Sunday, July 28, 2013

ALL THINGS MJ with Jessica LeRoux - July 28, 2013

Jessica LeRoux

I told Althea I was feeling lost, lacking in some direction… Althea told me, upon scrutiny that my back might need protection.

July 28, 2013 at 1:20pm
Hey Now,

This link will take you to archived audio files of the meetings so you can hear the incompetence of those who claim to represent you 1st hand… 

ALERT ALERT ALERT: 2 big stumbling blocks #1 In Thursday's MED meeting Judy Steele from Denver Excise said that in Denver there will NOT be virtual seperation nor dual use licensing for locations currently licensed as MMCs or others potentially in the city. WAKE UP!
#2 recreational rule making includes plans to overlay these new rules onto medical businesses… they disguised this agenda by calling the group medical differentiation but this is on the website: MED 2013 permanent rule making of REVISED MEDICAL MARIJUANA RULES

from the meetings: Fuck! it was like watching a think tank debate where everybody is missing chromosomes... I kept expecting somebody to interject "i like pudding" or "math is hard" .... 
My chest hurts, my head hurts, my heart breaks for the dream of legal cannabis regulation.

Colorado public bank amendment (2014) revised

The following is the current text of the proposed amendment, revised as per the suggestions of the legislative council on July 23, 2013.
Proposed Constitutional Amendment for the State of Colorado
To Establish a Publicly Owned State Bank
To be Numbered as Article X, Section 22
Be it Enacted by the People of the State of Colorado:
In the constitution of the state of Colorado, add section 22 to Article X as follows:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

From Mayor Hancock

Looks like the Mayor has been doing a lot of imagining himself:


Change Charter language to enable the Manager of Public Works to administer Local Maintenance Districts - Ask City Council to refer to the ballot in November.

Authorize members of Board of Equalization to assign designees. Ask City Council to refer to the ballot in November.

Simplify description of department duties by removing "exclusively" from categorized duties in various departments in Charter. Ask City Council to refer to the ballot in November.

Rename Department of Environmental Health to Department of Environment and Health and clarify public health roles and responsibilities to eliminate redundancy Further analysis and discussion required.

Explore restructure of Civil Service Commission (CSC), Office of Human Resources (OHR) and Career Service Authority (CSA), moving recruitment, hiring and promotion of all employees to OHR, placing discipline for all uniform employees in a CSC-like entity and all discipline for non-uniform employees in a CSA-like entity. Further analysis and discussion is required.

Move prescription of Salaries and Benefits to ordinance. Further analysis and discussion is required.

Clarify rules of the OHR/CSA discipline and appeal process. Further analysis anddiscussion is required.

Conduct a comprehensive review of Pay and Benefits to identify innovative practices. Further analysis and discussion required.

Create Department of Finance and Administration to consolidate appropriate city functions Further analysis and discussion is required.
Modern - Relevant to Current & Future Needs
Specify head of Denver Sheriff's Department is the constitutional Sheriff and is named Sheriff in Charter and ordinances. Ask City Council to refer to the ballot in November

Allow Manager of Aviation up to 5 discretionary appointments of executive managers. Ask City Council to refer to the ballot in November.

Change titles of department heads from "Manager" to "Executive Director". Ask City Council to refer to the ballot in November.

Eliminate 25% cap on Public Safety Cadets moving into recruit classes. Ask City Council to refer to the ballot in November.

Include Division of Real Estate in the Charter as a unit of Dept. of Finance. No Action

Streamline and simplify language to focus on broad functions of each department and standardize level of detail for departments. Further analysis and discussion is required.

Organize Charter by function, rather than department. Further analysis and discussion is required.

Eliminate requirement that Fire Chief be appointed from the classified service and allow classified service candidates to be drawn from any rank. Ask City Council to refer to the ballot in November.

Monday, July 22, 2013

ALL THINGS MJ with Jessica LeRoux - July 22, 2013

  • MED's runaway train: "the monkey's got the locomotive under control"‏

Hey Now, 
Big locomotive right on time, left the engineer with a worried mind... 

