Saturday, August 30, 2008
Sean Penn at DU
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
DNC Cop Violence Vidies
Max Kennedy at City Park
(If you double click on the picture above, you will be taken to YouTube, where you can choose to view in a higher resolution, and then rate the video.)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Startup Saturday
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Denver Mayor's Panel Calls on Police to Halt Marijuana Enforcement During 2008 DNC
4/20 at Civic Center
That Mason - he's always working. Support his efforts at
DENVER -- A city panel appointed by Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper has officially recommended that the Denver Police Dept. "refrain from arresting, detaining, or issuing a citation" to any adult for the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana during the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver next week. (See full recommendation and PDF of memo below.) The panel's recommendation comes in response to news reports in which a spokesman for the Denver Police Dept. said police would be arresting or citing adults for marijuana possession despite ballot measures approved by Denver voters calling on them to refrain from doing so. In 2005, Denver voters approved a ballot measure making possession of small amounts of marijuana legal for adults, and in 2007, voters approved a measure designating adult marijuana possession Denver's "lowest law enforcement priority." "The People of Denver have made it clear they do not want adults in this city punished for simply possessing a drug less harmful than alcohol,"said panel member Mason Tvert, who led the campaigns for the two ballot measures. "Now a panel appointed by the Mayor of Denver has echoed that call, and we hope police will not defy the people of this city or its mayor when the international spotlight hits the Mile High City next week. "Tomorrow we will deliver an official memo from the panel to the chief of police and the mayor, and we expect police to abide by this very logical recommendation," Tvert said. "If police expect the taxpayers to cover their $1.2 million in overtime during the DNC, it is only fair that they respect the laws adopted by those taxpayers. There will be plenty for police to do during the DNC aside from arresting or citing adults who are simply making the safer choice to use marijuana instead of alcohol."
On Being Tear-Gassed
Monday, August 18, 2008
T. Boone Pickens in Lamar, Colorado
The U.S. is the Saudi Arabia of Wind
Sunday, August 17, 2008
A City for the Tsar: The parks look terrible
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Tour of Downtown Denver
Congratulations - Beth McCann
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Unctuous Mediation
(Cross-posted at
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Last Round in House District 8
Friday, August 8, 2008
Carla's Contributions
Editorials and comments called upon Councilperson Carla Madison to show some leadership and call a neighborhood meeting. When finally it happened on Tuesday, 8/5, it was soon rendered moot by the decision of Tent State announced on Friday, 8/8, to move to Cuernavaca Park.
But interesting, none the less. She spoke to the issue for about 30 seconds.
Update: From Carla
Hello Neighbors; I just returned from a press conference where we announced that Tent State University will be moving their event from CityPark to Cuernavaca Park and the Denver Coliseum. I feel this is a win-win for everyone. Their assembly events will be held in that park which is within the Special Event Zone. This means that there the City provides the portables, sanitation and water which will save them that expense and planning. They also won’t have to meet a list of conditions like they would have had to for City Park because, again, it is within the extraordinary event zone. They will be closer to the DNC events and the Pepsi Center and this site will better fit all their needs. The large concert on Wednesday is going to be held in the Coliseum and they will be allowed to camp on the grounds of the Coliseum every night of the DNC. Many are still wanting to go down to the protest area to spend the night but at least they will have an option and they can choose where they want to spend the night. Tents will be allowed at the Coliseum. I have been encouraging the City to help find them a better spot and I want to thank the Mayors Office, Theaters and Arenas and especially the Parks Department for all their help with this new solution as well as their help all along with the Tent State arrangements in City Park. I want to thank the neighbors for all their cooperation and the fact that we were all prepared to allow this event to happen and welcome these kids into our Park. I am very proud to say that although there were the extreme views expressed, overall the neighborhoods were very supportive of Tent State being able to exercise their First Amendment Rights and hold their event here. I also want to acknowledge Tent State for their efforts to reach out and meet with the neighborhoods to make people feel more comfortable and inform us of what they are all about. I know that many of us were looking forward to some aspect of having Tent State here in City Park but I think all of us will be a bit relieved that they won’t be leaving the Park and walking through our neighborhoods to get to wherever they were going to sleep for the night. I know that I personally will sleep better at night and be able to enjoy the DNC more knowing that late night confrontations at City Park will not become a reality. We’ll be sending out a list of events that are open to the public, including some at City Park within the next week. Thank you all again, Carla Carla Madison
City Councilwoman District 8
303-587-6543 cell 303-298-7641
Office 2713 Welton Street, 80205
Thursday, August 7, 2008
City Park Dodges Another Bullet
Cuernavaca Park
Tent State will announce that they will be moving their operation to Cuernavaca Park where they will hold their educational/entertainment rallies and camp nearby in the Coliseum parking lot with the blessings of Mayor Hickenlooper. I understand the City will even be throwing in some sanitation stalls.
