Thursday, January 29, 2015

NOTES FROM THE NEW DRUG WAR by Jessica LeRoux - Jan 29, 2015

Dear members of the Senate Finance committee,

I am writing today because I have had a chance to review SB15-1115 the sunset bill for SB10-1284. Since I don't see much flesh on that bone yet I'd like a chance to tell you what I see as the BEST way to move the medical industry forward.

Ideally we could do away with vertical integration or make it optional but not compulsory. At the very least we could do away with the 70/30 requirements ASAP. The problem with vertical integration is that when businesses went recreational in january of 2013 they were required to convert a portion of their dedicated medical grow space to do so. A majority of owners converted much greater than 50% of the grow space to recreational plants, and 20-30% of owners have done away with medical sales growing entirely. This means that the dedicated medical OPC space today is less than 35% of what it was in 2013. At this same time the medical registry has grown by approximately 8000-9000 people. It is imperative that there be adequate amounts of top quality medical grade cannabis to supply the needs of these patients in a safe retail setting.

WALKABOUT - 17TH AND YORK - Jan. 29, 2015

by Gerald Trumbule
I've previous mentioned the proposed one-block development of apartments on York St. from 17th to 18th Ave. This morning I took a walk down to the site, starting with the former filling station (now brake shop) at 17th and York.

I noticed an sign in the front window:
Let's hope that no one derails this demolition with a claim that this is an "historical structure". Recently this has become an impediment to new development. Just because a building was built before 1955 does not, in my opinion, mean that it is of "historical importance" and should be preserved. Tear it down and dig out the gasoline storage tanks I presume are still buried there. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


by Gerald Trumbule
Regular readers of DenverDirect are familiar with the words of Jessica LeRoux, who generously allows us to repost her insightful musings on the cannabis scene in Colorado (see her regular "Notes From the New Drug War" on this blog). As editor of DD, I take great delight in publishing her words unedited, because her Kerouacian style is so forceful. We don't make any money here at DenverDirect. so I can't pay her for her efforts. But finally she has arranged for you to make a direct donation to her incessant lobbying efforts on the behalf of cannabis patients. A GoFundMe campaign has been started to which you can donate directly here.
Your lobbyist at the Capitol
Jessica LeRoux is 100% committed to Patients, it is her core belief that if you are lucky enough to make your living from the limited funds available to a MMJ patient, it is your duty to give back of your time and get down to the capitol personally to protect the rights of those patients and safeguard their access to their medicine, for EVERY patient in Colorado. Jessica is passionate about access to affordable medicine, the caregiver program, and protecting the patient doctor relationship. No activist has been more vocal in their critism of corruption within the MED & CDPHE, if you want legislators and government regulatory agencies to be held accountable for their shortcomings you can count on Jessica! Ms LeRoux was one of the original Cannabis Caregivers of Colorado with Ken Gorman started in 2003; in fact Jessica is Colorado’s very own Cheesecake Lady, a well known Marijuana activist and trusted fixture on the local concert scene for many years. Extra Medicated~Extra Deadicated!
So come on people, time to pay it forward.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

NOTES FROM THE NEW DRUG WAR - by Jessica LeRoux - Jan. 25, 2015 - UPCOMING

from FaceBook:

On the legislative calendar coming up: all events at the CO capitol 200 E Colfax...

Tuesday 7:30 am LSB-B Audit board hearing...

Tuesday is Marijuana Patients at the Capitol day (no bills relating to cannabis will be heard, but you can come glad hand with the get along gang, or better yet offer a counterpoint for patients.)

Tuesday the 27th is also the meeting of the Joint Budgetary committee to discuss "items that need further legislation" which to me spells out a potential discussion of the sunset of SB10-1284 medical marijuana regulations...

Wednesday the 28th HB15-1007 Singer's "local" Tax bill 1:30 pm LSB annex room.

Tuesday feb 3rd HB15-1036 warn Pregnant women of "dangers" of cannabis use. 1:30pm room 0107

Thursday feb 5th HB15-1090 Retail marijuana impacts grants 10am-ish, room 0107

I note that Friday was the deadline for filing bills this session, and no 1284 extension bill is posted YET...

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


from the Denver Public Library digital achieves
Ferril Lake and Duck Lake - 1930's. Note the beach areas.

City Park Auto Park - camping out 1916 - 1930

City Park Dairy 1909 - 1920 (location?)

The pavilion down by Duck Lake (note island) - 1920

Native American statue that was somewhere in City Park, was said to be made of plaster.

The pavilion that was on Duck Lake.

