Monday, August 26, 2013

ALL THINGS MJ with Jessica LeRoux - August 26, 2013

Hey Now! 
in 5 short weeks many of you presume your Colorado medical marijuana businesses will be "going recreational", but what does that mean exactly? Have you read the proposed 126 pages of recreational rules and the revised rules for Medical marijuana? Don't just assume that if your town has banned recreational but will allow medical to continue that things will be business as usual for you either. Not a single sole has seen the Framwell MITs system in operation yet, and somehow in 5 weeks its gonna be ready for sale to colorado cannabis business licensees? I for one am rather alarmed that the MED employees sat in a meeting and claimed that MITs will somehow in realtime prevent transportation of "illegal" weed. CORRECTION: MITs in a best case scenario may be able to alert a MED enforcement officer that they need to get out from behind the $10000 desk and do some real time fucking enforcing! MITS is a COMPUTER people… all it can do is render the transportation of cannabis more illegal by not permitting a party who is under investigation from printing a manifest. Are you felling really confident about doubling down on MMED management and employees with that as their top enforcement strategy? WE should demand a better plan or it will be a return to audit city and that's never pretty where state employees and cannabis are involved. 

pipe dreamin…. 
Gubment Scheming... 

Patients screaming... (rightly so) 

Ass Reaming... (what exactly constitutes independent?) 

Light Beaming…. (that's time travel y'all!) 
the other day while working on writing labels up and packing the days fare... It occurs to me that Im writing dates in 2014 on these frozen products now... what are the MMC implications for MIPs with labels on products sold well prior to new years? I know im one of the shorter shelf life's for MIPs out on the market, what are products designed to sit on the shelf for 6-18 months doing these days?

Stupid Seeming…. 
News flash to Paul Lopez, the food deserts in your denver city council district are a greater reflection on your doing a piss poor job of generating jobs and income for potentail grocery shoppers your district, than they are a reflection of corperate gocery businesses not wanting to move to a district that has a median level of licensed marijuana businesses. you sir are an Ass Hat!
* the rules for denver City council are so convoluted that the city may end up being on of the last locations to go rec… 
if the city cant determine who has paid, how can the city determine what order these shops will have their hearings in... because these hearings are basically tantamount to favoristism as whomever is heard 1st will likely open 1st, and with over 300 businesses this could take weeks or months to accomplish, and will be extremely wasteful of administrative funds A public hearing for every new pot shopwww.denverpost.comAmong the regulations for retail marijuana that the Denver City Council is expected to consider Monday is a requirement for an automatic public hearing before any pot shop opens.

in a time of privation for so many working class people how the hell is making this "video" propaganda a priority of the District Atty and DPD???

scare tactics! 

one more time...


was this spin doctored? yes... horribly? not really... do we make medicated products for animals or treat animal "clients" in our "shop" NO we are a licensed MIPs... And most importantly my service dog is in NO way on any Medicated product during this shoot, they kept giving him milk bones trying to get him to do tricks on camera, and he loves belly rubs... sheesh yes you all can say I did know better and yet here we are… Fox cut all the educational stuff I had to say about the endocannabinoid system out, and omitted my advice to focus on CBD or CBN rather than THC when medicating a pet… but hey my product was on TV and I won't lie to you, Im hoping to see some small uptick in sales. 

I was on John Doe radio again, and I do have some good information this time along with the ribald raunch and criticism for my fellow man… 

Mickey Martin on Boston Fox News... That is all good but what I FUCKING love is that the by-line is about the Bonnie Dookhan Story I've been following and sharing with you all for months... Mickey is a legit pundit and the State of MA's top drug analyst is a criminal... THAT is progress.

Show your love or the team, or sleep through the bad plays… its your choice on how many bites to eat at one time! 240 MG THC, 3 flavors, get the assorted packs or we will happily make up packs of any one flavor if you let us know you'd like a specific type! 

Sale this week on Kinship bars… 5% off bars ordered by noon on Tuesday the 27th as part of a 20 unit order. 

Apple Crisp… if you are going camping for labor day get one of these to nestle down in the hot coals of your campfire and pass it around for a night of sound sleep! order by noon on Tuesday as part of any order of 25 units or more and get $0.50 off your crisps… 

Thanks for reading again, 
I really do appreciate your continued support! 

Jessica LeRoux
Twirling Hippy Confections
2145 W Evans 
Denver CO 80223
303 922 3661 

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