Thursday, August 16, 2012

Walkabout - Aug 16, 2012

Today was the first day this summer that felt like fall was on the way - temp at 57F at 9:00am - long pants for the walkabout.
The original Jewish congregation took the cornerstone with them. Church in the City (16th and Gaylord) put in this new one.

After sitting empty for many years, this house on Gaylord finally got the attention it deserved.

On Colfax, the So All May Eat (SAME) Cafe - pay what you can or work it off.

Mama's Cafe - used to be an IHOP.

Home-grown business on Vine St.

I'm not sure why, but the renovation of the "new" condos at 17th and Gaylord is extensive.

Apartment dwellers at 17th and Gaylord never can keep their dumpsters straight. They are not supposed to use the City dumpsters.

Code? What is that?

Not very artistic.

Some flair.

Methadone dispensary at 18th and York is closed... 
and the intake facility on Gaylord no longer has a steady stream of female clients. I think they lost their funding. 

And in my own backyard, I'm doing it the hard way. 

1 comment:

  1. Having been just searching in google for some useful blog posts and I happened to land on your website. That's a quite and I think a cool place, but not the way people are keeping their trash.