INC Zoning and Planning Committee

INC is an organization of over 50 Registered Neighborhood Organizations (RNO)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Community Resource Officer Snow White from Denver Police Department

The city is experiencing an uptick in street robberies in the last several weeks. We'd like you to have some tips to keep yourself safe:
 Always be aware of your surroundings and when possible walk with a group of friends
 Avoid or limit distractions, such as using your phone, and notice people who pass you
 Avoid dark areas and short-cuts
 Avoid passing close to shrubbery
 Park and walk in well-lit and well traveled streets
 Be discreet with valuables
 At night, take a flashlight
 Use your cell phone only in an emergency
If any vehicle approaches and you are threatened or you are being followed:
 Switch directions or cross the street
 Look for an open business or a nearby home for assistance
 Head for a well-lighted area where there are other people
 Don’t accept or give rides to strangers
 Be prepared to protect yourself if someone attempts to force you into a vehicle
 Scream and run in a direction opposite of the vehicle
 Call or have someone call 911

Sunday, January 11, 2015

We have received no official reply.

Open follow-up letter to Governor Hickenlooper's "Blue Ribbon" Task Force
Written by: Phil Doe of Be The Change-USA

Dear Committee Members:
A little over a month ago, 28 grassroots groups representing citizen interests from across the state sent you a letter asking that you consider several options for the upcoming public meeting in Greeley on the 15th of this month. We have received no official reply.
We asked that you make committee members available for a bus tour of the Greeley area. Collectively, we have extensive knowledge of the area and the fracking process itself. Unofficially, we’ve been told by one of your committee, Sarah Barwinski, that Clean Water Action will conduct a tour. CWA is not a member of our group, they are a national environmental organization, and neither, obviously, is Ms Barwinski.
So, given the resulting haze and the nearness of the Greeley event itself, we wish to inform you that we will still conduct our tour. If any of the committee would like to participate, we would welcome them. If none wish to participate, we will go ahead with a busload of citizens, press, and public officials. Either situation promises to be eventful. Please give us some idea of how many committee members will attend our tour so we can plan accordingly.
We’ve also suggested on several occasions that you listen to at least one panel of health experts on the consequences of fracking. We think this only fair since the takings threats from the industry and lease and royalty holders have been roundly discussed on panels at practically every hearing so far.
Surely public health impacts from fracking can be given at least equal treatment. Yet, heretofore, our sense is that the public health issues have been limited to the public comment period at the end of your hearings where citizens are limited to 2 minutes of fame. This is shameful. But here again we have heard nothing about this suggestion.
What is more, the prospective agenda for Greeley is of little value to us on this issue since as of this morning it had not yet been published. So in this vacuum, allow us to give you some preliminary suggestions of physicians and scientists whom you should recognize and seek out for their expertise. These voices would be in addition to Doctors Robert Green and L. Steele and PhD Karl Ford, all of whom in their two minutes at Rifle supported the state of New York’s recent ban on horizontal fracking, suggesting the same course of action for Colorado.
Dr Anthony Gerber, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, National Jewish Hospital
Dr John Adgate, PhD, MSPH, Professor and Chair of the Department of Public Health and the Environment, Colorado School of Public Health
Dr Lisa McKenzie, PhD, MPH, Research Associate, Department of Public Health and the Environment, Colorado School of Public Health
Carol Kwiatkowski, PhD, Executive Director, the Endocrine Disruption Exchange
Dr. Scott Denning, PhD, Monfort Professor of Atmospheric Science, CSU
Dr. Chelsea R. Thompson, PhD, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado
Dr. James Danforth, family practice, Loveland, CO
Finally we asked that citizens in Greeley and the surrounding area be given an opportunity to participate on a panel and be questioned by panel members. Here again we have heard nothing, but would be glad to give you names of citizens should you all decide to proceed with this request.
We would also suggest that at the Greeley meeting and those scheduled for Denver following, that citizens commenting to the committee first identify themselves as beneficiaries of oil and gas development, either as employees, mineral owners, or as service industry employees. It is our evaluation that these public testimonies are being hijacked to an unhealthy degree by the industry and its direct beneficiaries. To be sure they too are part of the public, but not the disinterested public. And there is a difference as I’m sure you will agree.
Phil Doe, for the 28 grassroots organizations identified on our original letter attached.