Two meetings in and the stakeholders are zooming down the mountain and the brakes are still sitting at the station... meeting one on Wednesday of the premise, transport & storage group was plagued by unpreparedness... Meeting two (of my group) the licensed entities and inventory group had some lively debate and a few sneaky moves were attempted... we learned that the MED will have an allegedly secure system that only licensees can access to submit manifests (i am writing an amendment to this that ensures only current employees can access the secured site, and gives owners and key managers the real time ability to update who is eligible to submit paperwork and carry cannabis on their company's behalf...) MMIG tried to circumvent their own Vertical Integration by claiming that any product transferred from any co-owned OPC attached to any of a group of MMCs in the ownership conglomerate can have any amount of cannabis transferred to any location without any impact to that single OPC's 70/30 limits... I call this back door BS from the very narrow minds who forced the narrow system of Vertical integration on their competition in the last legislative session. Please send a Comment to the SLA saying this is wrong and flies in the face of fairness to make an exception to VI for the very ones who lobbied for it! * There was a lively debate about who is eligible to have certain "privileges" to handle cannabis, and once again the state admits that it is extending vendor status especially concerning transport with out a statutory basis for doing so, in violation of state law (which could bring federal scrutiny).  Proposed solutions were for transport services to become bonded and insured to carry these products, and take all legal liability while in possession...  3 more meetings this week, and I will be there on your behalf which means it would truly be a big help to me if you could get your orders in ASAP: like NOW! and order some extra stuff to say thanks, if you want to! 


by Dave Felice

Does City Councilman Chris Herndon really think it's a good idea to revive the stadium tax so the city can provide dedicated tax money to a private foundation to give scholarships? Since when is it the city's responsibility to be in the scholarship granting business?

And if we have a dedicated tax for scholarships, what's to stop other public and private organizations from asking for a dedicated tax revenue to support operations, such as libraries, parks, food and shelter, or any other "special district"?

Furthermore, if the Denver Scholarship Foundation (backed by Teflon John Hickenlooper and oil billionaire Tim Marquez) is running out of money, how does that become OUR problem?

Education is critical! Scholarships are essential. But increasing taxes and funneling the money to a private foundation isn't the way to success. Perhaps if the school district made better use of the massive amount of money it already has, government wouldn't have to be asking taxpayers for yet another flawed attempt at redemption.

We need better accountability and success before we start throwing more money at the problems.

Yipping and howling, Hentzell coyotes join the fray

Friends of Denver Parks held our Board Meeting this evening and a discussion was opened concerning the future of our petition effort. John states "The city may try to disqualify some the 6,664 signatures that we turned in July 1. Because the city interfered with our petition circulation, we asked the judge for additional time to gather signatures until August 19, 2013. We need 3000 more signatures by August 19 to be sure we have enough to put the issue on the ballot." The Board has determined that following the advise of our attorney would be the best course of action to insure the best chance at being successful.

So with that being said, we will be organizing the petition drive again. David and I have the petitions at our house and will distribute them from there. Judy Case will handle the returns at her home. We will need your help to make this work. We have 4 weekends to get this done.

As a reminder, during the Board meeting we witnessed a red tailed hawk, a flicker, a bat, and the coyote pack decided to run close by yipping and howling just to let us know that they needed our voices and efforts to keep this natural space a preserve for the wildlife who continue to live in the City of Denver.

We love those green t-shirts, so lets hit the trail again. For those who didn't get a chance to help the first time, we could sure use some new folks/fresh horses to help with the petitions. Call or write about picking up a petition to circulate.
We've got a job to finish.

All the best,
Renee Lewis - President
Friends of Denver Parks

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Confronting the Minotaur - Reflections on the Hentzell Park Battle

By Renee Lewis

Good morning Friends of Denver Parks,   
Photo by Ray Ehrenstein
Today is July 21, and three weeks have gone by since we wrapped up our community petition drive and presented our signatures to the Elections Commission on July 1, 2013.

I wanted to take a few minutes to reflect upon the amazing adventure that we have embarked upon and revisit a few things that we have accomplished along the way.

As neighbors and the community at large became aware of the shell game orchestrated by Mayor Hancock involving Hampton Heights North Park, we began to see that by talking with our neighbors there was desire by the community to stop this travesty, as we could all see the larger ramifications of this project.

Somehow we knew that the decision to become involved must come from within and we could accomplish much, but with the help of others, we could together lift this citizen’s initiative off the ground and accomplish higher goals.

