Thursday, September 12, 2013

Mother Nature comes to our aid at Hentzell Park

Ed. note: It is my understanding that the proposed new school to be built in this Nature Area is in a floodplain. PHOTOS NEEDED.

Dear Friends,

For those in the neighborhood who are going for walks today in Hampden Heights North Park/Hentzell Park Natural Area, I stepped out for a few minutes to look at Cherry Creek.
She is already topping the banks in the lower areas and rising fast.  With two more days of rain, we can expect the dam will need to release substantial amounts of water.  Would like to have
pictures of the water levels.  Send to   We will post on our website.

A big damn just blew in Big Elk Meadows at Estes Park, Boulder is shut down with Boulder Creek topping the banks, flooding the community, with chunks of roadway gone.

We also have new pictures from the Mayor's "Cabinet in the Community Meeting" with yours truly talking to the Mayor Hancock who clearly demonstrated that he had no intention
of discussing the neighborhoods concerns. So much for all that mumbo jumbo about wanting to be friendly with the folks.   All a big show with no substance IMHO.

Happy Rain Dance,

Renee Lewis - President
Friends of Denver Parks

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    "Happy rain dance?"

    Keep it classy parks crazies.
