Thursday, May 3, 2007

What Ever Happened to Lynn Smith?

This morning I noticed that the total votes cast in District 8 (as reported at DenverGov) crept up from 6227 (last night) to 6312. Apparently, votes are still being counted. But there are no votes listed for write-in candidate Lynn Smith. I saw a few of her yard signs so I assume that there must have been at least a few votes. Have the write-ins not yet been counted? In 2003, an uncontested Wedgeworth got 7225 votes out of a total of 7399. Are there 1000 fewer voters now in District 8? Please comment if you have any info.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I talked to Lynn yesterday. She said that write in votes are counted last. She heard that she may have 80 votes. Give her a call at (303)3334816 to find out more.


    Greg Rasheed
