Saturday, April 2, 2011


Here is the Mayor's Neighborhood Newsletter - lots of info from Denver to you - but you've got to dig for it. Street sweeping, dog park rules, composting, Open Doors, and voter registration.
March / April 2011
PHONE: 720-865-9018 FAX: 720-865-8787

City to celebrate Modern Architecture: 50’s & Beyond
with Doors Open Denver 2011
Seventh annual event April 16 & 17
Mayor Bill Vidal, the Denver Office of Cultural Affairs and The Denver Architectural Foundation invite the public to celebrate Denver’s unique architectural landscape by taking part in Doors Open Denver 2011.  The theme for this year’s Doors Open Denver is modern architecture and the program will feature sites from the 50’s to present.
Doors Open Denver 2011 will take place the weekend of April 16 and 17.  Residents and visitors will have the opportunity to experience Denver’s built environment in a special way—from inside many buildings that are not ordinarily open to the public.  Attendees will have access to more than 70 of Denver’s prominent architectural gems and lesser-known treasures.  These include corporate offices, mansions, architecture and design studios, hotels, commercial and retail buildings, museums, educational facilities and more.  Note that about half of the sites to be featured in 2011 are new to Doors Open Denver. 
Doors Open Denver is a FREE event.  Hours will be 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.  Event headquarters will be located inside Union Station, 1701 Wynkoop.
Participants can experience Doors Open Denver through:
A self-guided tour
An Urban Adventure (self-guided tours tailored to a specific interest or theme)
An Expert Tour (led by volunteer guides)
Urban Adventures engage everyone and promote an appreciation of the facilities that comprise Denver’s rich architectural landscape.  Titles include:
Denver Icons Recommended by AIA Denver (The American Institute of Architects) 
Family Fun
Great Outdoors
Art & Architecture Spaces
Romancing Denver
Performance & Event Venues
Berkeley Neighborhood Walking Tour – NEW!
Stapleton Neighborhood Walking Tour – NEW!
University Park Walking Tour – NEW!
Cherry Creek North Walking Tour – NEW!

More than 100 Expert Tours will be available in 2011.  A sampling includes:
Mayan Theatre
Mountain States Telephone & Telegraph Headquarters Building
Union Station, LoDo & the Red Light District with Tom Noel
Public Art Bicycle Tour – NEW!
Art District on Santa Fe Walking Tour – NEW!
Denver’s Public Art & Architecture – NEW!
Platte Valley/Commons Park Public Art Tour – NEW!    
Cableland, Official Residence of the Mayor – NEW!
The Low Down About Denver’s LoDo with Auditor Dennis Gallagher
History Tour of 16th Street – NEW!
EPA Green Building Tour
Bicycle Tour of Stapleton Public Art – NEW!
Transforming Denver’s Civic Center – NEW!
Three Bridges: The Pedestrian Corridor on Upper 16th Street – NEW!
Hangar 2 at Lowry: Redevelopment of an Historic Hangar – NEW!
The Frederic C. Hamilton Building at the Denver Art Museum – NEW!
Expert Tour participants must pre-register at event headquarters on the tour day to reserve a place.  Tours have limited capacity, but many tours will be offered more than once.  Registration will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.  Only two tickets per person and two tours per day/per person will be permitted.  Only those wishing to take expert tours need to come to event headquarters.  Self-guided experiences can start at any participating location. 
Other activities will include:
Colorado Architecture Month, April 2011
AIA Denver Box City for Kids, Saturday, April 16
FOCUS ON ARCHITECTURE Photography Competition
Platte Valley Trolley - Denver Rail Heritage Society, Saturday, April 16 & Sunday, April 17 
Denver Society of Model Railroaders display in Union Station
Platte Valley & Western Model Railroad Club display in Union Station
Event guides will be distributed to 195,000 households through the April 8 edition of The Denver Post.  Guides will also be available at event headquarters in Union Station on event weekend, at each participating site, kiosks along the 16th Street Mall and tourist information centers.
Complete information on Doors Open Denver 2011 will soon be available at
Doors Open Denver is taking place in celebration with Colorado Architecture Month.  Visit for more information
Denver Composting Pilot Program Continues in 2011
Denver’s Composting Collection Pilot Program Accepts Food, Soiled Paper and Yard Debris! Denver residents have proven they are great recyclers. We are now taking recycling to the next level in Denver by testing composting collection through a new pilot program. Organic materials like food, soiled paper and yard debris are the largest items we throw away in our landfill, and it is 100% compostable.
Each participating household is assigned a maximum of one 65 gallon green composting cart. Only materials placed inside will be collected.
The composting collection program accepts organic material such as yard debris, food and soiled paper. The programs strictly prohibits any type of plastic, glass or metal as these are contaminants that prohibit the ability to compost the organic material. Unfortunately the program is not available to all areas at this time. For a complete listing of where composting is available and to sign up your household,
From the Economic Prosperity Center at King Trimble
  • Denver Asset Building Coalition (DABC)’s Free Tax Preparation starts on Saturday January 29th!  This service is offered for individuals and families earning less than $49,000 annually.  This Free Tax Supersite will be open from 1/29/11 through 4/16/11 – Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays: 5:30pm – 8:00pm and Saturdays 9:00am – 3:00pm
.Voter Registration Deadline is April 4!
