Monday, September 30, 2013

Hentzell Natural Area - Trappers 0, prairie dogs 100

From: John Case
To: Dave Felice 
Sent: Mon, Sep 30, 2013 7:53 am
Subject: Prairie dog traps

Dear friends,
This photo taken in HHNP at 7:45am Monday Sept 30 by John Case.  Trap is locked 
closed at both ends and has been rolled onto its side.  Bait spilled from trap 
visible in left foreground.  There are NO dead prairie dogs in any of the traps.  
All traps are sprung closed at both ends, it is impossible for prairie dogs to 
enter traps unless a human re-sets the trap.  Suspect traps were sprung by 
prairie dogs or raccoons trying to get the grain used as bait.  Score remains 
trappers 0, prairie dogs 100.

THC WEEKLY NEWS by Jessica LeRoux - September 30, 2013

Hey Now,
I will be doing all remote mountain deliveries (ridgeway,durango, telluride, aspen, Glendale, Eagle etc) this weekend 10-4 & 10-5 and bumping my mountain route for the week of 10-12 so that I can attend to some personal travel demands. Denver will also Bump forward one day next week to 10-9 a wednesday. Thanx for understanding!  

Vigil For Jenny Kush Tomorrow: Monday the 30th come out and show solidarity with Jeremy and Jenny's Mom.

get in line to get your app done and completed by 1-1-14! 

A quick point of clarification on retail marijuana licenses and state tax ID numbers: 
If an applicant intends to co-locate the retail marijuana establishment with its existing medical marijuana business, then the applicant does NOT need to obtain an additional state tax ID.If an applicant does not intend to co-locate the retail marijuana establishment with its existing medical marijuana business, then the applicant MUST obtain an additional state tax ID prior to application with MED. Therefore, the MED will ONLY accept applications for non-co-located retail marijuana establishments if the applicant has a tax ID for the new location.
Hope this clarifies everything for everyone,
Jordan Wellington, Senior Regulatory Analyst
Marijuana Enforcement Division  (303) 866-3789

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Councilman Albus Brooks is where?

Councilman Brooks speaks at the opening of the Ideal Church of Scientology
 in Denver on June 16, 2012
It appears that our Councilman Albus Brooks is now in China working on economic development opportunities for Denver.

From: Brooks, Albus - City Council District 8 <>
To: Dave Felice <>
Sent: Fri, Sep 27, 2013 9:29 am

Thank you for your email.
I will be out of the country with limited access to email beginning on Sun., Sept., 22nd and returning on Mon., Sept., 30th.
I will be in China with Denver Sister Cities International and Denver’s Office of Economic Development working on economic development opportunities for Denver.
If you need immediate assistance, please call the office and speak to Brande' Micheau at (720) 337-8888 or you can reach her via email at
All emails will be returned ASAP.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013



From: HHST HHST <>
Date: September 24, 2013, 3:50:46 PM MDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Prairie Dog Relocation Sept. 25-Oct. 4th

Hello Hampden Heights Residents~
This is information I am passing on from DPS.

Denver Public Schools this week is posting public notice on the Hampden Heights site that black-tailed prairie dogs located on the site will be trapped, removed and donated to the Birds of Prey Foundation for the rehabilitation of raptors. This process is comparable to Denver’s prairie dog management guidelines. Trapping will occur between September 25 and October 4. For questions regarding this activity, please call Denver Public Schools at 720-423-3200.

Please do not reply to this email. If you have questions, please contact DPS at the above telephone number. Thank you

Renee Lewis
President-Friends of Denver Parks

Monday, September 23, 2013

THC WEEKLY NEWS by Jessica LeRoux - September 23, 2013

Hey Now,
If you do one thing i recommend this week it would be drop everything and go to the DOR office on Peirce st TODAY for the application workshop:

Retail Marijuana Licensing Information Announcement
September 18, 2013
The Marijuana Enforcement Division will host two retail marijuana licensing information workshops on Monday, September 23rd. The workshops will be held at 1881 Pierce Street, Lakewood, CO 80214 in Conference Room 110 (Entrance . The first workshop will begin at 10:00 AM and the second at 1:30 PM; the Division expects each session to last approximately 90 minutes. The same information will be provided at both sessions. The workshops will consist of a presentation by Marijuana Enforcement Division personnel and Q&A period. Please note, these workshops are only informational sessions for prospective licensees and applications will not be accepted.

