Monday, May 30, 2011

Well-equipped thugs

Big US Banks sold toxic financial instruments to EU countries that are now going bankrupt and needing to be bailed out and which are imposing "austerity" measures on their people. The people don't like that and are taking to the streets to express their outrage where they are being beaten by well-equipped thugs.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Moving forward with Nuclear Guardianship for Rocky Flats‏

Joanna Macy, who conceived of Nuclear Guardianship, will speak about Guardianship at the main Naropa campus, 2130 Arapahoe Ave. in Boulder, at 7:30 PM, Friday, June 10. She will offer a workshop Guardianship: Making It Real on Saturday and Sunday, June 11 and 12.
This provides a wonderful opportunity for those of us who have been following the series on Nuclear Guardianship to pool our energy for ongoing activities of ecological responsibility at Rocky Flats.

Areas of our possible future work together include:
* keeping the wildlife refuge closed to the public,
* stopping construction of the Jefferson Parkway,
* halting plans to breach dams along the creeks that drain the Rocky Flats site,
* establishing a long-term program for testing respirable dust on the site for its plutonium content,
* gaining public access to documents sealed in the Denver Federal Courthouse as part of the out-of-court settlement of the case brought against Rockwell after the 1989 FBI raid to collect evidence of alleged environmental lawbreaking at the Rocky Flats plant,
* supporting efforts of former Rocky Flats workers to receive compensation and medical care for ailments likely due to workplace exposures,
* monitoring the health of off-site people who may have been adversely affected by toxins released from Rocky Flats,
* researching effects on wildlife of toxins remaining in the Rocky Flats environment,
* creation of educational materials to inform present and future generations of conditions at Rocky Flats and of our ongoing human responsibilities.

Joanna's workshop will enable us in a spirit of joy to discover our own resources, make priorities and create working groups to do what's needed on behalf of our children and our children's children.

I encourage you to consider registering for the workshop and not to delay, for there will be only 40 participants. I will be among them and hope you will as well. To register, go here.

"Hope cannot be said to exist, nor can it be said not to exist. It is
just like roads across the earth. For actually the earth had no roads
to begin with, but when many persons pass one way, a road is made."
(Lu Hsun)

LeRoy Moore

LeRoy Moore, Ph.D.
Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center
P. O. Box 1156, Boulder, Colorado 80306-1156 USA
E-mail address:

Guardian Angels to Patrol East Colfax

From the May-June edition of Greater Park Hill News:

By Arthur Rosenblum

At the May 5 Greater Park Hill Community meeting, GPHC chair-elect and co-chair of the GPHC Zoning Committee, LeAnn Anderson, announced to the board and guests that Guardian Angels will be patrolling the portion of East Colfax Ave. between Monaco Pkwy. and Quebec St.

Anderson has been meeting with representatives of the Historic Montclair Neighborhood Association whose area includes that portion of Colfax. Nearby neighbors have been alarmed at the growing number of vacant storefronts, deterioration of properties, and violent crimes (including two murders) on the avenue. Knowing that police resources are limited and understanding that pedestrian activity on the streets helps reduce crime, the group has been meeting with the Guardian Angels who have agreed to walk the streets.

Guardian Angels representatives are encouraging residents who live along the Colfax corridor to accompany them on their walks and become familiar with the life on the street. Members of Historic Montclair, the police, GPHC and others are also encouraging neighbors to organize their blocks, receive police training and become members of Neighborhood Watch, a city wide effort to organize neighbors to look after each other’s homes and report suspicious activity.

Councilwoman Marcia Johnson, whose 5th Council District includes that portion of Colfax, indicated that it was expected that Guardian Angels patrols would take place on weekend evenings. At press time, a final decision on the days and hours of the patrols had not been finalized.

Councilwoman Johnson acknowledged the dangers in the area, but at the same time pointed to positive changes, including the purchase of the old St. Vincent de Paul building at Colfax and Pontiac by Dorothy and David Hotchkiss, owners of Hotchkiss Auto Repair. Johnson also announced that the Pasquini’s Pizzeria, with popular locations in the Highlands and on South Broadway and East 17th Ave., will be opening their fourth restaurant on the ground level of the Phoenix on The FAX apartments at Colfax and Pontiac.

