Friday, January 17, 2014

Colorado Highways are Being SOLD OFF

***Breaking News - Colorado Highways are Being SOLD OFF and Made into Full or Partial TOLL ROADS to Enrich Corporate Profits
***US 36 - ALREADY PRIVATIZED. Lost to a 50 year contract to Plenary Group. HOV2+ Lanes on #36 and I-25 will soon require 3+ people in your car or you MUST pay to use HOV.
***I-70- The Colorado Transportation Commission is now SELLING I-70 for $1 BILLION.
I-70 will BECOME A TOLL ROAD in downtown Denver and UP TO THE MOUNTAINS. This is happening FAST. We must STOP THEM by FEBRUARY 3 or it may be too late!
***ALL OF C-470 that is not a toll road will SOON BE PRIVATIZED and made into a partial or FULL TOLLl road.
Please FIGHT NOW before I-70 and C-470 are SOLD!
Once the 50 year contract is in place there is NOTHING that can be done.
THIS IS A FIGHT for FREEDOM that we the people of COLORADO must WIN!
WHO is behind this theft?
A) About a DIRTY DOZEN large toll road companies including Cintra, Transurband and Macquarie- ALL members of GLEN VAAD's ALEC Commerce task force.
These ALEC companies helped Vaad write legislation that is making this THEFT of Colorado roads possible.
B) The REASON FOUNDATION funded by the Koch brothers - see "What is ALEC?" link below for more.
LEARN what is going on and HELP US FIGHT HARD!
Today we the Friends of Colorado started to FIGHT BACK by issuing a national media release raising the ALARM.
Stop by "Friends of the Colorado PUC" website - JOIN the FIGHT!!
STOP the THEFT of Colorado public highways to FOREIGN TOLL ROAD FIRMS that have manipulated our political leaders!
DEFEND your RIGHT to travel!!
DEFEND YOUR RIGHT TO control what happens on our public roads!
EMAIL your friends to sign this petition and write an ANGRY letter to the editor. Today.
From the Friends of Colorado
Yours in service,
Ken J Beitel
Advisory Board Chair, Drive SunShine Institute (DSI)
Boulder, Colorado
Email: Cell: 720 436-2465
"A Friend of Colorado"
PS This petition has been expanded to stop ALEC's Glenn Vaad from being appointed to the Utility and Crushing Roof Top Solar in Colorado, and to stop the sale of Public Highways.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:46 AM

    If everyone refuses to use the toll roads, they will fail; kind of like the Pickle Parkway has in Texas... (85 mph toll road)
