Sunday, November 27, 2005
Seeing is Believing
"For many Coloradans, a tantalizing feature of Referendum C was restoration of the state's Senior Homestead Exemption, a valuable tax break for older homeowners that had been suspended because of state fiscal distress.
The Homestead Exemption wasn't specifically mentioned in C, but supporters pledged to use revenues freed up by passage of the referendum to restore the program, which covers residents 65 or older who have owned their homes for at least 10 years. We were glad that state officials have quickly put the wheels in motion.
The homestead law exempts 50 percent of the first $200,000 of the actual value of eligible homes. The savings won't mean much for the wealthy, but for other seniors, it could translate into extra groceries or needed medicine. The savings will average about $500 annually per property."
Friday, November 25, 2005
What Can You Do?
Bush is coming to Denver for a fundraising luncheon to support the candidacy of Marilyn Musgrave. How will we respond? LOUDLY!
Join other groups from the peace & justice community, Tuesday November 29th at 10:45 in the morning. Bring pots & pans with wooden spoons, noisemakers, drums, whistles, and your loudest voice. WEAR EARPLUGS.
Gather at the State Capitol Building at 10:45 AM. Another group is preparing sings to distribute that read: "WE ARE NOT SAFER, OCCUPATION BREEDS HATE" and BRING THE TROOPS HOME WHERE THEY BELONG". Please be prepared to pay $2 for a sign.
At 11:00 AM we will begin the short walk to The Brown Palace. We want to be outside The Brown Palace from 11:15 AM to 12:45 PM. (Thanks to the groups and people that have planned this event.)
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Keep The Change
As predicted, Colorado voters changed their minds about Referendum C from an initial 60% opposed to a 52% for under the influence of the thousands of trough-feeding groups and their media campaign. Happens every time. But in the big picture, the additional $600 million for the trough next year is merely a "tip" for the government, since they are already taking $16 billion.
And I've heard hardly a whimper about Referred Question 1B, which gives the Denver government a 10-year break from TABOR.
But since I-100 passed, I guess we can all start smoking pot and forget that our pockets have, once again, been picked.