I attended the city of Denver meeting last tuesday and here are the highlights and there was a BUNCH of state info released there too so everybody ought to read this
#1 the state will release the state rec application Tuesday the 24th.
#2 the city will release there city rec application monday the 23rd. 
(both should be posted on their websites) 
#3 the state is taking applications by appointment 8 per day (which i personally feel is UNFAIR COMPETITION) with a 45-60 pay intake period anticipated. 
#4 the city will have a PRIVATE special meeting for the 1st 8 applicants to the state to review the application process on this thursday the 26th (i am going to insist this meeting be opened per sunshine laws) 
#5 hearings for the city will start Nov 4th in order state receives applications, 2 per day until they are all done, notice will be given to owners etc 2 weeks out� (hearing officer required to email results w/in 3 days) 
#6 if you still aren't straight with the city you pretty much have till halloween to shit or get off the pot. (3 categories on posted list check your status with ruthie) 
#7 you must keep your medical license for 2 years to go rec. 
you can call me with more detailed questions re the meeting these are the highlights 303 922 3661 (but keep in mind if you are one of those people who call all the time with questions and never order any products we will call you names behind your back over here)! 

BULLSHIT VOTE NO ON AA�tell every patient in your doors to VOTE and VOTE NO ON AA  THink About it, No new taxes means no need for dual licensing, one price one place one license, fuck the state... Marijuana: Pot tax critics represent small minority, says Amendment 64 co-authorblogs.westword.comLast week, opponents of Proposition AA, the measure to establish tax rates for recreational marijuana, staged a rally at Civic...
AND� now from a paid lobbyist who doesn't even smoke weed� note the only douche-orama who wants more taxes from you is already up the people in LEO 's ass, why would you trust this fuckwad? Michael Elliott talks about the Colorado marijuana industry and state pot taxes www.denverpost.comIn an interview with The Denver Post, Michael Elliott,vexecutive director of the Medical Marijuana Industry Group, discusses why the Colorado pot industry supports taxing itself.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Denver School Board Candidate Forums

The League of Women Voters of Denver and Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation (INC) will host a series of forums around the city for Denver Board of Education candidates in advance of the Nov. 5 election. All residents of Denver are welcome to attend. The upcoming forums are: 

· East/Central Denver Forum, featuring District 3 candidates Michael Johnson and Meg Schomp and At-Large candidates Barbara O’Brien, Michael Kiley and Joan Poston, will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 24, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Christ Church United Methodist, 690 Colorado Blvd. (parking in rear) 

· Northeast Denver Forum, featuring District 4 candidates Landri Taylor and Roger Kilgore and At-Large candidates Barbara O’Brien, Michael Kiley and Joan Poston, will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 1, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Montview Presbyterian Church, 1980 Dahlia St.

· Citywide Forum, featuring At-Large candidates Barbara O’Brien, Michael Kiley and Joan Poston, will be held on Saturday, Oct. 12, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the community room of the Denver Police Department District 3 Station, 1625 S. University Blvd. The second half of the forum will feature representatives of organizations that either support or oppose selected Nov. 5 ballot issues, including Amendment 66 and proposed state and city marijuana taxes.

Each of the forums will be videotaped by Denver 8 TV and broadcast periodically beginning in late September. The videos will also be available for viewing on Denver 8 TV’s Web site at

Monday, September 16, 2013

Follow up on 22nd and Marion proposed zoning change

by way of Ean Tafoyaposted toCity Park West on Facebook
As promised at the last meeting here is the information regarding the attempted rezoning at 1304 E. 22nd Ave. Please follow the link below at look at case 2012I-00044 to see the application. If you wish to send in letters regarding this case please send to the following people. - District 8 Councilmember - At- Large Councilmember - At- Large Councilmember - Senior - City Planner Community Planning Development
To date no zoning board hearing has been set yet.

