at Colfax and Josephine.

 That Pesky Purple Pipe Water (with Plutonium) is showing up everywhere (16th at Josephine). I wonder if they use it on the near-by gardens.

 East High Block House gets a 2012 redo - not very artistic.
 Keith Norris, guarding the East High parking lot, was kind enough to explain that the cars there were from Denver Zoo employees and staff, who then take the Red Bus shuttle to the Zoo. 
Good idea.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Your life is meaningless. Get over it and be liberated.

Reflections by Gerald Trumbule

Every once in a while, I find myself reflecting on my place in the universe. To refresh my sense of self, I like to watch Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot. We talk about the view from 30,000 ft., but the view from 35 million miles is the one we should keep in mind.

And then, for good measure, I re-read Cenk Uygur's The Liberation of Meaninglessnesswhich I reprint here for your convenience:

We are infinitesimally small.
We are miniscule animals on a tiny planet circling a small star in a giant galaxy. There are at least 200 billion stars just like ours in our galaxy alone. And there are anywhere between 10 to 100 billion other galaxies.
When you zoom out from a single person to the Earth to our sun to the 200 billion other stars in our galaxy and to the billions of other galaxies, you realize we are entirely irrelevant.
The Universe is approximately 12 to 15 billion years old. The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. Homo sapiens have been around for roughly 100,000 years. Earliest recorded history of humans dates back to at most 30,000 years ago (counting cave art here).
100,000 years among 15 billion years is a cosmic joke. It doesn't even qualify as a hiccup in time. The average life expectancy for humans is under 80 years. The insignificance of that period time within 15 billion years cannot be overstated. Our lives go by quicker than a cosmic second.
We are so small as to be nearly nonexistent. Yet we are led to believe that we are the center of the damn universe. Everything we do is so important. We lead these careful, guilt-ridden, cautious lives only to die abruptly and disappear into cosmic insignificance.
I don't know where it came from. I don't know what it is or what it means. But we have this incredible gift of life for a very short period of time - and we spend it arguing and worrying and fighting and waiting.
What are we waiting for? What - heaven? Hell? You have got to be kidding me. Please don't tell me that you are wasting the one precious life you have waiting around for the fairytales of our ancestors. Our ancestors thought the stars were holes in the sky. They thought the Earth was flat, that the Sun revolved around us and that there is a man with a gray beard up in the sky.
My guess is that if you brought back anyone who wrote our ancient religions, they would be amazed at what we have found out since the time they lived. But they would be even more amazed that people still believed what they had written in their utter ignorance.
I can see them shaking their heads now, "But why would you believe things we wrote thousands of years ago when you have already proven they are not true? Are you nuts?"
"We wrote that woman came from the rib of man because we had no fucking idea where women came from. You've traced back the origin of life and you're still wondering if we knew something you don't know? We were practically cavemen. We knew less science than your average third grader now. We thought natural disasters happened because God was angry at us. You think we would have written such nonsense if we knew about tectonic plate movements? Please don't tell me you still believe what we wrote when we simply didn't know better."
You are going to die one day and on your deathbed you are going to think, "What have I done with my life?" What will you answer? Have you lived enough? Have you truly tasted life? Will you be able to tell yourself that you gave life your best run?
Look, I'm not telling you to quit your accounting job and run off into fields of flowers. Life might be a flash in the pan in cosmic time, but it lasts quite awhile from our perspective. You have to have balance. Enjoy the short term while planning for the long term. Enjoy yourself without infringing on others. Hedonism is not the answer. But a stodgy, unadventurous life isn't either.
There is something liberating about meaninglessness. We are cosmically insignificant, so who cares what we do? If you conquer the world and a comet runs into our planet three and half million years from now and wipes us out of history, your conquest will mean nothing. If you were a pauper who did nothing particularly grand with your life, history will not record that either. If you are gay or straight, an artist or a banker, a doctor or a patient, a cheater or a victim, a king or a peasant, history will not care. The steamroller of time and space will roll over your existence. No one is keeping a ledger. So, for the love of God, just please live the life you want to live, not the one you think you should live.
There is no cosmic judge of your life. You will not be given extra credit at the end. You will only have what you have lived.
Life is not a pop quiz. You will not graduate on to another life based on your score in this one.
I am reminded of the story of the drowning priest: A priest is on a boat that starts to sink. Everyone gets on a lifeboat and they invite the priest on the boat. He declines, "God will save me, I don't need a lifeboat." As the ship sinks further, another shipping vessel comes by and offers to rescue the priest. The priest again turns down the offer, "God will save me, I don't need your ship." Finally, as the situation becomes precarious, a helicopter is sent in to take the priest to safety. But again he refuses saying, "God will save me ..."
As the water is about to overtake him, the priest shouts out to God in anger, "My God, why have you forsaken me?" God replies, "I sent you a boat, a ship and a helicopter. What else did you want me to do?"
If you believe in God, it is an insult to Him to not cherish the life He has already given you. He has sent you a boat, a ship and a helicopter and you're still wondering when salvation is going to come around. You have been given life so that you may live it.
Our very insignificance is our salvation. If there is no meaning to life, there is also no pressure. Meaninglessness is liberating. The universe is indifferent to your tiny existence, so you might as well live it up. There will be no cosmic retribution or redemption. So, you are free to live as you choose. Enjoy.