District 2 police commander Rhonda Jones informed attendees that as the weather became warmer there would more police foot and bike patrols on Colfax. She also spoke well of the new COPS program that encourages taxicab drivers to report crimes and suspicious activity. The commander also urged neighbors to call the police whenever they were aware of potentially criminal activity. Initially, she said, crime would be displaced to other areas, but eventually those responsible would get the message that that type of behavior would not be tolerated.

The Denver Police Department’s non-emergency number is 720-913-2000.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Adrienne Anderson, environmental activist, has brain tumor

(Ed. note: This is being posted with the urging of Adrienne Anderson herself. Never one to shrink from reality, she has asked me to chronicle this part of her journey. I do so with tears in my eyes.)

Doctors prepare to remove dressings from Adrienne's head 3 days after brain surgery.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Where's the dirt?

In the on-going and seemingly endless Denver campaign for mayor, Michael Hancock continues to whine about Chris Romer's dirty campaign practices. For example, by email today, Hancock says "Chris Romer and his allies have reached a new low, using dirty tactics never before seen in Denver." I've gone to mayoral debates, watched the TV ads, read the emails, and listened to the robocalls, and I have yet to see anything I would call dirty campaigning.

To me, a dirty campaign would include spreading false rumors about your opponent or trying to set up your opponent for an embarrassing gotcha moment with a good-looking woman, hopefully in a sleazy bar. I've seen none of this. What I have seen is egregious violation of City laws as to where you can legally place campaign signs. Both candidates, and their eager volunteers, seem to condone plastering the public right-of-way with campaign signs.

When I saw approximately 40 Romer for Mayor signs neatly spaced on the west side of Colorado Blvd, south of 23rd Ave, in the public right-of-way, at about 4:30 pm today, I had had enough. At about 5:00, I called Romer headquarters and told the young man who answered that these signs had to be taken down. At first he said they were legal because it was "24-hours before the election cycle". What?

I told him that they had until tomorrow morning to remove them or I was going to go there and videotape myself removing them, and post the video on this blog. He got all huffy and said he would call the police and have me arrested for theft. No, says I, I would be picking up litter on the public right of way, a public service. I would even return the signs to his headquarters once I removed them. When I asked for his name, he hung up.

This inspired me to call the non-emergency number for District 2 police. I was informed that "no police officer in District 2 would write you a ticket for removing the illegally placed signs from the right-of-way", and that I could "ask for a "civil stand-by" to have an officer there". Now emboldened, I got back in the car and drove to 23rd and Colorado Blvd. It was about 5:30, and all of the signs were removed. They were now in the hands of three people who were just then crossing the boulevard. Mission accomplished.

I certainly didn't want to fall into the same category as John Bailey, who, you may remember, was accused of threatening people over yard sign removal back in 2007, when his wife Sharon was running for District 8 City Council. I understand John Bailey is now Wil Alston's campaign manager.Which brings me to the current District 8 City Council race, between Wil Alston and Albus Brooks.

I attended the Denver Decides District 8 forum at Church in the City on Wednesday, May 11. Having seen the mobil TV truck parked outside, I didn't bother to bring my camera, opting instead to give each candidate a packet of information before the debate about the on-going pollution of City Park's Ferril lake with Lowery Landfill water - you know, my favorite "Dead Duck" issue. I included my card and asked each of them to call me to set up an interview at their convenience.

Ch 8 had it covered, with three cameras and a nice setup on-stage. You can watch it here. Aside from the mistaken information from moderator Beverly Weaver about Carla Madison's running for a 3rd term, it was all pretty much pro forma, that is to say, boring beyond belief. There were about 50 people there, and I suspect that about half of them were with one or other of the campaigns.

Alas, neither candidate called . Neither Wil Alston nor Albus Brooks had the fortitude to even call and politely decline my invitation for an interview. They both say they want to hear about resident's concerns, but they are both more concerned with mouthing platitudes and promoting themselves. OK, I know this Dead Duck problem might be considered a State issue, but the original secret deal was between then-mayor Wellington Webb and the major polluters. This, and the fact that a least one neighbor who lived across the street from City Park has now died of cancer, and that dogs walked in City Park are dying of tumors, would seem to make it a matter of some importance to all of the residents around City Park - that is to say, District 8.

So grab those ballots and get started. For Mayor - you've got your choice between the slick bankster and the dumb guy, and in District 8 City Council race you can choose between the basketball scholarship guy (Alston) or the football scholarship guy (Brooks), neither of whom has the balls to talk to me on camera.