What are those goals?  As I see it we are at a juncture in our history where available lands are getting scarcer and developers are getting more creative about getting the land that they need to accomplish their agendas.  They are doing this by developing public/private “relationships. “ These are realtors, developers, and other individuals who stand to profit from “energizing” our parks. The recipients of such deals abundantly fund the politicians who support the transfers of public property to the private sector.  The result is that Denver loses public open space to these ventures.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


by Gerald Trumbule

This is the story of a crackhead who broke into my property on York St. twelve times over a period of two years. On the last occasion I fired one shot at him and thus became entangled with our make-my-day law (MMD).

In 1991 crack and coke were rampant in my neighborhood, one block north of Colfax and York, in Denver, Colorado. It was for sale on the street and just about everywhere else, and it was being sucked up at a rapid rate by the junkies who then needed cash so badly they were burglarizing everything they could break into. The neighbors were unprepared, and many apartments, offices, garages, and back yards were stripped of valuables.

I was living in the basement apartment in my building. My company office was located on the first floor, and the second and third stories were offices rented to other small companies. There was a small parking lot in the back off the alley, but no gate or fence between the alley and the sidewalk level windows of the kitchen in my apartment.

Hentzell Park: City's rejection of petition spurs new challenge

 By Alan Prendergast
Published in the WestWord Blog , Mon,Jul. 8 2013 at 11:06 AMP

They started out questioning the ability of Denver city officials to trade a formerly designated natural area for an office building. But opponents of the Hentzell Park land swap now have another bone to pick with Denver Clerk and Recorder Debra Johnson, claiming that her rejection of their efforts to put the issue on the ballot amounts to playing high-stakes poker with a stacked deck. The dispute, they say, raises a basic constitutional issue: What happens to the right to petition the government for redress if you need the government's permission to do so?
 As we've previously reported, Mayor Michael Hancock wants to turn over 11.5 acres of city-owned open space adjoining Paul A. Hentzell Park in southeast Denver to the Denver Public Schools. DPS wants to build an elementary school there to take the pressure off overcrowded schools in the area. In return, the city would take over a DPS building at 13th and Fox and convert it to a "family justice center," housing various agencies that provide services to domestic violence victims.
Overruling the recommendation of her own advisory board, Denver Parks and Recreation manager Lauri Dannemiller agreed to formally remove the "natural area" designation for the site, which Hancock has described as "blighted" and overrun with prairie dogs; about two acres of the site is currently a parking lot. The Denver City Council approved the deal in April.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

City Park West Meeting Reminder

Our first City Park West meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday, July 17 at 6:30pm.

Location: Harry's at 1700 Vine St. (Harry's is the annex bar next door to the Vine St Pub)

Tentative agenda:
- Introductions
- What is an RNO and how can it help the community
- Results of the City Park West Survey.  Go to if you haven't participated yet.
- Block by Block - a multiple neighborhood event during Denver Days where neighbors will march the alley's from Colfax to 40th Ave clearing junk. For more info go to:

Trayvon Martin Rally at Denver's MLK Circle in City Park - July 14, 2013

Tech note: This was my first attempt to livestream video from my Samsung Galaxy S3 via Ustream. It worked fine until I ran out of battery. More to come.

Block-by-Block Trash Pickup

  • City Park West, Whitter, and Cole
  • Where: A march from Colfax Avenue to 40th Avenue with the boundaries of Downing St. and York St.

    Who: Neighbors within the boundaries of the march.

    When: Sunday, August 11, 2013 (During “Denver Days” - August 3-11) at 9 a.m.

    Contact Information: Ean Tafoya

Monday, July 15, 2013


I keep getting hits on an old post from 2005, with dead links, of the Denver Police and Fire scanner, so I guess people are still interested. Go to for the latest. Don't get freaked out when you find out what is actually going on around you.

