Due to a 32% increase from last year in Theft from Motor Vehicle crimes in the City, the Denver Police Department would like to inform the community of prevention measures. This is often a crime of opportunity, therefore if we remove the opportunity we potentially decrease the crime. The Denver Police Department has compiled a list with the top five items that have been taken from a vehicle during this crime. This list is a reminder to everyone that when you leave your vehicle for any length of time, be aware of items of value that may visible to someone who is walking by. When you park your vehicle, whether it is inside a parking structure or on the street, always remember to lock up your vehicle. Never leave your vehicle unattended with the keys inside it. Make attempts to park your vehicle in well lit and populated areas, especially in the late evening hours as 45% of the thefts occur between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 1:00 a.m. Following these few steps may decrease your chances of becoming a victim of Theft from Motor Vehicle. Top five items stolen from cars 1. IPOD / MP3 player 2. GPS- Global Positioning Unit 3. Money 4. Tools 5. Stereo Face Plate
Monday, August 24, 2009
(Not so) Common Sense
From the Denver Police Department:
I've been hit two or three times by this, in West Wash Park.