The Myth of Cutting Red Tape

Editorial Opinion by Cathy Donohue

The current campaign to become Denver's next mayor has, thus far, been lacking in specifics regarding how either candidate will fix the "red tape" challenge. There is little meaning to this phrase, and no candidate has yet proposed any solutions, but "red tape" seems to be a big issue.

Unlike San Diego, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco and most cities across the country, Denver has no Development Services Program. Whenever anyone wishes to develop a project in Denver, they must stumble through all of the separate agencies (Zoning, Planning, Water, Wastewater, Environmental Health, Transportation, etc.,) without guidance. It is not "red tape", it is Denver's antiquated development services method that is costly and time consuming. There are many small developers who simply do not get permits for construction; its much cheaper to avoid the city agencies.

Since the days of Mayor McNichols various individuals have presented proposals to fix the problem. Harold Cook (Manager of Public Works) wrote a consolidated services program for builders. McNichols did not want to do anything that might change the "system", mostly corrupt, that was used during his reign by building inspectors and agency managers. Margaret Browne, a Pena appointee, wrote a similar proposal called "The Transfer Study", which he ignored.

When I was the chair of the Public Works Committee of Council in 1991, just before Webb took office, Council approved funding for a major study of the same subject. As a Webb appointee, I used the basic framework of this report (The Prior Report) to put together a development services proposal that Webb was uninterested in pursuing.

I met with Mr. Hickenlooper very shortly before he won his race for mayor, hoping I could persuade him to use the recommendations of all the former studies. He simply told me he did not want to use "any" of Webb's programs; he would build a "new" Denver--his way.

Six months before he marched up the hill to the State Capitol, Hick asked a competent senior city employee to build a Development Services Agency. After almost eight years, he finally remembered that he had promised to "cut red tape" and "fix permitting".

Unless the next Mayor of Denver takes the initiative and tells his new appointees that Development Services will finally be established, the program will die and the agencies will return to their former practices. Why has Denver remained in the same rut for the past 45 years? No Mayor has chosen to take control of the agencies under his command as soon as he is sworn in, ordering Denver to join the rest of the country and give builders the kind of service they expect.

Bringing new business to Denver is only part of the battle. If professional developments services do not become a reality for Denver under the leadership of a strong mayor, we will continue to have this black mark against our reputation. The message has to be given to his appointees before they breath the rarified air in each of their "separate kingdoms".

We are all waiting to hear how our new mayor will cut "red tape".

Monday, May 23, 2011


by email: (attachments not included - use the Google)

Neighbors –

I wanted to make you aware of increased crime in the neighborhood. There have been a number of car break-ins (one individual was seen using a “slim jim” to unlock the door). Also, late last week a woman was jogging at the intersection of East 16th Avenue and Vine Street and was nearly assaulted / kidnapped. Fortunately one of our neighbors was driving by at the time and scared the guy off.

** As a reminder, if you see ANY suspicious activity call the police immediately. ** We have been very successful over the years in cleaning up our neighborhood by being proactive and collaborating with the DPD. The police appreciate our “eyes and ears” as ultimately we are the ones who know what’s going on in OUR neighborhood.

On a lighter note, find attached some information that you may find interesting . . .

1. Denver Parks and Recreation Community Meeting – Rec Center tiering and associated fee changes, scholarship opportunities and My Place program (see attached);

2. Denver Public Library Community Budget Meetings – the DPL will be holding a series of meetings to raise awareness of the Library’s current budget shortfall, inform the public of possible long-term funding solutions and gather community feedback (see attached);

3. City Park Road between Montview and East 17th Avenue permanent closure (see attached);

4. Mayoral Run-Off debate Tuesday at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science;

5. Home improvement tips from the City of Denver;

6. The Vine Street Pub is proposing a Block Party in September to celebrate Belgian Month – please let me know if you are opposed to this event.

Hope all’s well!


Stop School Spraying - Petition

Via email:

Dear Parents & Faculty,

DPS is currently under contract with TruGreen Chemlawn for pesticide and herbicide application at every school in the district. The pesticides and herbicides are applied twice a year, supposedly when students are not present. However, last fall these chemicals were applied while a group of parents and students were congregated outside of the school and they were overcome by the "fog." Research showed the pesticides in use contain 2,4-D, a chemical that may be toxic and harmful to human health.

