Saturday, November 1, 2014

Notes from the New Drug War by Jessica LeRoux - Nov. 1, 2014

Legalization is why Im a recluse now... I dont enjoy spending my time in social settings which Ive paid to attend or made time to enjoy with people that matter to me, listening to the delusions, or complaints (or worse debating the moral shortcomings of former friends) from acquaintances who are flagrantly fucking these laws up. That is in fact how I've spend 80% of my social interactions for 18 months or so now...
NO i dont feel that sorry for the MED licensees & Blackmarketeers abusing the caregiver program who got caught up in the most recent DEA actions (and based on the sheer volume of people coming forward to confide in myself about their involvement, this is HUGE).
These busts are gonna be used by Pabon et al in collusion w/ the MIG set (whose members are involved in these busts, AGAIN) to push already written 2015 legislation that Kills the Caregiver program & punishes patients & doctors & does away with raised plant counts necessary for some serious ailments...
The caregiver program has been in jeopardy of state dismantling in favor of recreational taxes, and YOU FUCKS still had to make "your money" and divert weed out of state, rather than fighting the FUCKED laws that came outta A64 because you somehow "deserve" to still get paid by a plant... A plant that YOUR ACTIONS are fucking up all the good progress made by truly passionate cannabis activists.... FUCK YOU dirty greedy CANNABIS PROFITEERS...
all that said NOBODY should go to jail for a plant, but there will always be folks whose greed makes that Dream impossible.

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