Friday, July 20, 2012

How to help by Jessica LeRoux

Update 12:41pm, 7/23/12 Medical Cannabis Community Blood Drive
Bonfils has 7 locations open till 7pm today and ready to take your blood for the MCCBD. call 303 363 2300 and make an appt or just go on in to your closest branch... make sure to use code 7165 to be counted with the Drive. Give a gift you made with your heart and save a life... Bonfils is calling for increased donations in response to the violence in Aurora CO which tapped Colorado's blood supply. Lets get out and help restock our hospitals while the need is still greatest.

Update 11am, 7/20/12: 
Due to the overwhelming response by our community to the all appointments for today are booked and we can't accept walk-ins

As you know by now there are 50 Coloradans in area hospitals after last night's shooting at the Aurora CO premier of the Dark Knight movie. Many of us want to do something to help but are uncertain as to what we might do. A gunshot wound is extremely serious and many of the victims will need multiple surgeries in coming weeks, and that means multiple blood transfusions. Nobody could have known last month when talks to create the 1st Medical Cannabis Community Blood Drive began how timely this would be. Regardless of any politics or prior commitments in the MMJ industry please please please get out and Give that Blood in the next few days, it is critically needed right now. Traditionally in the case of a serious local accident or shooting rampage, Blood banks will call on law enforcement and Fire departments to step up their donations, but we already know that our firefighters have been physically taxed recently, so lets help shoulder the burden and do our part, it is easy to give something you made with your heart! 

Go to ANY Bonfils blood center and donate whole blood using code 7165 for MCCBD. the drive goes through the 31st, but these victims are in need of blood right now. No matter what your financial situation blood is something you can give easily. 

Here are links to the Bonfils locations that you can donate at. as well as links to the FB events page so you can invite friends. People who want to join our blood drive can be from any walk of life, not just MMJ people, so bring a non-cardholder with you and donate together. 

Call Bonfils at 303 363 2300 to make an appointment in advance or click this link to see the 7 locations you can choose from, as well as mobil blood mobile locations that will be participating! & if you care please share!

If I could give more blood today after donating on Tuesday morning I would, but I cant... so I really need you all to get out and donate if you are eligible. And not just you, but please forward this email, not just to your MMJ friends but to anybody who might be in search of a way to show solidarity and compassion for the Dark Knight movie shooting victims. 

Thanks for reading and sharing. 
Jessica LeRoux
Twirling Hippy confections 
303 922 3661 

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