Saturday, January 26, 2008

Taking a Stroll – Shanghai Version of Quiet Revolt

With all the talk lately of our Mayor’s new power to declare an Extraordinary Event (MEEP), this article may be of interest. Organizing with cell phones and text messaging, the protestors (citizens) sudden appear for protest and then melt away. No permits required, they are taking a stroll.

Shanghai's Middle Class Launches Quiet, Meticulous Revolt By Maureen Fan Washington Post Foreign Service Saturday, January 26, 2008 SHANGHAI -- Bundled against the cold, the businessman made his way down the steps. Coming toward him in blue mittens was a middle-aged woman. "Do you know that we're going to take a stroll this weekend?" she whispered, using the latest euphemism for the unofficial protests that have unnerved authorities in Shanghai over the past month. He nodded. Behind her, protest banners streamed from the windows of high-rise apartment blocks, signs of middle-class discontent over a planned extension of the city's magnetic levitation, or maglev, train through residential neighborhoods. The couple checked to make sure no plainclothes police were nearby and discussed where security forces had been posted in recent days. "Did you take any photos?" the man asked. Yes, she said, promising to send them to him so he could post the evidence online. In a minute, the exchange was over, but the news would soon be added to the steady flow of reports being posted on blogs and community bulletin boards, as well as in housing compounds along the proposed extension -- which residents contend will bring noise pollution and possibly dangerous radiation to their neighborhoods. (continue reading)>

Our City Council will be taking the comments from the hearing into consideration. The ACLU presented 4 areas of concern (click below to watch), but the council has already made changes to Bills 35 and 36, and now, as I understand it, amendments may be required. Tune in next week.

Watching City Council so you don't have to.

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