The deadline for Denver voters to register to vote or to change their address for the upcoming election is Monday, April 4, 2011. The May 3, 2011 Municipal General Election and the June 7, 2011 Municipal Run-Off Election (if needed) will be conducted as mail ballot elections. Voters who have recently moved should verify their address information on file with the Denver Elections Division. The Division needs current address information to ensure that all mail ballots are sent to the correct address. Mail ballots are not forwarded by the U.S. Postal Service.
Voters can visit and use an online form to register to vote, change their address, or verify their information. Alternatively, voters can call the Elections Division to verify their information, or they can go to and download a paper form that can be used to register to vote or change their address. The paper form can be returned by fax to 720-913-8600, scanned and e-mailed to, or mailed to or dropped off at 200 W. 14th Ave., Suite 100, Denver, CO 80204.
Voters needing more information can visit the Denver Elections Division website at or call 311.
Information Regarding Dogs in Parks
With warmer weather approaching and the anticipated increased use of Denver Parks, the Denver Police Department and Denver Animal Control wish to provide a comfortable, safe and legal environment for dog owners using the park. While the majority of people are obeying leash laws, some are not. Our goal is for all citizens and four-legged friends to be able to enjoy our great city parks.
Important City of Denver (Revised Municipal Code) ordinances regarding dogs are summarized below:
DMRC 8-16: Leash law. Dogs must be controlled through the use of a leash. Fines currently range from $80 to $300 depending on number of times cited.
DMRC 8-47: Disposition of Excrement. Excrement should be immediately removed. Fines range from $150 to $500 depending on number of times cited.
DMRC 8-32: Rabies vaccination required. Current vaccination with proof of vaccination. Fines currently range from $100 to $500 depending on number of times cited.
DMRC 8-61: License required. City of Denver dog license required. Fines currently range from $75 to $200 depending on number of times cited.
DMRC 8-70/71: Spaying and neutering. Spaying and neutering required with an intact dog registration exemption. Fines currently range from $250 to $999 depending on the number of times cited.
DMRC 8-55: Pit Bull prohibited. Mandatory court appearance. Dog impounded immediately.
The ordinances above are some but not all that may apply. Detailed information and exact language can be found in the Denver Revised Municipal Code at website.
The City of Denver currently has eight dog parks throughout the City. Dog Parks have different rules than other city parks. The intent of the dog parks is to provide a place for dogs to be off-leash. All the ordinances above pertain to the dog park except the dog being on a leash. Additional rules unique to the dog park exist, including no one younger than 12 years of age is allowed within the dog park. All the rules regarding dog parks can be found on website.
To report violations Animal Control can be reached using the Denver “311” number. The Denver Police Department non-emergency number is 720-913-2000, for emergencies call “911”.
Volunteer Opportunity:  Cool-Fax & Kids Connect Colfax Clean up, April 16Kids, staff and supporters of Denver Children’s Home (a treatment facility for Colorado’s neglected youth) will host the 2nd Annual Cool-Fax & Kids Connect, a Saturday clean-up Colfax day to instill the importance of community among the participating youth. (8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.)
Economic Prosperity Center- Money Smart Week
The Economic Prosperity Center (EPC) will be participating in Money Smart Week April 23rd – April 30th. Money Smart week is designed to help consumers better manage their personal finances. The EPC and our financial education partners are coming together to stress the importance of financial literacy, inform consumers where they can get help, and provide free educational seminars and activities throughout the week. The EPC will be offering the following FREE classes and events:
Monday 25th
·        10:00 – 11:00pm, Individual Development Account (IDA) Information Session Part 1- reserve a spot at
Tuesday 26th
·        10:00 – 12:00pm, Individual Development Account (IDA) Orientation Part 2- reserve a spot at
·        3:30 – 5:30pm, Money Management Class, Bank on Denver (ages 15 & up) presented by US Bank and Operation Hope.
·        6:30 – 7:30pm, “How to Become Business Loan Ready from Denver’s Small Business Lenders”, panel discussion including: RMMFI, Accion & Colorado Enterprise Fund
Wednesday 27th
·        6:00 – 7:30pm, “Stop Living with Debt and Start Saving Now”, CCCS
Thursday 28th
·        5:30 – 6:30pm, Community Entrepreneur Orientation, RMMFI
·        5:30 - 7:00pm, Start Saving for College Today -Money Management in Spanish, College Access Team- State of Colorado Department of Higher Education
Saturday 30th
·         9:00am – 1:00pm, The Financial Planning Association (FPA) will be offering FREE financial planning. Open to the general public.
Registration is required for all classes. For more information on the classes/event or to register please visit or call 720-865-2430.
