Saturday, February 12, 2011

Colorado to gut County Budgets

from The Trinidad Times:
Among the items that the proposal mentions for potential cuts is closing all the state’s welcome centers, which would save $600,000 but could negatively impact tourism. Also potentially on the chopping block is severance tax money designated to the state’s Department of Human Services for low-income energy assistance, a total of $3.25 million. Shutting down the court security grant program would save $500,000. Transferring severance tax money away from the water conservation boards for water projects would save the state $46 million. Transferring severance tax funds away from mining and reclamation projects would save the state $2 million. Reducing funding for the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission would save the state $6.4 million. Several years ago the state was part of a settlement with tobacco companies, and the money won in the lawsuit was designated for local health departments. Now the state wants to recapture all of that money, Cordova said. Transferring money from the old age pension program would save the state $1.8 million. Delayed payments for Medicare and only allowing payment for generic prescription drugs would save the state even more money.

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