Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Join us in Denver as we rally in support of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan!

Sierra Club - Explore, enjoy and protect the planet

Join hundreds of us in Denver as we rally in support of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan!

RSVP today!

There is no understating the importance of the EPA’s public hearings on July 29th and 30th here in Denver: this is it.  

This is the moment where we drastically reduce dangerous carbon pollution from power plants and solidify the foundation of a clean, renewable energy future. 

Together, we can boldly change the course of human history to a healthier co-existence between ourselves and the planet. Many of us fight for this future every day in our lives, and now the path forward is truly within our grasp.

Join hundreds of us in Denver as we rally in support of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan!

The opposition is pulling out all the stops. In the last couple weeks alone, fossil fuel special interests have unloaded nearly $1 million in misleading attack propaganda in Colorado against this important EPA rule. The Koch Brothers and their front groups will do anything they can to prevent the EPA from being successful.

The Koch Brothers and fossil fuel companies may have money, but we have something more powerful on our side: the community. Colorado communities overwhelmingly support a clean energy future. In order for this important future to become a reality, we must speak up for it now.

Help us overflow the testimony rooms at the EPA Denver Hearing for the Clean Power Plan.

The EPA’s Clean Power Plan will drastically improve our health, add clean energy jobs, reduce carbon pollution and help us address climate change in the United States. Let’s make sure we deliver the overwhelming support the EPA needs in order to deliver the strongest plan possible.

It's time to stand up to fossil fuel special interests for countless future generations.

Thank you for all you do,

Bryce Carter
Colorado Beyond Coal Campaign

P.S. Please share this important opportunity to act on climate with your friends and family in Colorado: 

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