THC WEEKLY NEWS by Jessica LeRoux - September 16, 2013

Hey Now, 
The Cheesecake Lady
I am guessing that you all have had enough bad news personally around CO, and that those of you paying attention know that with weeks to go no good news is coming out of MED or DOR, while I have plenty of accurate but sobering updates in this week's newsletter I would like to start the week on an UP note! 
Tomorrow Tuesday the 17th will be officially the 4th anniversary of becoming a legal LLC for Twirling Hippy Confections (to get technical Ive used the same name and logo since 2000). 
*If you are not concerned with the regs at the very least scroll down to see my bad-ass new Steal Your Fruit 150 Mg lighting bolted cheesecakes!  
We have a bunch of new products, and if you order by 4pm on Tuesday you will get a discount of 4% off of all orders of 30 units or more! 
help us celebrate years of committed service to the industry, order some of our new products, do a sale on your old stuff but one way or another lets make tomorrow a Twirling Tuesday for our Birthday friends!
on a personal note I will also be old, I am turning 40 over the weekend, so I really need the filthy largess of your huge and massive orders to console myself with male strippers and chocolate. For real!  

Saturday, September 14, 2013


Be Aware of Standing Water & Avoid Waterways!
While rainfall has slowed in Denver, standing water remains an issue on some roadways. Be aware of the following when approaching standing water in your vehicle:

• Six inches of water will reach the bottom of most passenger cars, causing loss of control or possible stalling.
• One foot of water will float most vehicles.
• Two feet of rushing water can sweep away most vehicles — including SUVs and pick-ups.
• If you must drive through water, drive slowly and steadily.
• Avoid driving in water with downed electrical or power lines; the electric current passes through water easily.
• Stay off the telephone unless you must report severe injuries.
• Watch out for manholes that have lost their covers due to high water volumes.

Bicyclists and pedestrians! Waterways and rivers are rushing with run-off! Even though the rain has eased up stay away from waterways and travel on higher ground.
• Do not walk or bike near a river or stream during or following heavy rainfall, even on Denver’s paved urban bike and walking trails; water flow can quickly increase and flooding can occur without notice.
• Never take shelter in a culvert or in an enclosed space, especially in low elevations by rivers and streams. Always go to higher ground out of the flow of water.
• Do not walk through moving water. Six inches of moving water can cause a person to fall.
• If lightning is present, do not stand under or near an isolated tree or group of trees.
• Never allow children to play around streams, drainage ditches or viaducts, storm drains or flooded areas.

Downed power lines/cables:
Stay clear of downed lines and report them immediately to Xcel Energy at 1-800-895-1999. If a power line has fallen onto a vehicle, stay away from the vehicle. Seek help immediately by calling 911.
Downed branches:
If a tree limb is broken on a public right-of-way, citizens are asked to contact Denver forestry to assess damage and tree safety. For trees on private property, citizens can visit for a list of licensed and insured tree care contractors. 
Denver Solid Waste Management collects a limited amount of branches as part of its regular trash collection service. Branches must be no larger than 4 inches in diameter, and they must be cut into lengths of 4 feet or less, bundled and tied, and weigh no more than 40 pounds. For more information about branch disposal clickHERE.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mother Nature comes to our aid at Hentzell Park

Ed. note: It is my understanding that the proposed new school to be built in this Nature Area is in a floodplain. PHOTOS NEEDED.

Dear Friends,

For those in the neighborhood who are going for walks today in Hampden Heights North Park/Hentzell Park Natural Area, I stepped out for a few minutes to look at Cherry Creek.
She is already topping the banks in the lower areas and rising fast.  With two more days of rain, we can expect the dam will need to release substantial amounts of water.  Would like to have
pictures of the water levels.  Send to   We will post on our website.

A big damn just blew in Big Elk Meadows at Estes Park, Boulder is shut down with Boulder Creek topping the banks, flooding the community, with chunks of roadway gone.

We also have new pictures from the Mayor's "Cabinet in the Community Meeting" with yours truly talking to the Mayor Hancock who clearly demonstrated that he had no intention
of discussing the neighborhoods concerns. So much for all that mumbo jumbo about wanting to be friendly with the folks.   All a big show with no substance IMHO.

