Sunday, May 29, 2011
Moving forward with Nuclear Guardianship for Rocky Flats
Joanna Macy, who conceived of Nuclear Guardianship, will speak about Guardianship at the main Naropa campus, 2130 Arapahoe Ave. in Boulder, at 7:30 PM, Friday, June 10. She will offer a workshop Guardianship: Making It Real on Saturday and Sunday, June 11 and 12.
This provides a wonderful opportunity for those of us who have been following the series on Nuclear Guardianship to pool our energy for ongoing activities of ecological responsibility at Rocky Flats.
Areas of our possible future work together include:
* keeping the wildlife refuge closed to the public,
* stopping construction of the Jefferson Parkway,
* halting plans to breach dams along the creeks that drain the Rocky Flats site,
* establishing a long-term program for testing respirable dust on the site for its plutonium content,
* gaining public access to documents sealed in the Denver Federal Courthouse as part of the out-of-court settlement of the case brought against Rockwell after the 1989 FBI raid to collect evidence of alleged environmental lawbreaking at the Rocky Flats plant,
* supporting efforts of former Rocky Flats workers to receive compensation and medical care for ailments likely due to workplace exposures,
* monitoring the health of off-site people who may have been adversely affected by toxins released from Rocky Flats,
* researching effects on wildlife of toxins remaining in the Rocky Flats environment,
* creation of educational materials to inform present and future generations of conditions at Rocky Flats and of our ongoing human responsibilities.
Joanna's workshop will enable us in a spirit of joy to discover our own resources, make priorities and create working groups to do what's needed on behalf of our children and our children's children.
I encourage you to consider registering for the workshop and not to delay, for there will be only 40 participants. I will be among them and hope you will as well. To register, go here.
"Hope cannot be said to exist, nor can it be said not to exist. It is
just like roads across the earth. For actually the earth had no roads
to begin with, but when many persons pass one way, a road is made."
(Lu Hsun)
LeRoy Moore
LeRoy Moore, Ph.D.
Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center
P. O. Box 1156, Boulder, Colorado 80306-1156 USA
E-mail address:
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