Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pinon Canyon Update

(Revised 2/20/2011)

Fort Carson (FC) Garrison Commander Col McLaughlin scheduled and attended public testimony meetings for the newest Environmental Assessment (EA) about expanded live fire training at Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site (PCMS) in Las Animas County.

Lon Robertson, President of Pinon Canyon Expansion Opposition Coalition (PCEOC), spoke about removing the waiver the DOD gave in 2007 to let FC expand PCMS. To learn more go to

The Army and Ranchers have both been civil in their dialogue, representing their positions with respect for one another, in contrast to many politicians and media pundits across the country. Democracy still thrives at the grassroots. Make your voice heard with letters, phone calls and emails to your representatives.

Video and text by Juliette Mondot of

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:53 AM

    McLaughlin is not the "Fort Carson commanding officer." He is the garrison commander. The "commanding officer" is Major General Dave Perkins, who commands the 4th Infantry Division and Fort Carson. How can you write coherent articles about "the Army" and Pinon Canyon if you don't even know who is who and what are their roles and responsibilities,and levels of authority.