ALL THINGS MJ with Jessica LeRoux - July 15, 2013

Hey Now, 
It isnt up on the website just yet, but check at DOR A-64 for more details soon... If you can be in the audience this Thursday is the 1st meeting of the State Licensing Authority and I feel that it is good news for all of us that Ive been picked to represent independent small business licensees and their interests.  here is the letter working group members got last friday, I know there are several other working groups and I was pleased to learn that Teri Robnett will be representing patients in the group determining differences between medical and recreational sales etc... I am seeking more details as I write this too you... ***
Dear Ms. LeRoux,
Congratulations!  You have been selected by the State Licensing Authority to participate in its stakeholder working groups for the rules to implement Amendment 64 and HB13-1317.  The State Licensing Authority believes that your input will be an essential component to the success of the rulemaking process.  Therefore, the State Licensing Authority would like to extend an invitation for you to join the Licensed Entities and Inventory Tracking stakeholder working group.  Please note that by accepting this invitation, you are agreeing to the objectives, rules, and principles set forth in the attached document.
The meetings for your stakeholder working group are scheduled as follows:
  • Meeting #1: July 18, 2013 from 1pm – 5pm at the Marijuana Enforcement Division, 455 Sherman Street, Suite 390, Denver, CO 80203
  • Meeting #2: July 29, 2013 from 1pm – 5pm at the Department of Revenue, 1881 Pierce Street, Lakewood, CO 80214; Entrance B, Conference Room 110
*** Please schedule these meeting into your week, and make time to attend or send a written statement in advance. 

Walkabout - Museum expansion at City Park - July 13, 2013

Old, new, and new-new. Museum's west entrance. Read details here.

Just off west entrance looking south behind fence.

Southeast corner looking west.

From the former East "meadow", now "east bus driveway to school children's entrance", looking north.

Waiting for the brick veneer.

Just off 17th Ave looking northeast.

Wildlife never gives up.

Southwest corner looking east.

Good-bye to City Park in Denver

When I moved to Denver in 1971, City Park played a major role in my decision to buy a building at 16th and York Street. While trying to make the decision, my wife and I had a picnic in City Park. At the time, City Park appeared rundown and neglected, much like Fairmount Park in Philadelphia where we had previously lived. Ah...perfect...a little bit of "natural" nature.
Over the years since then, many proposals and much money has been spent on the Park. Back then, I learned of a group that seemed to oppose the expansion of the Zoo and The Museum into the park land. Each proposal to expand the footprint of these fine institutions into the Park was met with opposition. But that opposition was overcome as both expanded and the Park continued to shrink.
About 5 years ago, I learned of the insidious plan of Denver Water and Wastewater Management, in secret collusion with the big corporate polluters, to pump the toxins from Lowry Landfill into the lakes and greens of our parks via the newly "recycled" water and the infamous "purple pipes". (Go here or search this site for "purple pipe".)
Before the death of my friend and mentor Adrienne Anderson, who had led the battle for public awareness of this "purple-pipe water", from a brain tumor, glioblastoma multiforme, she refused to go to the parks fed by this contaminated water. There was the inevitable speculation after her death that her brain tumor may have been caused by her exposure over the years to plutonium and other radionuclides, such as those found in this "purple pipe water". We will never know.

Now that the Zoo expansion is nearly complete, the Museum expansion continues, and the plans are laid for a "loop playground", I fear that, for me, it is goodbye to the once "natural" nature of City Park.

On a Clear Day You Can See Hentzell Is a Park

by Paul Kashmann

With an April Fool’s Day vote that parks advocates only wish was a prank, Denver City Council approved a deal to hand Denver Public Schools a wad of cash, along with 9 acres of southeast Denver parkland in the Hentzell Open Space (Hampden Heights Natural Area) on which to build a much needed elementary school. In exchange, the City and County of Denver gets a DPS office building at 1330 Fox St., where Mayor Hancock wants to house a domestic violence resource center.

A school for our sweet little children. A safe place in which to help heal the horrific damage wrought by domestic violence. Both worthy purposes to be sure. I wholeheartedly support both projects. In theory.

But should this particular bit of civic parcel shuffling have ever been consummated?

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Walkabout - Black Arts Festival - July 13, 2013

I arrived at 11:30 just as the cloud cover pulled off and the heat began.
There seemed to be a lot of corporate sponsorship, as well as non-profit participation.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

From Toxic "Dew of Death" to Wildlife Refuge

There will be a public meeting on future plans for Rocky Mountain Arsenal Refuge on July 30, at Central Park Recreation Center.  The Center is at 9651 East Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.  The meeting runs from 5:30 to 7:30.  Arsenal staff will make a presentation (1/2 hour), followed by audience feedback.