Happy Rain Dance,

Renee Lewis - President
Friends of Denver Parks

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bagging Ecological Concern by Phil Goodstein - September, 2013

 From the time of the emergence of the modern ecology movement in 1970, basic differences have divided those who claim they are working to save the earth. Some have probed causes, especially a devastating economic system which plunders everything and everybody in the name of making a profit; others have attributed ecological filth to individuals. The use of disposable bottles and diapers by everyday people, their failure to recycle, and lack of individual initiative, the latter have loudly argued, is why environmental threats are as severe today as when friends of the earth celebrated the first Earth Day 43 years ago.
Those who blame individuals for environmental degradation never see or learn anything. So it is with their campaign against plastic bags in stores. Supposedly, banning or charging for them will reverse waste. Unstated is that such bags emerged after the ecology movement was in full blast. Groceries and other merchants found them cheaper and more efficient than traditional paper bags. At one point, conservationists agreed, bemoaning the destruction of forests for paper bags.
The focus on plastic bags has no larger dimension. It says nothing about the way corporate domination has been unchecked. Not surprisingly, those crusading against plastic bags, led by veteran Democratic Party hack Debbie Ortega, make no mention of the ever worse threats to the land linked with the endless extraction of petroleum resources. The Democratic General Assembly, backed by the establishment environmentalist organizations, had a chance to do something about this when it convened last January. The solons failed to act, especially in redressing fracking.
Nobody has been more opposed to powerful regulation to check the environmentalist damages wrought by oil companies than media darling John Hickenlooper, a man stemming from the petro-leum industry. The governor has also been silent about Colorado Department of Transportation plans to vastly expand Interstate 70 through the heart of Denver, complete with toll lanes operated by a private concern. But raising such points and actually fighting severe, immediate threats to the environment is heresy. Groups such as the Sierra Club have been so dedicated to the Democrats that they never reflect on larger issues. Instead, condemning people who do not recycle or prefer plastic bags is at the heart of their operations as they provide as noxious a smoke screen for a filthy system as anything produced by the worst of corporate polluters.

The Naysayer of the Month by Phil Goodstein - September, 2013

The Bill Clinton presidency endeavored to apply the principles of Milton Friedman to a ravaging capitalism. Besides openly encouraging mass Wall Street speculation and the transformation of schools into entrepreneurial enterprises, Clinton and associates sought to destroy traditional governmental efforts to provide low-income housing. No longer did it mean clean, safe rental units. Rather, housing projects became veritable condo complexes where the government encouraged aspiring members of the middle class to pour all their assets into home ownership. In the process, the administration, through its Hope VI program, avidly worked to reduce the number of public housing units available to those who could not afford to buy. Those renting in the housing projects, in turn, were expected to emulate the values of yuppie America.
Denver embraced the effort. A key achievement of the Welling-ton Webb administration was to oversee soaring rental rates. The mayor topped this off in 2002 when he signed the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. Instead of controlling rents and checking on out-of-scale development, it simply mandated that developers had to add a few “affordable” units to mega-projects, condos which were actually quite high in price compared to the median cost of residences. Those not wishing to participate could easily opt out of the program by paying minimal additional fees. In contrast, developers who included such “affordable” units received special breaks and even cash compensation. The measure did nothing to assure that real affordable rental housing existed. On the contrary, since its passage, homelessness has been an ever more endemic part of the city.
Recently, Mayor Michael Hancock observed that a grand total of 15 “affordable” units have been added to the city’s housing stock over the past four years despite a new building frenzy. Seeing this, he conceded that the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance has been a failure. Rather, however, than probing its thoroughly rotten core, he and members of city council have simply vowed to tinker with the scheme. For so showing their inability to see anything more than the most insignificant of minutia, Hancock and his fellow reformers are the Naysayer of the Month.