Looks like the Tent State threat of marching each night from City Park to the Pepsi Center worked. It was the only legal option left to them and they played it well. These kids got brains.
Kewl Move
Tent State’s Adam Jung, nominee for the MPYO award, announced Wednesday that the Tenters, forced to leave City Park each night at 11:00 pm due to the rigid enforcement of the No-Sleeping-In-The-Parks-Ever ordinance, will walk to the Pepsi center, where they will seek refuge in the City-erected Freedom Cage. This is a majorly kewl move and will end each night with a long stroll to the Pepsi Center and a Pajama Party in the Cage. City Mocked Jung continued, "But we were not seeing the big picture. The city of Denver does not oppose free speech. They love free speech so much they just want to protect and secure it with razor wire and caging. Because of their passion for the First Amendment the city has provided one place for demonstrators to be overnight - the freedom cage. Each night demonstrators will take the freedom cage and transform it into the 'Freedomville Shantytown.' " How big is the Freedom Cage? Answer = 50,000 sq/ft. Sleeping bag = 3 x 7 = 21 sq/ft 50,000 / 21 = 2,380 = sleeping capacity of Freedom Cage. Tenters must get cozy, perhaps double up. Managing Safety "We have to give the police the ability to act in certain circumstances where the intent the circumstances is clear, to act before something happens," LaCabe said, somewhat unclearly. But did you get that, the Manager of Safety, LaCage, wants to preempt “something” that may be going to happen. Oh boy, he won’t be disappointed. The way things are going, "something" is definitely going to happen. It always does. Why protest at DNC?? Well, for one, have the Democrats stopped the WAR? Nooooo. Or impeded it in any way with off-the-table Pelosi in charge? Noooo. Will the Democrats’ own children being gassed and hauled off to the Freedom Jail get their attention? Yessss. So I say right-on to the Tenters, and the SDSers (are they still around?) and the others. But what about the perves and creeps who just want to “sleep with” the coeds. The kids seem to prefer that homeless look, so maybe the perves can get away with it. (What’s that tent in your sleeping bag?) I hope the perves don’t get outed and beaten to a pulp inside the Freedom Cage. I mean, it’s not that free in there. And what if the cops wade in to rescue the perve? Oh, boy, we got us a love fest in a cage. WASHINGTON — Federal and local authorities are girding for huge protests, mammoth traffic tie-ups and civil disturbances at the Democratic National Convention in Denver this month, fearing that the convention will become a magnet for militant protest groups.
Madison Optimistic "I personally choose to be optimistic, and I choose to believe that everyone wants to have peaceful demonstrations," Councilwoman Carla Madison said. "I can be optimistic, and you can be optimistic. But it's not the job of the police to be optimistic." Madison said, swirling the tent that she now carries with her over her head and dancing away.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I Nominate Adam Jung for MPYO (Most Patient Young Organizer)
I just got back for videotaping another community meeting about Tent State, this one hosted by Carla Madison. Over 100 people showed up to ask the same questions that have already been asked by other citizens at other meetings, and Adam politely, if somewhat exhaustedly, answered them to the best of his ability. As he pointed out, no other “free speech” permit (oxymoron) holder is being forced to meet with countless neighborhood organizations, etc. Adam is extremely mellow, and drones on in response to this or that. Aggressive speakers demand to know how much money Tent State has raised. Adam explains that they are not required to give out that information. Old ladies lecture him on how he is going to control things that are not under his control. And on and on. The big news is that Monday night the Denver City Council passed an ordinance that gives the police the right to stop and search anyone with a backpack to see if they have any of the newly “forbidden” items, which include a bike lock, and to determine their “intent”. Jung mentioned that they had stopped advising people to try to ride their bikes to the park as they felt that might put them in jeopardy as they would probably have bike locks in their backpacks which would subject them to arrest. I have not seen the ordinance. I jumped in with a question about how they are going to protect their group from the effects of 4 years of radionuclide irrigating in City Park, especially in view of the fact that Denver is in violation of State Reg 84 by not having adequate signage. Adam replied that they are going to put up their own signs warning of the dangers. And the Tenters have been warned to wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts. Later the Acting Director of Parks and Recs mentions that they will have to “irrigate” two or three times during the time Tent State will be in the park, in the very area where the Tenters will be tenting. The grass is almost totally brown there now. One woman demands to know what he has mentioned will be announced Wednesday regarding the “camping” dilemma. She wants to know right now. Sorry, says Adam, we’ll be announcing that tomorrow. Let’s see what Adam announces on Wednesday. As it stands, the impasse is still unresolved. More at
You already know that I think if the City had one iota of common sense they would let the Tenters camp in City Park during this Extraordinary Event, just as the Indians were allowed to camp overnight at Civic Center Park in 2006. Otherwise, we descend into chaos.