Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Billboard Ordinance Public Hearing - Monday, March 8

(by email)
On Monday, March 8th at 5:30pm the Denver City Council will hold a public hearing on the proposed billboard zoning ordinance change. The proposed bill is "Council Bill 80, Series 2010." The proposal will grandfather in out-of-compliance billboards the city identified and ordered cease-and-desist orders to remove. However, the proposed bill, as written, will grandfather in these billboards, keeping them in our skyline though they are illegal.

Please contact the city council and tell them NOT to grandfather any out-of-compliant billboard in Denver. Encourage them to investigate and inspect all 150 non-conforming billboards in Denver before they make any revisions to the current code. We should NOT be giving breaks to the billion-dollar billboard companies.
(Go to Protect Denver Skyline to get the contact information for your city council member.)

The advertising companies are lobbying hard for the passing of this bill. Why? If this bill is as minor as these billboard companies are selling it to the city council, then why are they pushing so hard for its approval? Even more frustrating is that Carla Madison allowed the billboard lobbyists and owners to sit at the same table as our city council members during the Blueprint Denver Committee meeting on January 27.

Please mark your calendar and attend the March 8th Denver City Council Hearing.

Denver City Council - Public Hearing - Outdoor billboard zoning ordinance change

Monday, March 8th at 5:30pm
1437 Bannock Street, Rm 450

Please contact Protect Denver Skyline if you would like to get involved. Thank you.

Jennifer Gonzalez
Protect Denver Skyline


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