Sunday, April 29, 2007
Compare and Contrast
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Plague in Denver - City Park Squirrels Infected
Written by Staff (
Friday, 27 April 2007
DENVER--State health officials Thursday confirmed that plague has been found in a dead tree squirrel in the vicinity of City Park. A citizen had noticed a die-off of squirrels in the neighborhood and reported it to Denver Animal Control. A carcass was collected Wednesday and tested at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment laboratory where preliminary tests were positive for plague.
John Pape, an epidemiologist who specializes in animal-related diseases for the department's Disease Control and Environmental Epidemiology Division, said, "Plague is a disease seen every year among rodent populations in rural areas of Colorado, including the Front Range. It is unusual to find plague in the center of an urban area although it has happened before." In Colorado, plague-infected animals are most likely found in the foothills and mountains, he added.
According to Pape, "Plague is a bacteria that is maintained in various species of rodents and rabbits and transmitted by fleas. When an infected rodent becomes sick and dies, its fleas can carry the infection to other warm-blooded animals, including humans. People also can be exposed through direct contact with infected rodents, rabbits and cats."
"The risk of Denver residents contracting plague is extremely low," said Denver Public Health Director Dr. Chris Urbina. "We want people to be aware of what to look for and take a few simple precautions to further reduce that risk." He indicated that Denver Health, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment and Denver Environmental Health are working together to investigate the case and to determine the extent of the die-off in the area.
When plague appears in an area, there is usually a die-off of the rodents and rabbits. When the animal dies, the fleas leave the carcass to find another host thus spreading the disease. Most human plague cases result from infected fleabites. Less commonly, people are infected by direct contact with blood from an infected animal or from cats which can become infected and transmit the disease.
People should not directly handle any dead rodents they find and should keep their pets away from them. If a dead rodent is found, do not handle the animal directly. Use gloves and place in a plastic bag. Contact CO-HELP (Colorado Health Education Line for the Public) at 1-877-462-2911 to report a dead rodent or rabbit.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Flag This! (Part 2)
So it was with interest that I first noticed Madison’s use of the Denver City Flag in all of her campaign materials and yard signs. I figured they wouldn’t be stupid enough to just appropriate the City flag without permission or acknowledgement. Its use seemed to me to be “confusing” in the sense that it looked like a subtle City endorsement of the Madison campaign.
From: Gerald Trumbule
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 12:36 PM
To: Lynn Kimbrough
Subject: Denver City Flag
Can you direct me to any ordinances or rules governing the use of the Denver City Flag in advertising? See Thanks for the info.
Gerald Trumbule
Mr. Trumbule, I don’t have this information, but have asked my colleagues in the Mayor’s Office to find the right person to help. They should contact you soon.
Lynn Kimbrough
Communications Director
Denver DA's Office
201 West Colfax Avenue, Dept. 801
Denver, Colorado 80202
From: Sargeson, Stacey L. - OED
To: Gerald Trumbule
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 4:36 PM
Subject: Denver City Flag
Mr. Trumbule,
I wanted to get back to your regarding your inquiry on rules or ordinances in regards to the Denver City flag.
I checked with our attorneys and although there are currently no ordinances in place regarding use of the City flag, we do have common law rights. Therefore, the use of the City flag by private persons or entities for non-City purposes is strongly discouraged. If the City has not granted permission for use of the flag, we will ask those using the City flag to cease and desist use or, alternatively, print the following language near the depiction of the flag:
"Use of the City flag is done without permission of the City and County of Denver. The City and County of Denver is in no way associated with this business (or individual as the case may be) and the City in no way endorses, approves, nor sponsors the products and services referenced in this publication."
Thank you for your email.
Stacey Rohrer
Denver Marketing Office
City and County of Denver
From: Gerald Trumbule
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2007 4:52 PM
To: Sargeson, Stacey L. - OED
Subject: Denver City Flag
Thanks for your reply. I guess my next question is: Does the Madison campaign have specific permission to use the City flag as indicated here: without the language you specify. And if not, should the City issue a cease and desist order.
Thanks for looking into this.