Fountain Miasma by Phil Goodstein - September, 2013

Original Prismatic Fountain in City Park, Denver, Colorado (1912)
In 2008, for the Democratic National Convention, Denver primped itself comparable to a painted lady. The message was blunt: The impressions of affluent visitors are everything; the everyday quality of life and amenities of the citizenry do not matter. Typical was the renovation of the Electric Fountain in City Park. It had been dedicated 100 years earlier as part of the cosmetics of Robert Speer’s city beautiful program. In particular, it was that mayor’s effort to brighten his image during a close re-election campaign after having primarily been a tool of the utilities.
By the 1970s, as growth engulfed Denver, the city did not care about the Electric Fountain. The device rarely spewed forth its prismatically colored waters. For that matter, far from being a prime amenity, the park was increasingly plagued by crime, alcohol, traffic, and noise. Regular concerts by the Denver Municipal Band, accompanying fountain displays, disappeared. At the most, under Mayor Bill McNichols, city park priorities emphasized active recreation while neglecting the beauty of open spaces.
This seemed to change in the 1980s. With money from a 1982 bond issue, the Electric Fountain was restored in 1984. Or so the Federico Peña administration claimed. The renovated fountain failed to shoot its jets comparable to the way it had during its glory years before Denver sought to become a great city. In virtually no time, the Electric Fountain was again broken and neglected. Nor did much result from new efforts to repair the fountain with money provided by a 1989 bond issue.
With the Democrats coming to Denver, however, the city launched a new effort to replicate the fountain, virtually rebuilding this gem of City Park. Locals flocked to it, appreciating its beauty. Before long, however, a lightning strike damaged it. Repairs were not adequate. It has not since functioned the way it should. The 2008 lights have already burned out, not being replaced. The high-tech power relays have not functioned according to specifications. Often the Electric Fountain looks more like the aeration jets at a water treatment plant than a valued city beautiful legacy.
This is apropos. Part of the problems with the fountain is that a water recycling system has filled City Park Lake with extremely polluted, ugly green algae-filled water. The algae have gotten into the fountain’s intake valve—no account was taken of this when the fountain was renovated as part of the installation of the recycled water system.
While the city claims it is again going to restore the fountain, until August it had shut off most of the city’s fountains during a rainy summer. The administration has also committed itself to spending extravagant sums on a super playground in City Park, complete with a fountain. The last proposal is typical of a city hall that seeks to replace solid upkeep of existing amenities with flashy efforts designed to beguile the shallow. More than that, it is part the corporate/political establishment’s thorough scorn for the people of Denver. Instead of emphasizing a city where residents come first, it primarily cares about the fleeting impressions of those, like the devotees of the Democratic National Convention, who dote on the superficial while seeing nothing of substance.