Here is the official government notice:

Toxic fluid leads to shutdown of refuge

November 04, 2007|From the Associated Press
COMMERCE CITY, COLO. — The discovery of a toxic material called "the dew of death" at Rocky Mountain Arsenal Wildlife Refuge has forced closure of the refuge and the cancellation of four wildlife, nature and photo programs this weekend.
Sherry James, a park ranger, told the Rocky Mountain News that about 150 people had been expected to take part.
The refuge was closed Wednesday after a blistering chemical weapon developed and produced during both world wars, called Lewsite, was found in a restricted area near the refuge. State officials said it could be a week to months before the refuge reopens while the area is examined.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Friends of Denver Parks Needs Your Help

In the next few months, there will be a trial of the case involving the land swap deal which would trade Hampden Heights North Park for an office building downtown.
John Case, the attorney who represents Friends of Denver Parks pro bono, is trying to locate witnesses who have direct personal knowledge and specific memories of using the park for horseback riding, hay rides, walking, and recreation before December 31, 1955.  These witnesses most likely will be 70 years of age or older.
We are also looking for witnesses with direct personal knowledge that prior to Dec 31, 1955 the city encouraged citizens to use the land for horseback riding, hay rides, walking, and recreation.
Any persons with knowledge of such witnesses please email John Case with a copy to  You can call John on his cell at 303-667-7407.
Thank you!!
John Case
1660 S. Albion Street, Suite 1100, Denver, Colorado 80222
Phone|303-757-8300     Fax|303-753-0444   Web|

City Park West Neighborhood Survey (and upcoming meeting)

Via email:

Neighbors, please take a minute to complete this survey about living in CPW! It only takes a few minutes and will greatly help the CPW neighborhood reorganization! 

Go to
Don't forget; the first meeting is next Wednesday, July 17 at 6:30pm, at Harry's at Vine St Pub on 17th. Thank you!!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Denver City Council gets greedy, discusses imposing new tax on medical marijuana

from Rx MaryJane via Facebook

Dear Honorable City Council Members,

I know you that you are discussing a special marijuana sales tax for the City of Denver. In the last A64 working group meeting, the idea of applying it to medical marijuana sales as well as recreational/retail sales was brought up. I would discourage The Council from doing this for several reasons.

No prescription drug card for cannabis.
 Unlike other medications, cannabis isn't covered by prescription drug programs so 100% of the cost comes out of the pockets of patients. Most patients with conditions that allow one to be on the registry like MS, cancer, AIDS and even chronic pain, are already at a financial disadvantage. This tax will make more expensive and more difficult for patients to afford the medication theyneed.

Prescription drugs are not subject to sales tax in Colorado.
 Although technically cannabis is not "prescribed", the process for legally obtaining it is even more onerous and expensive. Patients already have additional expenses like a special visit to the doctor and registry fees which are not covered by insurance. Medical marijuana patients and the industry didn't object to paying standard sales tax because we wanted acceptance, figuring that cities would be more open to allowing medical marijuana if there was a financial incentive. However, piling on another special tax simply because it's marijuana is unreasonable. Calling it a "sin tax" and applying it to medical marijuana is offensive to thousands of patients in Denver and across the state.

Patients are patients. There seems to be a prevailing attitude that many (if not most) of the people on the medical marijuana registry don't really need it. Some people think that marijuana should be reserved for those who are on their deathbeds, have tried everything else and have run out of options. Who would we deny someone dying of cancer a medication that might give them comfort in their final days? But those who are not at that point, who might actually feel better, must be faking it and really only want marijuana to get high. We do not apply these same standards to patients using other medications. Are we as concerned about the 19-year-old who gets a prescription for a potentially lethal opiate when he gets his wisdom teeth removed? Perhaps we should be.

This will hurt the chances of passing the tax.
 Amendment 64 specifically states that medical marijuana is separate and distinct from recreational marijuana. The voters recognize that difference as well. The general public is sympathetic to cannabis patients, and applying this special city sales tax to medical could be enough to push voters to vote against it. And because of the way A64 is written, this tax could be open for a constitutional challenge. Are you willing to risk that?