Because children’s immune systems are particularly sensitive to environmental toxins, we're asking for your support in letting DPS know that we find the use of these products unacceptable in areas where our children are playing. The district contract for these services is up for renewal soon, and we want to ensure our voice is heard.

Please help us send this message by signing our online petition entitled Help Stop the Use of Pesticides with Harmful Chemicals at Denver Public Schools HERE.

We're trying to collect 100 signatures and we will send this to the adminstration at DPS.

It'll just take a minute! Once you're done, please ask your friends to sign the petition as well, particularly families within the DPS system.

Thanks in advance for your support!

The Edison Green Team

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


A Denver City Council District 8 run-off candidate forum is going on today from 5-6:45 p.m. at RedLine Art, 2350 Arapahoe St. The forum is aimed at letting people find out more about run-off candidates Wil Alston and Albus Brooks. Brooks and Alston received the most write-in votes to replace Councilwoman Carla Madison, who died this year from cancer.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011



Gerald R. Whitman, Chief of Police


Date: May 16, 2011
To: All Denver Police Officers, Media, Denver City Council, and Denver Community Associations.
Contact: Sonny Jackson
Phone: 720-913-6534

Dennver Police are looking for a robbery suspect believed to be involved in several robberies in the Metro Area. In two Denver cases, the suspect approaches the victims on foot with a knife, demands valuables and flees. In one case the suspect uses his vehicle to "bump" the rear of the female victim's car. Once the victim gets out to view the damage, the suspect the pushes victim out of the way and reaches into the victim's car and takes her purse and then flees.

These crimes occurred:

04/23/11 0231 hours 1600 block Gaylord Street
04/25/11 2133 hours 303 Josephine Street
05/01/11 0030 hours E. Wesley Ave. & S. Quebec St.

The suspect is described as black male, 30-40 years old, 5'10-6'00 tall, 200-230 pounds. The suspect vehicle has been described as a 2001-2003 Acura CL coupe, black or dark blue in color, 5 spoke star type rims, tinted windows.

If you have any information regarding the identification or location of this suspect, please contact the Denver Police Department at 720-913-2000 or call Crime Stoppers at 720-913-STOP (7867). You can text to CRIMES (274637) then title DMCS and enter your message or send an e-mail to If the information you provide leads to the arrest and charging of a wanted individual, you can receive a cash award up to $2,000.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Monday, May 9, 2011

Huge Denver City Corruption

Written by: Bruce Field
Reposted from here.

Like Bell, California, the city of Denver, Colorado (to quote Mr. Ralph Nader) “has a local government which has proven to be citizen-proof, media proof, city-council proof and even leak-proof from inside its self-enriching top officialdom”. But Denver’s “Officialdom” does it in a much more covert, fraudulent and abusive manner than Bell.

Get this disturbing fact; the millionaire former mayor (now Governor) of Denver (John Hickenlooper) has personally appointed all the members of the Water Board Commission; these five people, (primarily lawyers and developers) illegally control the largest public water system in Colorado. They in turn approve in lockstep, all the contracts, bonds and rate increases they are given, which many are overpriced or unneeded. If a citizen protests, they are intimidated, belittled or ignored. Isn’t it illegal for a mayor and five friends to control a public water utility? Not it Denver!

This organized theft of taxpayer funds is very entrenched, well planned, and covert and has been taking millions of dollars for years from the Denver metro citizens. This covert organization has disturbing political protection. The police, the district attorney office and the state attorney general won’t investigate it when it was reported to them by letter and/or in person. When members of the city council of this large city were informed of the fraud by letter and in person, they claimed no responsibility to look into the manner and then lied about their responsibilities to the citizens. As did the over paid city auditor (Dennis Gallagher) and his key staff. When the local media was informed by direct meetings or phone calls, they ignored the serious problems and lied also. This includes reporters at the bankrupted Denver Post and major TV networks. See a pattern like Bell?

So similar to the city of Bell, when these few corrupt City of Denver officials control the money, the media, the city council and the law enforcement, what is there to stop this large-scale fraud? Nothing, so it has gone on for years, at the expense and abuse of the U.S. taxpayer, Denver metro citizen and the abused city workers. If you report this huge fraud, safety violations or other abuses, you are ignored, threatened, fired and stifled by a gang of corrupt attorneys from either the city and/ or the water utility.