The fight for our own bank continues

2 East 14th Avenue
Denver, CO 80203
Robert Bows and Jason Bosch, Proponents
Title Board:
Suzanne Staiert, Jason Gelender, and Daniel Domenico
Don Childears (Colorado Bankers Association), Objector
Barbara M.A. Walker (Independent Bankers of Colorado), Objector
Representative for the Petitioners:
Robert Bows
Pursuant to section 1-40-107(2), Robert Bows, representing the proponents, respectfully petitions this court to review the action of the Ballot Title Setting Board ("Title Board") in declining to set title for Proposed Initiative 2013-2014 #45 (the "Initiative").
The Title Board conducted its initial public hearing and declined to set the title for the Initiative on August 21, 2013. Petitioner subsequently filed timely Motion for Rehearing on August 26, 2013. The Title Board considered the motion at its September 4, 2013 hearing and rejected Petitioner’s challenges and denied the motion. Petitioner now seeks review of the Ballot Title Setting Board’s actions under C.R.S. section 1-40-107(2).
A. One member of the title board majority voting to deny the appeal argued that: The second topic is the clause that exempts the bank's revenues from constitutional limitations.
Did the title board err in ignoring that all ballot issues since the advent of TABOR that involve revenues (including taxes, bonds, certain changes in appropriations, and even unnamed sums of revenues)--whether initiatives of the people or referrals from the General Assembly--have such a clause? If so, then, in and of itself, this clause cannot be considered a second topic.
B. One member of the title board majority voting to deny the appeal, as well as counsel for both individual objectors argued that: The transfer of funds from the bank to the state is a second topic, because a bank is not the same as a tax or bond issue.
Did the title board err in not properly considering that, as the proposed amendment describes it, the bank is a d/b/a of the state, so any transfers are simply interdepartmental transfer, no different than the transfer of funds collected from taxes, bonds, fees, or other revenues from the Department of Revenue, the treasury, or any other account of the state into the general fund.
C. One member of the title board majority voting to deny the appeal argued that: The bank could use the proceeds from bonds to finance deficit spending by the state.
Did the title board err in not considering that: (1) deficit financing would expressly violate two provisions in the Initiative: (a) it is expressly stated in the Initiative that the revenue from bonds is to establish the necessary capitalization of the bank; (b) that according to “sound banking practices’ as defined by the Initiative—which cites the Bank of North Dakota (BND) that only transfers profits (surplus funds) to state's general fund, not bond proceeds nor taxes—said funds specifically earmarked for capitalization would not be transferable. ; (2) this mischaracterizes what capitalization of a bank means, and does not account for the so-called "stress test" reserve requirements for all banks, which limit the outlay of loans based on reserves; (3) this is a political objection, not a second subject.
D. One member of the title board majority voting to deny the appeal argued that: The proposed amendment is potentially confusing to the electorate because it does not state a specific amount for the capitalization of the bank.
Did the title board err in interpreting the meaning of the "confusion clause" (1-40-106.5.(1)(e) (II), “To prevent surreptitious measures and apprise the people of the subject of each measure by the title, that is, to prevent surprise and fraud from being practiced upon voters”? The absence of a specific amount for the bond issue does not, in itself, constitute surprise or fraud. The amount of capitalization is a complex decision, which the Initiative reserves for the bank board, and requires a thorough evaluation of the state’s unused funds, as well as unmet needs for essential loans, etc.) Further, there have been a number of ballot issues concerning taxes and revenues in which the dollar amounts are unspecified, including: Amendment 61 (2010), an initiative concerning limitations on government borrowing, which proposed reducing tax rates by an unspecified amount; and, Referendum C (2005), a referred referendum from the General Assembly, which proposed authorizing the state to spend an unspecified amount of revenues in excess of constitutional limitations for five fiscal years.
E. One of the objectors argued that: A supreme court ruling re: TABOR and multiple subjects applies to the Initiative.
Did the title board err in accepting the application of this ruling to this Initiative?
F. One of the objectors argued that: The use of the bank to strengthen the state’s economy necessarily implies growth of government, which in turn puts the Initiative in direct conflict with article X, section 20 of the state constitution.
Did the title board err in interpreting the Initiative?
G. The member of the title board voting in the minority and in favor of the appeal argued that: Initiatives must be interpreted liberally, as directed by a supreme court ruling; otherwise, given the growing complexity of the state constitution and statutory framework, the initiative process becomes unworkable.
Did the title board err in ignoring the intent of the cited supreme court ruling?
As required by section 1-40-107(2), attached is a certified copy of the petition, a certified copy of the motion for rehearing, results from the rehearing, results from the hearing, final text, amended text, original text, and final action by the Title Board.
Petitioner respectfully requests that the court reverse the Title Board’s denial of the Motions for Rehearing and find that the Title Board lacked cause for said denial. Alternatively, Petitioner requests that the court reverse the Title Board’s findings that the Initiative does not constitute a single subject.
Respectfully submitted this 10th day of September, 2013.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

THC Weekly News by Jessica LeRoux - September 10, 2013

Hey NOW!!! 
Today's newsletter will begin as a forward of an email I got this morning from Jordan Wellington of the DOR, and while I haven't had a chance to read these documents in depth you can be certain that next week I will be providing you a full analysis.
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Wellington - DOR, Jordan" <>
Subject: Thank You
Date: September 10, 2013 9:13:07 AM MDT

Dear Jessica,

Thank you very much for volunteering your time to participate in the Marijuana Enforcement Division’s Licensed Entities and Inventory Tracking Working Group.  Your insights provided significant value to this process and assisted us in developing the rules for retail marijuana and revising the rules for medical marijuana.The State Licensing Authority has finalized and adopted both sets of rules, which are available online at: (retail) and (medical).  Again, thank you for your participation in this