Although I think that trying to pass an additional special tax this November is a mistake and should wait until 2014, it would be an even bigger mistake to apply that tax to medical marijuana sales. For patients across Colorado, I hope that you will reconsider and eliminate this as an option in your discussions.

M. Teri Robnett
Cannabis Patients Action Network

ALL THINGS MJ with Jessica LeRoux - July 8, 2013

Ed. Note: Jessica needs our help to be selected as a member of the State Licensing Authority working group. Who could possibly be a better choice? Please email as suggested. 

If any of y'all would like to support my bid to be a part of Colorado's A-64 rule making team please email and ask please that Jessica LeRoux be chosen for the SLA working group. Thanks, you really only need that one sentence with my name saying you support my candidacy.
  • I am submitting my application to participate in the SLA process for the rules concerning implementation of A-64. This will be my second letter of intent, I sent a Letter to Barbara Brohl, Laura Harris & Ron Kamerzell back in April/May after attending every task force and legislative work group meeting, when the legislative session was winding down as I felt the group would likely begin immediately (as there is much work to do). 

    My Name is Jessica LeRoux
    I am the Owner of Twirling Hippy Confections founded in mid-2009, and the president of the Colorado Juror Education Project, Current member of the town of Nederland CO A-64 task force, as well as a past member of the Board of Directors of Act4CO. 
    you can contact me at 303 922 3661 or by email at please feel free to reach me with any questions you may have. 
    My Qualifications:
    Twirling Hippy Confections is the oldest sole proprietorship licensed by Colorado to manufacture edibles, & the 1st to complete MMED renewal of any license for a MIPs this spring! I think my strong record of compliance is a real asset, but most importantly I can maintain timely progress because I understand the promulgation process, being the sole industry member on the original DOR/MMED rule making panel who is still in the business, *with no investigations for violation of MMED rules. I bring needed perspective from small business owners; Most of my clients are family owned and have a single location, not some big slick front range conglomerate insiders eating up the smaller competition due to unfair rules written for them during the promulgation of HB101284. It is very important that the small town owner operator model be given equal consideration to the desires of the large Lobbyist driven conglomerates who represent a mere minority of completed licensees. I personally deliver my company's products (in the state's only refrigerated truck dedicated to delivery of medicated products) thereby securing a solid relationship with my rural clients who do not have access to the big city politics up in Denver. I am well known throughout the state for putting the needs and concerns of rural patients and their providers on the legislative map (though we rarely get our voices heard over the din of all the bought -n- paid agendas coming at the industry from every side). 

    Thank you for considering me for a position in the working groups, I would be honored to once again provide a voice of reason on behalf of the smaller but noticeably more compliant businesses who prioritize paying their fees and following the rules rather than wasting money lobbying for rules to benefit their own profiteering agenda, but not paying to operate legally as many of the biggest operators are the ones who have been playing games with their investor money and not paying the MMED their much needed fees. 

    Thanks again, Now more than ever y'all really need some credible honest owner operators to represent the industry side without giving the state agency a black eye when they get caught with their pants on fire, please choose me, I wont let you down! 

    Jessica LeRoux 

    303 922 3661 
    2145 W Evans 

    Denver CO 80223

    Annotated A-64 rules and other Cannabis news of the week!‏

    Jessica LeRoux

    ** a note from the writer: as I was enjoying some lovely sunshine and free wifi at a friends house and typing up my annotated notes with my beloved dog at my feet a mean tempered hound came over and bit Panama all to hell sending my computer flying from my lap and prompting a 2 hour dash to find an emergency veterinarian. We ended up with a $700 vet bill but the vet was able to put  the skin back  on, and therefor save his entire leg! I got back to Denver but all my stuff is still at my friends house in the mountains including the pages I was working on... I did manage to settle him in under the desk and we can stay here tonight so he doesnt get bumped and jolted back up the hill... what i did not manage was to save a portion of the newsletter in progress, so Ive redone what I could recall, and plan to get my papers back and begin again on the type up for y'all as well as maybe sending anything else I can recall a bit later this week. Right now I dont have the emotional resources to start over so this is a truncated news letter thanks for reading anyway!

PS: I bet your wondering how a broke ass MIPs maker can afford a $700 vet bill? well honestly I cant, so if you can find it in your heart to make an order we'd be grateful, likewise paying any balance overdue at this time would be a really big help! 