Denver Film Center Reception for Area Businesses, April 20
Calling all Upper Colfax businesses!  The April “…On Colfax” event will be hosted by the new Denver Film Center on Colfax.  Join your neighboring businesses for a reception, tour the facility and learn about opportunities for cross promotions (dinner & a movie) and partnerships! Free admission, food and beverages.  RSVP:
Business Watch Meeting, April 13
Upper Colfax Businesses---join the Colfax BID and Denver Police a second Business Watch Meeting on April 13, 2011 from 2-3 p.m. at Colfax BID Board Room located at 1490 Lafayette, Suite 108. Meeting agenda and topics will be listed at  Thanks for the great program feedback!  More information and RSVP:
Denver B-Cycles are Back!
Did you know that right now B-Cycle memberships are $49, the best deal we offer all year? But our early membership pricing is not just for new B-Cycle members, it is for our existing annual members as well. When you renew you add an additional annual membership onto the end of your current annual membership, so there is no penalty for renewing early, just savings.
As is getting another year of being a B-Cycle member wasn’t enough, all annual members who renew before April 22nd will receive three renewal Buddy Passes, which are free 24 hour access passes so you can show your friends and family how awesome it is to be a Denver B-Cycle member. This is the best deal we are going to offer this year, so don’t miss out because April 22nd will be here before you know it. 
For more information go to
Downtown Overnight Parking
In response to requests from area businesses and residents, Denver Public Works, Denver City Council, Downtown Denver Partnership and the Parking Magistrate’s Office collaborated to make this long awaited on-street parking option a reality in the Central Business District. Thanks to the new Smart Meters and a revised street sweeping schedule, businesses, residents and visitors will have the opportunity to park overnight in Downtown Denver. The new street sweeping schedule will allow drivers to park on one side of the street from 2:00 am to 8:00 am on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays while the street is swept on the other side. Drivers will be allowed to park on both sides of the street on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights into the following morning. As a reminder to drivers, the day is considered to begin at midnight (12:00 am).
Denver Public Works Traffic Engineering Services has begun installing new overhead street signs and new stickers on the nearly 3,000 parking meters included in the program to inform drivers which side of the street is available for overnight parking. The replacement of street signs and parking meter stickers began at 17th and Wynkoop, with crews working their way southeast through the Central Business District area until the work is complete around July 2011. Areas without overnight meters will maintain the 2:00 am to 6:00 am street sweeping restriction 7 days per week.
Drivers are encouraged to pay extra attention to overhead street signs and meter stickers to understand which side of the street is available for overnight parking. Parking rates and time limits will be clearly posted on the meters and drivers will need to pay attention to these postings to understand their parking options and restrictions.
Downtown Overnight Parking Details
6:00 am – 8:00 am Meter Parking is allowed and will continue to be free
8:00 am – 10:00 pm vehicles must be moved 100’ after posted time limits (two hours in most cases)
10:00 pm – 8:00 am, the posted two-hour parking time restrictions end at 10:00 pm allowing vehicles to park in one space without moving their vehicle (maximum of $6 for the 10 hour overnight period with the two hour free period between 6:00 am – 8:00 am included.)
Meters will automatically calculate the parking fee for the period of time desired.
Metered parking on Sundays and posted holidays will continue to be free. Drivers will need to pay for parking beginning at 12:00 am Monday or the day after the free holiday. A map detailing the overnight parking program area and implementation schedule is available at
From the Denver District Attorney
Consumer Advisory: Keep Your Credit in Check
Economic uncertainty influences our behavior, particularly how we spend, save and borrow. As tax season approaches, now might be the time to run a check on your credit “health”. Here are some safeguards to consider if you’ve gotten off track with good credit practices, or simply want to keep your credit in good standing.
Guard against identity theft. ID theft can destroy credit, so prevention is the key. Limit other’s access to information such as credit cards, checks, bank accounts (PIN and passwords) and Social Security number. Keep financial information safely locked up, and check monthly credit card/ bank statements for any unauthorized expenditures. Immediately report anything suspicious to the credit card company or bank.
Run credit checks three times a year. This is a free, once a year service provided by each of the three reporting agencies. Take advantage of this service by running a credit report through a different reporting agency every four months:
-         Equifax ( or 1-800-685-1111
-         Experian ( or 1-800-397-3742
-         Trans Union ( or 1-888-4213
Keep credit card statements for seven years. Once receipts are checked against monthly credit card statements, receipts can be shredded. Statements should be saved for seven years.
Consider a debt-restructuring plan if you fall behind on payments. Immediately call your creditors to negotiate a workable re-payment plan. Note that it isillegal for credit repair companies to charge an up-front fee for their service. NO service can repair bad credit. This takes time to rebuild, starting with paying bills on time. Consumer Credit Counseling Service is one agency that provides this service for free (303-750-2228).
For information from the Colorado Attorney General’s Office on credit reports, click here:
Denver DA’s Fraud Line: 720-913-9179
Follow us on Twitter @DenverScamAlert
Residential Street Sweeping
Residential streets are swept once a month from April through November. Because we can’t sweep under parked cars, we need your cooperation to move your car on sweeping day. Street sweeping schedules are posted on residential signs which designate the sweeping day for each side of the block. For more information, see the citywide summer street sweeping schedule
*Scheduled sweeping will be canceled during inclement weather and on City observed holidays.
Neighborhoods with little on-street parking demand do not have these signs and streets are swept regularly without advance notice or parking tickets.

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