Best wishes,
Jordan Wellington
Senior Regulatory Analyst
Marijuana Enforcement Division 

many of you have asked me who you might be able to contact with concerns, and I've included jordan's email in case you need a person to reach out to at DOR. 

here's the press release: 
and some concerning emergency overlay stuff:


the federal government is having a hearing on state's rights concerning cannabis today at noon our time… here is a link to listen in live. 
“UPDATED WITNESS LIST AND TIME CHANGE: Conflicts between State and Federal Marijuana Laws”
Senate Judiciary Committee
DATE: September 10, 2013

TIME: 02:30 PM
ROOM: Hart 216

OK that is the stuff you needed to know immediately, the rest of this news is also important and has pix of new products too, but you can look it over later once you've followed the hearing and read the rules… 

In Light of the recent tragic loss of fellow activist Jenny Kush Ive been looking at these stats its is obvious that each year since 2009 and the ogdon memo the numbers of DUIs in the state drops by a noticable number, including this year, I think we need a real statictitian to look at this shit and tell us what it really means in relevance to enforcement budgets etc...
There is a new link for those of you who have yet to contribute a donation for jenny's children. The driver who killed Jenny had no insurance so this money is being set into a trust for the future educational and medical needs of Jenny's 4 children.

apparently this stunt directly lead to city councilman Charlie Brown asking Denver Cops to crack down on public use in last night's city council meeting! 
the folks at "smart CO" just wanna "spice" up their media pandering with a lil innuendo 
why not when the mainstream can't tell the difference between buds and chinese made spice?
Good thing that 

DOJ policy changes are the big federal news of the week A Saner Approach on Drug Lawswww.nytimes.comThe Justice Department says that states are free to legalize pot, but that the government will be watching. but news is slow to trickle over the 280E hump

I been telling y'all nullification education is the next big thing! 
it makes the $ men nervous! 
hand in hand with: 
because we are paying pennys on the dollar to rob hard working artisans of their livelihoods in Colorado with prison labor… 

Hmmmm, An opinion from Bob Dupont. Lets all recall just how many years the Dupont family has fought to keep cannabis illegal and how vastly many petrochemical and plastic products the Dupont family has developed profitted by and raped the plant with since 1937 when they were a vocal supporter of prohibition at the very time the US army as switching to nylon rope from HEMP etc etc etc… Marijuana legalization wrong way to end war on drugswww.utsandiego.comThanks to a well-funded and impressively executed, decades-long campaign to stigmatize marijuana use, much of the public believes that marijuana use is dangerous.

even conservatives are seeing the light
If cannabis was one of the main ingredients of the ancient Christian anointing oil, as history indicates, and receiving this oil is what made Jesus the Christ and his followers Christians, then persecuting those who use cannabis could be considered anti-Christ.

and some employers are hip too

its a mother's choice! 

it might even be YOUR mother's choice!

Boulder No bueno 

Momentum in other states!

Good Shot Kid! 

Studies that show we re OK! 


are you ready to unlock your chocolate chakra? Get spiritually aligned with the Nips that speak to you... 5 gluten free flavors, 100Mg each! 
Try them all or get the assorted pack to sample and share! 
Almond Nips, 
Cherry Creme Nips,
Cookies n Caramel Nips,
Nutterollo Nips,
Peppermint Nips.
a rainbow of variety to light up your mind!

Small Axe!
And our newest round chocolate (#17) is called Small Axe after the Bob Marley song... make no mistake about it, if you are a big tree, we ARE coming to chop YOU down! 125 Mg Gluten Free dark chocolate with a medicated milk chocolate cookie bits and caramel chunked core. Im pretty proud of this creation, I wish I could send you all a bite right over the interwebs!

Sale this week on Banana's F*RAsta order 6 or more and save 5% on your OG bananas! 

New stealie cakes coming in time for further call me for details! 

and we still have the palisade Peach cheesecakes order this week for 50 cents off your peaches! 

We have introduced so many exciting new products this summer! if you haven't tried anything new from THC this summer call me at 303 922 3661 to work out a deal to help your location get up to date on all our products and flavors! thanks for being our retail partner! 

Jessica LeRoux
Twirling Hippy Confections
2145 W Evans denver CO 
303 922 3661