Gerald Trumbule
To my knowledge, they do not have permission. Vicki Ortega and I are going to place a call to the Madison campaign staff early next week. Thank you for bringing this to our attention and we will definitely follow up.
"Why are You Being So Mean to Me?"
Carla Madison asked as we accidentally happened to leave the Denver Democrats Spaghetti dinner at the same time last Saturday night.
“I’m not being mean, I’m just trying to expose the truth.” I said. “I think we need to sit down and have a talk.” I added as we walked toward the parking lot.
“Well, let’s do it now.” replied Madison, candidate for Denver City Council District 8 and the subject of a number of postings on this blog.
So it was that we stood in the parking lot for the next half hour discussing her campaign and issues. No video camera, not even a notepad, the following is my best recollection of our conversation.
CM: Why are you writing all that stuff about me?
DD: I’m just using your own emails to demonstrate the facts.
CM: I guess I’ll have to be more careful about what I put in emails.
DD: What is the current paid membership of the City Park West Neighborhood Association?
CM: 20.
DD: Really?
CM: Well, probably 15.
DD: Rasheed says they have over 400 paying members in Greater Park Hill Community, Inc.
CM: (laugh) And you believe that?
DD: What about the fiscal mess the Association is in?
CM: Nobody really cares. (Madison did agree that an independent audit would be a good idea, but CPWNA could not afford it. Ok if somebody else pays.)
DD: You repeatedly violated the by-laws of the Association with loans to and from yourself and your husband.
CM: We were just putting in seed money. Maybe we should get rid of the by-laws.
DD: What about the fact that your husband Paul stormed out of meetings whenever he was asked to document his expenses?
CM: Oh that Paul.
DD: Why do you think the membership of CPWNA is so low?
CM: I've tried but you just can't get people to come out unless there is a burning issue.
DD: I think its because of the autocratic way you run the meetings and the lack of outreach.
CM: I've been told that people are tired of the constant complaints to the NPO (neighborhood police officer) about Coleman Manor and the blacks.
DD: Why do you claim you started the CPWNA Festival when we know it started before you ever showed up?
CM: It was just a little street fair and I turned it into a Festival of the Arts.
DD: Why do you claim that you implemented the overlay when we know that only the City can do that.
CM: The City waived the $50,000 application fee when I asked them to, and I did most of the work to get approval.
DD: What about the over 400 people in the overlay district who never responded and still had their zoning changed by the overlay?
CM: They had their chance. We did two mailings.
DD: Yes, but they weren't even sent by registered mail.
CM: That's not a City requirement.
DD: Every R-4 lot owner who was overlaid lost about $150,000 of value in the transaction.
CM: That’s what people are willing to pay to preserve their neighborhoods.
DD: How did you get the power to go around changing people's zoning without their permission?
CM: That’s just the way it is. They could have spoken up. They were notified.
It was getting cold and my back was killing me. I thanked Madison for the interview and we went our separate ways.
My opinion: Madison is a one-trick pony. If you like zoning overlays, you'll love Madison. She even thinks scrape-offs are causing inflation. Her position on other issues is a mash-up of other candidates' statements. (See the interview at Colorado Confidential in which she recites Rasheed's position on youth almost verbatim.) She doesn't communicate her ideas well in public. Despite her claims, she has very little experience in governing or leadership.
She claims she is "smarter than she seems". I think she's a nice lady in over her head.
Oh darn, I forgot to ask her about that giant gargoyle in her front yard.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Lack of Transparency
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Change of Pace
Thursday, April 19, 2007
CPWNA – The Overlay Railroad
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Flag This
Check Out Sharon Bailey's Updated Website
Monday, April 16, 2007
This Just In
Saturday, April 14, 2007
People Are Pissed Off
Buzz Abounds
Harold Brewer, long-time politico of District 8, came out with a letter restating his support for Darrell Watson. Apparently an article appeared in “a small newspaper” alluding to his support for another candidate, so he felt compelled to counter it with this letter.
Well, there’s no question now. Brewer states, “Over the past 13 years I have come to recognize Darrell as a leader with a unique ability to work productively with a variety of people and their issues. His knowledge of needs and concers for neighborhoods, and the growth of the city is impressive.