You would expect expressions of shock and dismay from the elected people, the so-called, senators and congressional representatives of Colorado (Michael Bennett, Mark Udall, Diane DeGette and Ed Perlmutter). All four have been informed of the corruption by letter or in person by concerned Denver metro citizens, but ignored the problem, refused to address it and/or lied in violation of their oaths of office. The former governor (Bill Ritter) office was informed as well and claimed no jurisdiction to look into the crimes. This is a lie as well. A reasonable person would be concerned what these high paid elected officials are getting to ignore this and keep quiet.

The Water Board Commission (the five friends of the mayor) just recently, unanimously approved a water rate increase, even though numerous metro Denver citizens complained about problems of fraud, safety violations, employee abuse and numerous other problems. The rate increase was unneeded and a few managers at the water utility fabricated the justification. These millions of dollars in overcharges will be used to pay for exorbitant contracts to benefactors of the fraud, like the $7,360,148 paid to the URS Corporation to do a draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) report on an unneeded dam project. With about $2.22 million in Phase V to “provide responses to comments on the DEIS, revise the DEIS and then prepare the Final EIS”. This is an outrage.

At least a dozen employees in the Denver City Hall know of this corruption and chose not to talk or leak the news over the years. The city newspapers, TV and radio stations as mentioned, do nothing to dig it out. The city council knows, but is compromised by its involvement in the corruption; each gets about $337,000 each year for salary, expenses and staff, other large Colorado cities paid only $6,250/ year! None of the town gadflies or skeptics bothered to reveal these problems. A gutsy, smart construction inspector with 20 years experience was fired for reporting construction project fraud in Sept. 2008; an ethical project auditor was fired in Feb. 2009 for not going along with the fraud. Another brave city employee, who reported the fraud abuses within his department, was sent home on “house arrest” and then laid off in Nov. 2009. See a pattern of cover-up and abuse? You would think, all that is needed to bring this to light was one or two people blowing the whistle. But in Denver, you report fraud by city officials and no one hears it, because the media is corrupted and controlled. So your reward is media silence or biased reporting, illegal retaliation, abuse and termination. Here in mile high Denver, the millionaire former mayor and his staff covertly promote intimation and fear to keep your job and cover-up their corruption; what a place to work and live! Report corruption and get beat-up and down for it by the local media, elected officials and a gang of attorneys who stifle voices and cover-up the fraud and other abuses.

Please note, this fraud and other information is not opinion. Its arithmetic-crisp numbers and facts that can easily be shown to be well planned, covert abuse by anyone willing to listen and learn in a few minutes. The safety violations, employee abuses and other problems can easily be shown to be occurring as well by numerous concerned citizens.

To arouse the citizens in Denver they need an ethical source to investigate this and expose this ongoing corruption. Obviously, no agency locally will do any thing to expose this abuse, in this clearly organized crime controlled town. What is at stake is the continued organized theft of millions of dollars each year from the U.S. taxpayer, Denver metro citizens, thousands of employees are exposed to an unsafe and abusive work environment, water quality is compromised and the poorest and elderly in Denver get ripped off the most. They certainly cannot afford this abuse! More details can be provided by numerous concerned citizens, who just want high quality water and the right to job and a clean, healthy environment without fear of loss of work, health, being intimidation or abuse by corrupt, greedy attorneys, officials or managers involved in organized theft.

The saving grace in Bell is that, once they found out, folks rushed in protest to the crowded city council meeting and the perpetrators will now be held accountable. But how can people in any city be outraged if it isn’t investigated and reported to them from a worthy source? If you care about your water system, you need to find out; who actually controls the water in your city? Is it private or public? Does the mayor appoint all the people who control the water system? Are these people there because they have outside agendas? Where does the revenue-generated money go? What are the actual expenses? Is it safe to drink? Why are bonds being issued? If employees reports problems, are they threatened or fired? Is your local media corrupted? If you have not asked these questions, then you may already have the water corruption existing in Denver; a public water system covertly privatized to illegally benefit the millionaire former mayor and his friends with help from the media,law enforcement and any others. People have a right to clean water and at the lowest cost possible anywhere in the world, including Denver. In addition we as U.S. citizens have the right to expect Federal agencies to investigate this huge corruption problem aggressively and in the best interest of the Public they are paid by. No evidence currently shows anything has been done to protect the citizens by any Federal agency.

Council District 8

District 8 Neighborhood Organizations and Denver Decides presents:

District 8 Candidate Debate with
  Wil Alston and Albus Brooks

Weds., May 11 • 6:30–8 p.m.
Church in the City,  16th Ave. at Gaylord St.

