Today was the first day this summer that felt like fall was on the way - temp at 57F at 9:00am - long pants for the walkabout.
The original Jewish congregation took the cornerstone with them. Church in the City (16th and Gaylord) put in this new one. |
After sitting empty for many years, this house on Gaylord finally got the attention it deserved. |
On Colfax, the So All May Eat (SAME) Cafe - pay what you can or work it off. |
Mama's Cafe - used to be an IHOP. |
Home-grown business on Vine St. |
I'm not sure why, but the renovation of the "new" condos at 17th and Gaylord is extensive. |
Apartment dwellers at 17th and Gaylord never can keep their dumpsters straight. They are not supposed to use the City dumpsters. |
Code? What is that? |
Not very artistic. |
Some flair. |
Methadone dispensary at 18th and York is closed... |
and the intake facility on Gaylord no longer has a steady stream of female clients. I think they lost their funding. |
And in my own backyard, I'm doing it the hard way. |
Having been just searching in google for some useful blog posts and I happened to land on your website. That's a quite and I think a cool place, but not the way people are keeping their trash.