Friday, June 7, 2013

Fracking gets real...

The stakes are high, and it's time to have a serious conversation about Hydraulic Fracturing. We'll do just that at our June 14 meeting.
Our speakers will be Matt Lepore , Director of Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission and Matt Sura from Landowner's Alliance of Northeastern Douglass County (L.A.N.D.) and an attorney specializing in the representation of land owners, mineral owners, and local governments in their negotiations and legal disputes with the oil and gas industry. Join us and get real about fracking.

Location:  Le Grand Bistro, 1512 Curtis Street, downtown Denver
Date:   Friday, June 14, 2013
Time: 6:45 A.M. breakfast; program begins at 7:00 A.M. and ends at 8:00 A.M.
Cost:  Buffet breakfast is $17 with reservations (please honor your RSVP; we barely break even)
RSVP: 303-861-8050 or by noon on Wednesday, June 12
The public is invited.  Bring a friend!

1 comment:

  1. There are benefits of hydraulic fracking but demerits are also there . A study proves that hydraulic fracking contaminates the ground water and make it unfit for drinking.

    Bruce Hammerson

    Hydraulic Installation Kits
