Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ride the Plutonium Parkway ( or not)



• Early in 2011, Golden was offered a deal by toll road proponents that included road planning, and the "promise" of money to fund one or two projects. This deal was viewed by most people as inappropriate, and was rejected by residents. City council decided to abandon this specific proposal, and pursue a much stronger, three pronged strategy. First, the city will move forward with a lawsuit that keeps the pressure on toll road proponents, and act as a best, last resort if the city decides to sue. Second, the city will move forward with negotiations, but pursue a much more ambitious agreement. Third, Golden has made a proposal to Fish & Wildlife to purchase a 300' strip of land along the east side of Rocky Flats for a bike path, and includes improvements to Indiana/McIntyre. Golden's "Bikeway" will have much less impact on Rocky Flats, which is a primary consideration by the feds, and the city is offering the federal government $200,000 more for the land than offered by the tolling authority. The proposal also seeks to widen a major north-south arterial, Indiana St. for better traffic mobility. The federal government now needs to weigh two competing proposals. Golden's plan for a bike path is far superior to a foreign-controlled toll road that is not needed or wanted by anyone except developer interest. Elected officials should get on board with Golden's Bikeway to best serve the public's interest.

• The Villages at Mountain Ridge Homeowners Association, a 296 home community in Golden, developed its own position statement on the toll road Click Here to read their official position. The statement was given to the City of Golden and “raises the bar” to ensure Golden and this community are protected. Other HOAs are encouraged to develop their own position to protect property values.

• Boulder has decided to accept the deal ( “ bribe” ) offered by Jefferson County Commissioners to not oppose the toll road, and accept $4M to buy open land at Rocky Flats to be used as a wildlife corridor. While we appreciate more open land, Boulder’s decision is quite disappointing and calls into question their wisdom. However, the Town of Superior remains strongly active in opposing the toll road.

Rocky Flats

• Toll road proponents plan to construct a portion of the road on the east side of Rocky Flats, regardless of possibility that small particles of Plutonium exist on the top soil. These particles could spread in the wind and become a health threat if a road is built on this land.

• This past April, 2011, CINQ in partner ed with Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center to hold a meeting at Standley Lake Library in Arvada to bring awareness to the most impacted residents. Speakers included LeRoy Moore, Harvey Nichols, Rep. Wes McKinley, Rep. Gwyn Green and Jim Smith . Over 100 people attended the meeting in Arvada and dozens of email addresses and signatures were collected on a petition to Fish and Wildlife asking the government to conduct testing at Rocky Flats. Sadly, not one representative from the City of Arvada attended the meeting. CINQ is planning more meetings throughout Jefferson County this year.

• SIGN THE PETITION demanding that U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service not make land available for the a right-of-way for the proposed Jefferson toll road until it has done an Environmental Impact Statement including proper testing to determine impacts on the Rocky Flats National Wildlife Refuge, and impacts on residents. Go to www.GoTheBetterWay.org and click the petition on the top left.


Forward this web site to your neighbors and friends
Sign the Petition to Fish and Wildlife demanding testing at Rocky Flats. www.GoTheBetterWay.org
Write your city council and tell them to protect our community
Golden - citycouncil@cityofgolden.net
Arvada - bfrie@arvada.org; bdyer@arvada.org; dallard@arvada.org; rzenzinger@arvada.org; mmcgoff@arvada.org; cooksj@attglobal.net; mwilliams@arvada.org
Make a donation to CINQ. Donate on-line on the home page at www.gothebetterway.org or mail a check to: CINQ, P.O. Box 715, Golden, CO 80402-0715

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