Tuesday, November 5, 2013


DMV’s Welton Street Office to move to city-owned Tremont Building; but remain in Five Points
Denver—The Denver Motor Vehicle Division (DMV) announced today their move-plan for the Welton Street Office.  In November, the office will move to the city-owned Tremont Building located at 2855 Tremont Place in what use to be the Denver Human Services Building.  The move is part of the city’s ongoing effort to better utilize taxpayer resources and will save money and allow for expanded services.

“This is a great growth opportunity for DMV,” said Tony Frazzini, DMV Director.  “It keeps the facility in that historic neighborhood, it gives us the chance to augment services without increasing cost, and it solves one of our biggest challenges for that area—which is parking.”
The new Tremont location is approximately 0.3 miles from the existing office, which means the Five Points neighborhoods will still have a branch to serve them.
The schedule for the move is as follows:
·         Nov. 8—the last official day of operations for the Welton Street Office;
·         Nov. 11—all Motor Vehicle offices closed in observance of the Veteran’s Day Holiday;
·         Nov. 12—the Welton Street Office will be closed as teams from the state and city work  side-by-side to ensure the office is operational the following day;
·         Nov. 13—the new Tremont Office will be open for business beginning at 8:30 (our Wednesday hours are 8:30 AM- 4:30 PM)
The Tremont office is larger than the existing location and provides a much-need expanded lobby area.  It allows for future expansion of services for customers and, more importantly, it has a much larger parking area.  The new location will be home to the Welton Street Office staff; will house some of the overall DMV administrative staff, and much of the “backroom operations.”  In addition to the DMV, the new location will be home to Councilman Albus Brooks’ office, and will allow space for future city and state agencies.
As part of the move, the Office of Economic Development is offering transitional support to the owner of the Welton Street property, and will assist with finding a new tenant for the vacated space.

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