Sunday, June 24, 2012

All Things MMJ with Jessica LeRoux - June 24, 2012

Hey Now, 
This week is gonna be epic, at least I hope so! Instead of dwelling on the disappointments of this industry I am gonna dust myself off and do some things to make my state a better one, for everybody not just patients and maybe you will join me... 

As most of you know the Fire situation is really serious here in Colorado and all over the Rockies. In fact my own neighborhood was evacuated last week (big big props to the High Country Fire District, of Gilpin County for a quick and 100% successful response, great job people!) Twirling Hippy Confections would like to show our appreciation for the fine firefighters who put their lives on the line to protect lives and homes all over the state. Starting Monday we would like you to give any patient who can show that they have been involved in fighting these wildfires a free Twirling Hippy Confections Edible with ANY purchase they make from your MMC. Save the receipt and we will replace the item free of charge to you upon our next delivery to your MMC... Please help me give Firefighters who shop in your MMC a free edible, after all those folk's lungs could use a break after the stellar job they are doing against very difficult odds. 
Additionally so far this year over 300 families have lost their homes, and a few people have lost their lives. These people are gonna need so much more than insurance can provide for them, so lets show our community spirit by doing a food/clothing/supplies drive through out the state. Set up a place for your patients to drop off clothes, non-perishable food items, household goods like linens towels etc, and much needed pet supplies... we will pick them up from your shop when we make delivery to your route and distribute them to the evacuation stations for families away from their homes (hopefully only temporarily) We can do good things for all people in the name of patients... 
* We are gonna do a "fire safety" sale on edibles for patients to take camping/hiking too! see the "sales" section at the bottom of this email to participate in educating patients about non-combustable options for these blazing hot Red flag days... 

One other summer issue that the fires are compounding is blood donation, in summer donations drop off at the same time the need for blood transfusions is at it's greatest.  Blood donations can save lives of all patients not just MMJ users... I would like to do a community Blood Drive and BBQ for industry workers and patients that are physically able to donate blood and I am trying to Gage interest, would your MMC and the employees be down to donate via blood mobile  if we made it fun? Private patients willing to attend? I will be doing some sort of  meal since that is usually one of the perks of donating blood, (cant leave until you eat something!) are any of you interested in joining in on a sponsor level? Donating your time?
please respond to discuss if you are interested in helping me make this happen... we could do some real good for the State of Colorado in the name of the Cannabis community.... patients CAN donate blood, bonfils is glad to have it! 

This tuesday is the local primary, many candidates will be having events on Monday night, attend one if you can, it doesnt have to be for a pro-MMJ candidate, its better to show our numbers to all candidates now so that they wont be so quick to dismiss us in January when the legislative session begins again... 
WE the MMJ Patients need to be present during this election season, attend campaign events, ask open mic questions of the candidates, hold them accountable on the fiscal points (not the civil liberties, America doesnt care about that!) of punitive social votes cast by incumbents in the past legislative session. Raise the conflicts of interest, make other attendees aware of the issues surrounding MMJ, go mainstream and own your right to be there... We will have a better chance to have our voices heard in next year's legislative session if we influence candidates with our numbers and knowledge during the campaign season...
Attend, Make a friend, Make your voice heard, lastly make a scene if you must!

let the spin doctoring begin, do not be fooled, the CBI has every intent of sharing your "noncriminal justice information". we need to stop the database from being shared rather than buying into these platitudes.. I know for a fact that a single female patient who lives alone in a rural part of the state was asked to surrender her "concealed carry" permit when she renewed her MMJ card last year. While I am not a gun person, this aint right. Especially since the gun issue was supposed to be off the Feds table 6 months ago.

