Thursday, July 10, 2014

New Bicycle Registration Program for the Denver Police Department

Ooops! Battery operated saw and your bike is gone!
Denver, CO – July 9, 2014 – The Denver Police Department recently created a new bicycle registration program to assist in the recovery and return of bicycles to their owners in the event of a theft. The program uses an online reporting system called “Coplogic”, which integrates information entered by bicycle owners and stores the information in the department’s Record Management System. The registration is intended for bicycle owners and not bicycles that are owned by a store and awaiting to be sold.

If you are a Denver resident or a Colorado resident who often travels into Denver you may register your bicycle with the Denver Police Department. The information is readily available to patrol officers and can be used to quickly identify the owner of a bicycle.

All bicycle owners are strongly encouraged to register their bicycles by visiting
and clicking on “Register your bike” link on the right-hand side of the page. Prior to registration, you will need specific details about the bicycle, such as bike type, model, wheel size, color, etc. You will also need to include the serial number, which can typically be found under the seat, near the handlebars or the pedal crank.

In addition to bicycle registration, the following are some basic tips that can prevent bike

 Ensure that where the bicycle is stored is secure, such as a locked garage or shed.
 Use a quality lock to secure your bicycle and include the frame and front wheel. Do not only secure the wheel or use cable locks, as they are easily cut.
 Include owner identification details somewhere on the bike, such as a business card or phone number pushed down inside the seat tube.
 Take a picture of your bicycle, so that it will be helpful for you to identify it if recovered.

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