Monday, August 2, 2010

McKinley Press Conference - Plutonium at Rocky Flats

Rep. McKinley will be on the Capitol steps on Wednesday, Aug. 4, at 11:00 am along with Dr. LeRoy Moore, to announce the results of their recent laboratory tests for plutonium at locations near Rocky Flats. The Rocky Flats Workers, their claims still not settled, will be there as well.

Later that day, at 6:00 pm at the Mercury Cafe, McKinley will be at a book signing of "The Ambushed Grand Jury", which he co-authored. It reads like an espionage novel, but its all real. The FBI raiding the US Energy Department. This will be a chance to meet Wes, listen to some authentic western music, and pick up a copy of a great book.

Oh and by the way, he's running for a fourth term in HD64. Colorado needs Wes McKinley - so donate what you can.

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