Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Forum Number Four in District 8, Denver City Council Race

April 2, 2007

Back to the Caldwell Public Library for a second try at videotaping a public Forum there (see Hatchett). No problem this time. To those kind folks who came up afterward to thank me, you are welcome.

The candidates did seem a bit road-weary. Some continue to read from prepared statements most of the time, even when talking about themselves.

I think this Curtis Park Neighborhood Association sponsored event was the first to take written questions from the audience, pre-selected by a Board member. The questions were general, and answered by all four candidates.

But why this filtering of the questions, or worse, canned questions given to the candidates beforehand? What is everybody afraid of? Shouldn't those running for office be able to take questions directly from their potential constituents? And speak extemporaneously? Or maybe the constituents prefer anonymity for fear of angering a potentially powerful person? Maybe it's condsidered to be too dangerous. It seems like an accepted ritual.

I'd like to see the moderator call on people to direct specific questions to specific candidates. But then, that's just me.

Something like that apparently went on at the Greater Metro Denver Ministerial Alliance. According to my sources, Madison was asked why a white woman like her was running for the "black seat", Watson was dismissed as being gay, Rasheed was told "we know who you are", and the rest of the time was spent interviewing Sharon Bailey. Sounds like a religious group to me.

On with the show! In the order in which they will appear on the ballot:





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