Monday, July 15, 2013

ALL THINGS MJ with Jessica LeRoux - July 15, 2013

Hey Now, 
It isnt up on the website just yet, but check at DOR A-64 for more details soon... If you can be in the audience this Thursday is the 1st meeting of the State Licensing Authority and I feel that it is good news for all of us that Ive been picked to represent independent small business licensees and their interests.  here is the letter working group members got last friday, I know there are several other working groups and I was pleased to learn that Teri Robnett will be representing patients in the group determining differences between medical and recreational sales etc... I am seeking more details as I write this too you... ***
Dear Ms. LeRoux,
Congratulations!  You have been selected by the State Licensing Authority to participate in its stakeholder working groups for the rules to implement Amendment 64 and HB13-1317.  The State Licensing Authority believes that your input will be an essential component to the success of the rulemaking process.  Therefore, the State Licensing Authority would like to extend an invitation for you to join the Licensed Entities and Inventory Tracking stakeholder working group.  Please note that by accepting this invitation, you are agreeing to the objectives, rules, and principles set forth in the attached document.
The meetings for your stakeholder working group are scheduled as follows:
  • Meeting #1: July 18, 2013 from 1pm – 5pm at the Marijuana Enforcement Division, 455 Sherman Street, Suite 390, Denver, CO 80203
  • Meeting #2: July 29, 2013 from 1pm – 5pm at the Department of Revenue, 1881 Pierce Street, Lakewood, CO 80214; Entrance B, Conference Room 110
*** Please schedule these meeting into your week, and make time to attend or send a written statement in advance. 

As you all know im at the ready with my annotated emergency rules ready for debate! if you have concerns based on your reading of the rules call me at 303 922 3661 and know that my actual clients of my business will always have a priority on my time, so if you wanna babble make an order while we have ya on the phone please!!! 

Rats will run from a sinking ship too, Ms Harris merely ran out the time on her clock to get that gold watch, as learned from her predecessor Matt Cook... and the MMED audit reflects that fact. Colorado's top marijuana business regulator retiringwww.denverpost.comThe director of the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division is retiring, at a time when the embattled division is taking on the task of regulating the state


From the Colorado Department of Transportation website, Fourth of July weekend "Heat is On" arrests: 430 DUI alcohol, 5 DUI-drugs.




(un) intended consequences of the drug war? 
Did you know The United States imprisons a larger percentage of its black population than South Africa did at the height of apartheid? 
Well, now you do.
Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow


WIN SOME BITES! Pick a new name!!! 
Hey Now Im at a loss for what to call our line of seasonal bites for August. Every other month seems to have an obvious holiday to embrace with clearly marked colors and schemes.... What is the theme for august, back to school seems too kid oriented, we have the start of football season, and otherwise its just damned hot... the name i came up with of "melted bag of hot wrappers and sit" didnt seem too catchy although appropriate... so that name is not an optional entry!  
SO: you get to pick the name... which ever MMC picks the name will receive 3 bags of free bites as a thank you, that's a $30 value, so put on your thinking caps and come up with a name and three color motif and submit your entry ASAP, I will announce a winner here next week! Everybody who enters gets $.50 off all bites ordered this week. 

one more reason to eat a banana's F*Rasta our potent and refreshing personal sized frozen sensation that is sweeping the region's stoners of all ages off their feet! 


Wafer Madness is still quite a new item, if you havent stocked them yet order by 7pm today and save $.25 on each wafer madness you order! 

just this once do you think we could pass the dutchie on the right hand side?

before you go I'd like to remind you that Im doing the Aids Walk in a couple weeks and Im seeking sponsors, which means you can do something to support the group of patients who more than any other paved the way for the 1st state to legalize cannabis by making a donation in my name at this link! Im at $200, and hopefully counting! 

Thanks again for reading, and even more thanks if you are making an order! 

Jessica LeRoux
Twirling Hippy Confections
303 922 3661- call us any time. 
2145 W Evans Denver CO

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