Spanish translation and childcare available

Parking: across York St. in East High School student lot. Please do NOT park in the neighborhood.
Bicycling and carpooling encouraged.

Friday, May 6, 2011

What lies beneath?

Heron Pond - untouchable - 54th and Washington St.

Robbin' the 'Hood
by Tom Anthony

Today I declared bankruptcy, and three days ago I witnessed the unanimous testimony by three RNO’s objecting to the permanent disposal of 180 acres of toxic waste five minutes’ from Coors Field, one minute from my house and the North Metro commuter rail station site, and adjacent to the Platte River Greenway. It’s been an exciting week in Denver County.

In terms of the Bankruptcy declaration, since a local Development Company bought my Promissory Note and accelerated the interest rate to about 45% retroactive about two years, even I had to realize that paying $2,000 a day interest on non-cash flowing property was going somewhere dark.

Don’t ask whether I live virtually inside the Denver Stock Show, but if I did you can imagine I also took a casual interest in the announcement that Denver and Aurora were contemplating a substantial new taxpayer subsidy for relieving the National Western of its next 29 year obligation to pay the City and County $1 a year for the existing 2 million square feet of space the Denver taxpayers built for it so the “stockmen” and their wives and kids would rent hotel rooms in Denver County in January; and provide them a brand new $500 million facility next to the airport so Aramark Catering can sell $8 beers to conventioneers who will never actually have to drive past Purina.

You also want to understand we have a “green” business trying to obtain a $50,000 national “green” grant for a fish farm on Claude Court (read about that in possibly to assuage the national EPA conscience for “washing its hands” of the Region 8 EPA and Denver City Council- approved the plan to allow permanent toxic seepage from 100 acres around and under Heron Pond into Denver’s only river. Could I believe I actually heard Fonda Apouloupoulous of the Colorado Department of Public Health and the Environment say in the Public Hearing that if kids tried to play in Heron Pond they’d just build a bigger fence around it? Huzzah for the future quality of urban life and Public Health Care!

I did hear myself tell the Denver City Council that my assessed property value had dropped 25% in one year. Amortize that! Compounded! Confound it! Since Region 8 EPA, can call “in situ encapsulation” a “Cleanup” we might as well agree that “transitioning” our recreation center was “a step forward.”

Truthfully, we’ll suggest that if you spilled maple syrup on your mom’s Persian Rug and then threw Clorox on it and dumped epoxy on it to keep the moths out and your dad said that was a “cleanup” not everyone would agree. In the case of the Denver City Council, Jeannie Faatz was the only “mom” in attendance. And in the case of Globeville, throwing the neighborhood out with the Pondwater seems to be the order of the day. Thank goodness we won’t have to get our fish from the river; the Government is giving our tax money to a private fish farm which will grow algae-eating fish for us to consume, at a subsidized price, without fear of the contamination from Heron Pond!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Watson withdraws

District 8 Candidate Darrell Watson Withdraws
from City Council Race

On Friday, April 29, 2011, Darrell Watson suspended his campaign for the Denver District 8 City Council race. During a routine physical earlier that week his doctors identified several growths around his stomach. A biopsy was completed and it came back positive for cancer. He will begin chemotherapy and radiation treatments on Monday.

The deadline for a candidate to withdraw from a municipal race was April 15th. Even though he cannot officially withdraw from the campaign he has suspended all campaign activities. We thank you in advance for your prayers. Members of the community who are seeking additional ways to demonstrate support for Darrell are encouraged to make a donation to one or each of the following charities:

The Second Wind Fund - Preventing Teenage Suicide

The Parks People

The Denver Foundation Hunger Relief Campaign https://denverfoundation.giveo...

The American Cancer Society

Darrell stated, "I would like to thank my husband, Mike Wenk and our family for their support. Thank you to my campaign staff; Sarah Fong and Venita Vinson for their tireless efforts on my behalf. I would like to thank my friends who volunteered on this campaign. Special thanks to my Whittier and City Park West 'Warriors' who are always ready to join me in battle. Your loyalty and love sustains me. This journey has been both exciting and emotional. My most important battle is to defeat this cancer. And I will. I will take to it with the same fire and commitment as I do with everything else in my life. My solidarity and good wishes go to the remaining candidates. You are good and honorable people and our district will thrive under your leadership."

Please direct all correspondence to or