And “I am asking you to join me with your vote to elect Darrell Watson …”
Bailey Buzz
Denver Politics reports a strange email regarding Bailey yard signs and threats.
I’ve seen numerous Bailey flyers placed in mail boxes illegally.
Bailey postcards (I got one) quote “Senator Paul Groff”. Who is he? On the other side of the postcard “Senator Peter Groff” is listed as a supporter, but the rumor is flying around that Groff does not support Bailey. Can anyone clear this up? Senator Groff?
A Touch of Irony?
Is the person who placed this illegal sign (at 21st and Lafayette) a supporter or a prankster?
Rasheed on Denver Direct
Candidate Responsiveness
Friday, April 13, 2007
Conflict of Interest - Part 2
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Conflict of Interest?
“The money Paul gets for organizing the festival is not significant, never topping $3000 for 6 months worth of work.”But in an email to CPWNA members on June 15, 2003 Madison stated:
“Paul Weiss's fee as event coordiator (sic) for the City Park Festival of the Arts is $3500. This is based on the figure that Uptown pays to it's event coordiator (sic) for the Sampler. If there are remaining monies left that had been raised for the Festival, Paul and the CPWNA will split the next $2000.Money left beyond this amount will stay in the Festival fund as seed moneyfor the Festival for the following year.
The way it went this year, with our increase in costs, after Paul's fee is taken out of the balance, there will be approximately $1500 left. This means that the neighborhood association will have $750 put into it's regular account for any use the Association sees fit. Paul will also get an additional $750. The reason this last amount is a split between Paul and the CPWNA is as an incentive to increase fund raising, which Paul is also solely responsible for."
That year Weiss received $4250, well over the $3000 Madison claimed. That year the entire budget for CPWNA (exclusive of the Festival Special Account run by Weiss) was $3224.25. So the amount paid to Weiss was very significant.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
City Park West Neighborhood Association Goes Dark
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Of course the graph only represents those who have computer access and visit blogs and candidate sites that link to YouTube. It may also include those who stumbled upon the videos and are not Denver voters.
The first 3 bars on the left are for the 3 at-large candidates who have only one video on this site. Linkhart is the clear winner.
The next 5 bars to the right are based on 4 videos each except for Smith who has three videos. These results are static and reflect the results as of the date of this post.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Watson Responds
Madison Responds
Rasheed Responds
What's Up With That?
Friday, April 6, 2007
District 5 Denver City Council Candidates Forum - Bonus Footage!
Arriving at the new police station at 39th and Holly was a pleasant surprise. Severe Modern architecture with a nice meeting room equipped with police radio antennae on the walls and about 80 citizens ready to listen to the candidates.
District 5 candidates were first, and I figured why not? I'm presenting the footage a little differently here, uncut with titles. See what you think.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Unsolicited Advice and Unanswered Questions for the Candidates for Denver City Council District 8
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Forum Number Four in District 8, Denver City Council Race
April 2, 2007
Back to the Caldwell Public Library for a second try at videotaping a public Forum there (see Hatchett). No problem this time. To those kind folks who came up afterward to thank me, you are welcome.
The candidates did seem a bit road-weary. Some continue to read from prepared statements most of the time, even when talking about themselves.
I think this Curtis Park Neighborhood Association sponsored event was the first to take written questions from the audience, pre-selected by a Board member. The questions were general, and answered by all four candidates.
But why this filtering of the questions, or worse, canned questions given to the candidates beforehand? What is everybody afraid of? Shouldn't those running for office be able to take questions directly from their potential constituents? And speak extemporaneously? Or maybe the constituents prefer anonymity for fear of angering a potentially powerful person? Maybe it's condsidered to be too dangerous. It seems like an accepted ritual.
I'd like to see the moderator call on people to direct specific questions to specific candidates. But then, that's just me.
Something like that apparently went on at the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance. According to my sources, Madison was asked why a white woman like her was running for the "black seat", Watson was dismissed as being gay, Rasheed was told "we know who you are", and the rest of the time was spent interviewing Sharon Bailey. Sounds like a religious group to me.
On with the show! In the order in which they will appear on the ballot: