Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Today's Twitter Storm to save American jobs

Hello Everyone,  
To help you all hit the ground running on Tuesday when your members of Congress are back in their district offices, we're attaching the notes, links, materials and access to the call recording and PowerPoint from Sunday's National TPP Team Conference Call.
Click here to join Tuesday's Twitter Storm to save American jobs! The one-hour storm begins at 6 p.m. PST/9 p.m. EST
Tweets post at the link above, one hour before the start of the storm.
For all members of the House and Senate: use this EASY link to make calls and send email.

Don't forget about PDA's Congressional district office letter drop on Wednesday. Click here to print out a letter and report the delivery. On the landing page, click on House Letter or Senate Letter or both.
Be sure to report in after you've dropped your letter, so the volunteer phone team can follow up! :) You can personalize the letter and insert additional information if you wish. If your Rep is a member of the GOP, you may want to add one or more of the talking points Michael Stumo shared on the call. (See below and in greater detail in the meeting notes.)
To check where your legislator currently stands on TPP and Fast Track , click here. On the landing page you'll see Alabama. Scroll down to the U.S. map and click on your state to find your Senators and members of Congress.
For those who couldn't attend, this Sunday's call featured:
An explanation of trade negotiating authority, why it is NOT synonymous with "fast track" and how to keep the difference straight by understanding what constitutes a "good" trade negotiating policy.
- How to "decode" the messages coming from House and Senate Democrats right now - and the best strategy for reaching out this week. (Short answer: keep focusing on anybody who did not sign the Miller-DeLauro letter and hammer the "New Democrats." )   (There is a link in the Chat Box notes to a page that lists all of the "New Democrats.")
A special presentation by Michael Stumo, CEO of Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) , focusing on anti- TPP  talking points that resonate with the GOP (Short list: Global Governance, Loss of Sovereignty, Imperial Presidency, Currency Manipulation.)
Attached to this email: Two documents from CPA to use as leave-behinds when you reach out to your GOP members - or any conservative. They also offer great talking points for letters to your Reps or to newspapers. (Many of the talking points will also resonate with "New Democrats" who tend to be fiscally conservative.)
For reaching out to Reps on both sides of the aisle: you can print out pages from the most recent National Voter Poll, showing a majority ofAmericans across the board, oppose fast track authority for the TPP. 
REMINDER: NO CALL THIS COMING SUNDAY!  Our next call is March 2, and will feature a public policy 'dream team' panel discussion entitled: "If not TPP, or "free trade"- then what?"  
If you plan to deliver our petition as part of your congressional district office visit this week, be sure to let me know the day before.
Send  an email with the subject line: PETITIONInclude in the subject line:YOUR STATE YOUR DISTRICT NUMBER
Don't put the information inside the body of the Email: make sure it is in the subject line. (That's how I will sort to find every request among the hundreds of messages I get each day, and will reply to you with the signature file.)
The Obama administration wants to control the national conversation on TPP and Fast Track! We need to STEP UP our Letter to the Editor Campaign! If you haven't sent one yet, click here to build a letter online and email it to a paper near youMany newspapers have not heard from us yet.
Have a great recess week, and keep up the great work. Together, we CAN make a difference!
See you Sunday after next (March 2!)
In Solidarity,
Liz :)
Elizabeth Warren
National TPP Team Coordinator
MoveOn Regional Organizer
http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/congress-no-backdoor http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/congress-dont-renew-fast
Land line: 760-305-7010
Cell: 951-203-2260
Facebook: Liz Warren (Woyton)
Twitter: LizWarrenWriter
When the people fear the government you have tyranny...when the government fears the people you have liberty.
- Thomas Jefferson

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