Have y'all seen the latest rebuttal to the "persecute the patient crowd" from the good folks at CU? This should be mandatory reading for LEOs, and More over SECONDARY SERVICES (prison guards, drug testing services, counselors, and court mandated classes). It seems that Teen Marijuana use is NOT increased by exposure to Medical use of Cannabis in the community... I think I officially Heart Prof Daniel Rees... no really... he is the one who did the traffic safety study too, what a brainy dreamboat!

more on the nonsense about Denver's outdoor MMJ advertising, I mean really couldn't this energy be put into hastening the creation of licensing structure such as a MIPs license application! Government in Action, thank the douchebaggery from MMIG and CBA (interesting that for all their declaimed "differences" these two lobby groups can unite behind screwing the mom and pop MMCs!)  for wasting taxpayer time and discrediting the very industry whose blood they suck by supporting this BS... 
"Ortega said she crafted the bill after talking with several industry groups, including the Cannabis Business Alliance and the Medical Marijuana Industry Group. But the MMIG was unhappy with the limited ban and pushed Ortega to make it citywide. " 

In case you havent seen this video yet here is the clip of CO rep Jared Polis laying a bitch slap on the DEA (whom BTW looks doped up on pills?)

one lil ray of enlightenment.... Commerce City will allow MMCs, but they "will be required to have odor control systems approved by a building inspector." reasonable enough I guess... 

on the other hand... with just days until the state MMJ business moratorium lifts the Durango city council has created a 60 day local ban... 

"trusted traveler" busted entering US with 186 lbs of Mexi-weed and people think Colorado's highly regulated legal Medical Cannnabis is causing the nation's MMJ problem? hell no, but we are trying to stop it and keep the related agricultural and manufacturing jobs local you dumb fucks!

the night this news broke it was the TOP story on BBC world news, with what I felt was even coverage (a hint of sensationalism mixed with some good fiscal impact questions, hey it's still media!) Why doesnt mainstream American media cover these stories in the same way? Hmmmmm....

SALES! look sales! neato, savings!!!
As you read above I am gonna give Firefighters a freebie, and reimburse you the next time we deliver to you, the person must be a cardholding MMR Patient and buy something from your shop for the transaction to be legal...  
* With all the fires burning in Colorado there are two very good reasons to make a summer switch to edibles... 
#1 the smoke and haze in the air lately is hard enough on a patient's lungs. 
#2 Edibles require no flame, therefor the risk of fire is reduced 100% when edibles are the medicine of choice for patients who hike or camp in the back country... 
Please ask your patients to take these facts into consideration when traveling in the back country! 
We have some great durable non-perishable products that are perfect for travelin, and they are super nutritious to power patients to the top of their peak! now these products are 80-85 mg active THC at the same price... 
in order to help patients make their back country trips a real visit to "high country" we are doing a buy one get one 1/2 off on a few 1/2 transitioned labeled Kinship Bars and Nuts flavors until stock runs out or 7pm Monday the 25th which ever comes 1st!  
this means for every say 6 Kinship Bars you buy at regular price ($4.20) you get 6 more for $2.10 each... pretty decent! 
this deal is good on the Harvest Haze, Nantucket Nugget, Afghani Lemon Ginger, Chocolate Cherry Kola Kinship Bars but selection of all flavors is not equal, order early to ensure your favorites! (offer not good on Tropical Trichrome Kinship Bars) this offer is also good on the Balsamic Cashews only! you can mix and match the cashews with Kinship Bars, that is cool! 

We are also making the final Week of Cherry Warrior Cheesecakes, but the great news is that in Summer nothing is more awesome than a frozen cheesecake right out of the freezer! So stock up and let your patients know that you have frozen cheesecakes on hand, its more decadent than icecream and already portion controlled so indulge!  
We will do any Cherry Warriors ordered before 7pm on Monday (when I make the cherries) for $6.00 each instead of the regular price of $6.50... next week its a whole new flavor, so get em while you can! 

Those are some decent sales... I think!  you can let me know what you think, you save money if you do it before 7pm monday! 

We are ever so grateful for your continued support, in these times you are much more to me than just a "client" let me know if there is anything special you would like us to do for you, I make no promises in advance but I will always listen to you. 

Jessica LeRoux
Twirling Hippy Confections, LLC

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