Misjudging our own importance is a form of exceptionalism. We think we are different from everyone or everything else, for example, we think: the sun revolves around the earth, we have Manifest Destiny to explain our genocide of the natives, we alone have a soul, or consciousness, we alone go to heaven. 

We believe in the sanctity of human life. We believe our rights come from God, as in "God-given rights". We believe we are "endowed" with these rights, and nothing else is so endowed (although some have started to believe that all life may be endowed).

If you are an atheist, the "rights come from God" argument won't work, and getting endowed would be done by ....?

I think our rights only come from our assertion that we have rights and only to the extent that we are willing to back up that assertion if these self-proclaimed rights are threatened. Some say that they will fight and die for these rights when others would attempt to take or reduce them. Who has the rights gets decided by who has the force. The law of the jungle prevails. This is the nature of the universe - the way it really is - naturally.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

All Things MMJ with Jessica LeRoux - 7-8-2012

  • Vive la Bastille en pluie!‏

Hey Now, 
I think I can finally get a lil sleep now that it has rained, but please be careful because the ground is still really dry and the pine needles are snapping underfoot an hour after the downpour hath past... So patients should stick to edibles for forest safety!  

We are still picking up Donations for victims who have lost their homes, but let us bare in mind that my delivery truck is just a lil chevy S-10, not the DAV, if a person has more than a small garbage bag or so, they need to donate directly please... and right now we only need items for the Free store to give to those who lost their homes, we are just going to store a few items for  future evacuees for the remaining summer months since one rainstorm does not put an end to the fire season and we want  to be ready to go at a moments notice with donations. 

We are going forward with the Medical Cannabis Community Blood Drive... covering a two week window where MMJ industry workers and patients can donate at any time at ANY colorado Bonfils blood center or community blood mobile anywhere in the state using a special code number so that our strength in numbers is registered... And for fun the Blood drive will commence with a Kick Off Breakfast from 7am till 10:30am on day one... we are only waiting on Bonfils to confirm our two week window, and kick off date and location (in denver) most likely Tuesday the 17th of July at this point... 
Do you want to be an event sponsor or donor team, or offer patients who donate blood a "reward"? call me at 303 922 3661 to participate... This is gonna be fun! and give the MMJ community  a chance to do more good than any $ we can give.... 

Post holiday week is a slow news week.... which means you get to the sales all the quicker!

I spent about 5 hours in the early morning of July 4th, celebrating independence day by getting my City of Denver MIPs application in perfect order to turn in, and July 5th at 8am sharp Twirling Hippy Confections was the 1st applicant to turn in the paperwork for a stand alone MIPs license in Denver! I paid my 5k in fees and now all that remains of my 18 year odyssey to become a Legal Cannabis business owner is waiting for the inspections... It's been a long way up from the parking lot, a big THANK YOU to everybody who has supported me on this journey!
here is the link to get your Denver local MIPs license rolling if you havent already done it... 

this story is no surprise, I have been down to the Excise office twice this week and in two visits i only encountered one person applying for a new MMC license... apparently too few fools are rushing in.... 

This guy is such a bitch... and one with a history... 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Robotic Drones in Southern Colorado

At a benefit for the "Not 1 More Acre" - in opposition to the expansion of the military maneuver site in Colorado's Pinon Canyon, Jean Aguerre tells the story of the additional 6-million acre "drone playground" that the military wants to carve out of Colorado and New Mexico.