First off, our next teach in for the Environmental Defense committee will be led by American Indian scholar Tink Tinker, entitled "American Indians: The Other 1%." In the words of renowned American Indian scholar Tink Tinker: “I hope to discuss the contemporary economic repercussions of american colonial / corporate power on Indian communities across the continent. Thus, I will highlight the intense poverty of Indian communities in spite of resource rich lands that should make us the wealthiest Americans. Instead, we have an unemployment rate that is stuck at about 50%. But it’s recession proof….” This teach-in will be held at the Deer Pile space at 5:30 on Tuesday, May 15th, and should be a very insightful discussion. More details on this and other upcoming teach-ins here:
Secondly, the film Sweet Crude will be shown on Wednesday, May 16th at 6PM at the Gypsy House Cafe, followed by an open discussion. (See attached flyer for more details.) This will be the first in a series of film screenings on issues related to environmental justice. These screenings are free events.
Third: on May 27th, members of the "Stop Suncor and Tar Sands" coalition (which includes Occupy Denver, American Indian Movement, Deep Green Resistance, and other groups) will be doing a bike ride and trash cleanup from Civic Center Park to 64th and York, along the Platte River bike path, starting at noon (weather pending, of course). There will be free food and speakers at the Suncor facility, where we will rally in support of clean rivers for all people and wildlife, especially those residents of Commerce City who are most directly impacted by water and air pollution. (Information for this event is not yet available on the Occupy Denver website; stay posted.) Suncor is the oil refinery in Commerce City responsible for the benzene leak in the Platte and Sand Creek rivers. Some of you may have been at the action against Suncor back in March, which, by most accounts, was a fun and productive action. For more details about the "Stop Suncor Coalition" see our Facebook page and "like" it:
Fourth: we will be canvassing the Swansea and Elyria neighborhoods in Commerce City to talk to people about water and air pollution issues in that area, and we REALLY need bilingual speakers. If you can help, please respond to this email or contact
Fifth: Occupy Denver is endorsing Critical Mass bike ride, last Friday of every month. Our last ride (which I was not part of--apologies) went really well, from what folks told me. See attached flyer for more details on CM.
Finally, Deep Green Resistance Colorado will be hosting a series of "resistance camp" teach ins to reconnect with the land, discuss ways in which we can build a culture of resistance to the current reality of environmental degradation, and cultivate sustainability. The first of these trips will go from May 11th through the 13th, and will be hosted by a member of DGR on her land in the foothills near Sedalia, about an hour south of Denver. For more information on these camps, contact me personally and I will forward you more information.
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