Friday, January 9, 2015


from Denver Police Department, District 2, via FB

DENVER – Friday, January 9, 2015 – The Denver Police Department recently installed technology to detect and locate gunfire within the city. This new system, “ShotSpotter”, uses a network of acoustic sensors to detect when a gun is fired and then precisely and quickly pinpoints the location of the gunfire. In less than a minute, officers and 911 dispatchers are notified of the incidents, even if no one calls 911 – although the community is always encouraged to report sounds of gunfire. By quickly notifying police with the precise information, ShotSpotter helps speed police response, has the potential to save lives, increases weapons-related arrests, and enhances the safety of our neighborhoods.
Only a few hours after the program was online, at approximately 8:00 p.m., on Thursday, January 8, 2015, Denver Police responded to a call of shots fired in the 3100 block of N. Williams St. as Shot-Spotter detected gunfire. Once officers arrived, it was determined that there were multiple shell casings on the ground and a house was struck as a result. The officers were able to gain information on scene and found an address to where the potential shooters were hiding. Officers obtained consent to search and located three suspects with outstanding warrants and a handgun.
The investigation is ongoing and being handled by the Denver Police Department.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

NOTES FROM THE NEW DRUG WAR - by Jessica LeRoux - Jan. 8, 2015 - FAILURE TO AUDIT

Hello Legislative Audit Committee,

I am hopeful that 2015 will be a more productive and accountable year for the Audit committee now that the cloud hanging over Steve King is no longer clouding your agenda. Some of you may remember that in 2013 there were audits of Both CDPHE and the MED. Both of these state agencies received an "F" on their audits. Under the leadership of King the Audit committee voted unanimously to re-audit both agencies in 2014 well prior to the end of the legislative session (the intent being to give fellow law makers the time needed to respond to the follow up audits with new laws and rules before the session would end in 2014). I was in attendance at the meeting where that vote was taken. Unfortunately the kerfuffle of removing myopic moron King from office for his massive corruption allowed these important follow up audits to slip through the cracks, as there is obviously still an ongoing issue at both agencies in regard to the facts that many of the key points made in the 2013 Audits HAVE NOT BEEN RESOLVED. Furthermore I feel a initial audit of the MED's METRC/MITS tracking system is direly needed. It is obvious to anybody who has used the tracking system that is is easily manipulated, and so far in 2014 the MED has not used METRC data to bring a single fine or violation against any cannabis industry licensee. I find the prospect of 100% compliance preposterous, not to mention that the MED have claimed that they would be relying on the revenue from fines to contribute to their budget.


opinion by Gerald Trumbule

I just paid $1.83/gal for gasoline. That was the tipping point we just whizzed past. Oil-based derivatives on the wrong side of this bet will default. All major institutions (pension, municipalities, etc.) have billions in these now-toxic instruments. Dollar is starting to go parabolic (predicted to start the crack-up). Major global depression, we are on our way. Best turn your attention to practical matters of survival.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Bringing Our Money Home
When the Great Recession of 2008 hit, small and medium sized businesses suffered a sharp reduction in borrowing ability as the large banks, which have come to dominate our credit markets over the past two decades, sharply reduced their lending to these businesses. Instead, the large banks used the government bail-out money — given them for the purpose of stimulating of the economy through lending — to invest in the more lucrative but riskier derivative market, or to simply to take bad subprime mortgages off their books. Without access to affordable credit, small and medium sized businesses across the country laid off workers, stopped buying from suppliers, and went out of business. This deepened the crisis, pushing community banks’ loan portfolios into distress and state and local government budgets into deficit.

In Colorado, as in most other states, falling tax receipts have forced our state and and local governments to cut back on public services at the precise moment when their residents and local businesses needed them most. This damaging cycle has not abated in most of the country, and only partially in Colorado, despite the recovery of the handful of Wall Street financial firms, who set off this crisis in the first place.

Monday, January 5, 2015


via email: Not 1 More Acre! PO Box 773 Trinidad, Colorado 81082
January 2, 2015

Jabba the Hutt
Star Wars' most powerful, bloated, gluttonous gangster with far reaching influence in politics and criminal spending.
Just as many people around the world were preparing to celebrate the Night Before Christmas, December 24, 2014, Jabba's bagman, Department of Army delivered yet another 'environmental' study, this one disclosing that Gray Eagle drones -- Army's version of Killer Predator drones -- are coming to southeastern Colorado.

Gray Eagle UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles ) are part of the standard configuration of Fort Carson's new $3.5 billion Heavy Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB). Four Shadow UAV's accompany each Gray Eagle and AH-64 ('Apache') attack helicopter. Shadow drones have already been added to Fort Carson's illegal training and operations at 236,000-acre Joint Force Piñon Canyon Maneuver Site.

According to its own documents, Department of Defense (DOD) will maneuver Fort Carson's new Heavy CAB between 4,960 and 7,652 hours per year at Piñon Canyon. But DOD's Christmas Eve environmental assessment says Gray Eagle drones will NOT operate at PCMS. These are the same gangsters who repeatedly deny military expansion is happening.