Last week the Army proposed a 'Covenant' to Las Animas County Commissioners as 'good faith effort' to work with local communities. Then turned down the offer of even broader worded resolutions supporting our troops in place of a covenant. (Thank our Las Animas County Commissioners for NOT signing that covenant document.)
The Army planned to take those signed Covenants back to the Pentagon and show how much support there is for expansion. NOT.
And NOW this week they are pushing the use of PCMS with a new Environmental Assessment process to try to justify the expansion AND do so in spite of a Federal court order and against the will of the people.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS - Tell you friends and neighbors - The Army will hold two public meetings for comment: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Feb. 16 at the Otero Junior College student center in La Junta; and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Feb. 17 at Trinidad State Junior College's Sullivan Center in Trinidad.
I realize that this is primarily a local issue, but even though I live in Denver, I contributed 10 bucks to "buy" a square inch of Pinon Canyon and support the rights of its local stewards rather than the Army's expansion plan. Because natural Colorado means more to me than military America.
ReplyDeleteBut I guess the Army only cares about comments from Coloradans who live near La Junta and Trinidad. I would complain, but the Army's low prioritization of my beliefs seems in keeping with my low prioritization of theirs.
The only difference is that they're trying to take over even more of our beautiful state; what would happen if I and my naturalist friends tried to encroach on their military forts in a similar manner?