Hey Now,

Ive read through the rules released last week that I sent you all last monday morning and annotated page by page for your enjoyment for this week! and of course all other relevant cannabis news, plus we have the new July flavors, a deal on our newest Wafers and of course a promotion of the Bananas F*Rasta! get your reading glasses out! ALSO::  Im doing the AIDS WAlk next month, and Id love it if any of you would sponsor my ass! Click here to make a donation in my name on behalf of the Giving Tree Team im walking with! You dont have to live here in CO to sponsor me (hint hint)...

PLEASE KEEP THIS IN MIND OVER THE HOLIDAY WEEKEND, The state may not have a laboratory capable of testing blood objectively, but that does not change the fact that the 5 nanogram DUID limit for THC goes into effect July 1st.

* this is the most important issue slipping right by our community at this time: the top three media darling candidates for AG are ALL avowed prohibitionists to a man, and they will be implementing what ever laws are enacted for cannabis in CO along with who ever replaces the Hickenchicken... this is actually gonna matter to us more than the new rules etc.... 
Waller is a fuck, Waller receieved the largest donations of any CO legislator last year from Corrections Industries the biggest of the three lobbying groups representing for profit prisons operating in CO, and Waller just happened to be the lil bitch that pushed the DUI limit through after being defeated earlier in the session.
Don Quick is no fucking better as an avowed prohibitionist and supporter of DUID limits for THC...
And dont even get started on Ken Buck the dumb fuck:
Scott Gessler is so fucking dirty and up AlEC's ass it is laughable... and he's rumored for the Gov's office if the electorate is that fucking ignorant! 
*If y'all dont pay attention to this race you stand to loose all the so called "legalization" ground that CO has gained in recent years.
That said do you have to be an Atty to be Atty General? Cause if the options dont improve I might have to make a run, we gotta find a candidate for this job!

SMH this week; Gotta love the legal cannabis business in Colorado... Went to the Wellington Webb building Weds morning to pay the renewal on my MIPs kitchen license. (I'd been down 2x before but the city wide computer system was down) The girl who works in Excise (not Ruthie) who has been there the past two years that Ive gone in to do licensing stuff had to Holler out "how do we do a renewal of a MMJ business license?"... Not mocking her, she is perfectly smart its just that she'd never done a MMJ license renewal for any of the city's cannabis businesses yet... REALLY???
Could this possibly be related to the fact that most MIPs are consolidated in big group kitchens that havent paid the fees on the 1st license for their kitchens at all yet??? 
 most MMCs will have their license posted on the wall, if it is presented horizontally it is only a certificate of application on file going back to 2010... the fully completed licenses are vertical, but then you wanna check the date on those... I have been doing front range deliveries since Rob made his move back to school and I saw 3 applications on file and 4 expired vertical licenses on the walls this week alone, only 4 accurate current licenses, and some places the MMC license was still active but the license on the OPC has expired (kinda alarming). But in the position im in as a forced wholesale only business, Im gonna let Laura Harris deal with the problem, if your MMCs are open and have any kind of license I consider them clients in "good" standing. I personally feel that patients have a right to ask a place they are spending their hard won cash in why their license is not current, and request their prefered MMCs get current ASAP to protect their access to the medicine they rely on.

Prison Legal News - Legal articles, cases and court decisionswww.prisonlegalnews.orgPrison Legal News - Legal articles, cases and court decisions Im wondering why sherriffs in CO are up in arms today fighting to overturn the state's new gun laws enacted to promote safety for innocent victims of violence... but not one member of law enforcement is upset or has spoken out about the corruption in the state of Colorado's toxicology lab, which is overrun with corruption and bias in the testing that convicts innocent people of falsified crimes. Could it really be that LEO's dont take the protect and serve part of their oath as seriously as they take the joy they get from being bullies with guns!

geez I went to a free concert this weekend in winterpark and everybody was smoking and lots of kids were there and drunk parents, and the whole shebang... not one incident of one parent asking anybody not to smoke round their kids, and no whiny ass bitch-kids writting letters dictated by daddy so mommy would buy them a new Iphone! live and let live! 

Two x chromosomes and a side of Oxy!