Thursday, February 16, 2012

Another Colorado Time Waster (CTW) - TBD

From a press release
Make Your Voice Heard!
Get Involved with TBD Colorado

Your organization provides valuable services that strengthen our communities and improve the quality of life in our state. Your work is important not only to the people you serve, but to Colorado's future. Now, you can get involved in TBD Colorado, a nonpartisan effort to engage Coloradans in discussions about the biggest issues facing our state.

Last week, Governor Hickenlooper launched TBD Colorado, an effort to initiate community conversations about P-12 and higher education, health, transportation, the state budget and the state workforce. TBD Colorado will host three meetings about these issues in 40 regions, beginning in March and ending in May. For more information, visit

TBD Colorado's short-term goals are to:
Invite Coloradans to talk about their vision and priorities for the state. For example, how can Colorado become the healthiest state in the nation? How can educational outcomes for children be improved? How should the state handle the increasing health care needs of our aging population? How can the state address growing transportation and infrastructure needs? 
Obtain various perspectives from all regions of the state

Build momentum in Colorado for working together to solve complex problems

Create a process and a culture for engaging Coloradans in ongoing constructive and non-partisan conversations.

TBD Colorado is a tremendous opportunity for you to provide a valuable perspective about key issues facing your community and your organization.

To participate in the regional meetings, submit your name or nominate someone else at If you interested, sign up today! Regional meetings will begin in early March, just a few weeks from now.

I'm sorry, but this latest announcement by Governor Hickenlooper, called TBD (To Be Determined) seems like another of these fake "listening" sessions where citizens tell their government what they want and government acts like it is listening and then does whatever it wants, or had planned, to do anyway. In a time when bold leadership is needed, government is all ears.

What Colorado really needs is a Constitutional Convention, to solve some persistent problems once and for all. You can make your own list of what these problems are, but I'd include school finance and the fiscal "Gordian Knot" for starters. Here's how such a Convention could be convened:

Section 1. Constitutional convention - how called.

The general assembly may at any time by a vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each house, recommend to the electors of the state, to vote at the next general election for or against a convention to revise, alter and amend this constitution; and if a majority of those voting on the question shall declare in favor of such convention, the general assembly shall, at its next session, provide for the calling thereof.

The number of members of the convention shall be twice that of the senate and they shall be elected in the same manner, at the same places, and in the same districts. The general assembly shall, in the act of calling the convention, designate the day, hour and place of its meeting; fix the pay of its members and officers, and provide for the payment of the same, together with the necessary expenses of the convention.

Before proceeding, the members shall take an oath to support the constitution of the United States, and of the state of Colorado, and to faithfully discharge their duties as members of the convention. The qualifications of members shall be the same as of members of the senate; and vacancies occurring shall be filled in the manner provided for filling vacancies in the general assembly.

Said convention shall meet within three months after such election and prepare such revisions, alterations or amendments to the constitution as may be deemed necessary; which shall be submitted to the electors for their ratification or rejection at an election appointed by the convention for that purpose, not less than two nor more than six months after adjournment thereof; and unless so submitted and approved by a majority of the electors voting at the election, no such revision, alteration or amendment shall take effect.

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