FYI to business owners, residents and business managers alike. There are several people now who have passed counterfeit $20, $50 and $100 bills in the Bluebird District and at businesses along Colfax and on 17th Avenue. These are *terrible* quality fakes, but if your employees aren't paying apparently a few of mine were not...they will end up in your register.
Friday, February 6, 2015
from John Elliot, City Park West, via NextDoor
FYI to business owners, residents and business managers alike. There are several people now who have passed counterfeit $20, $50 and $100 bills in the Bluebird District and at businesses along Colfax and on 17th Avenue. These are *terrible* quality fakes, but if your employees aren't paying apparently a few of mine were not...they will end up in your register.
Report ANY counterfeit currency to DPD immediately. It is a federal crime, and contacts I have in District 6 and District 3 indicate they are aware of the issue. They will collect the bill and contact federal authorities.
Finally, should any of the actual counterfeiters or people knowingly passing counterfeit bills be reading, please keep ow that I hope you die of throat cancer :-)
FYI to business owners, residents and business managers alike. There are several people now who have passed counterfeit $20, $50 and $100 bills in the Bluebird District and at businesses along Colfax and on 17th Avenue. These are *terrible* quality fakes, but if your employees aren't paying apparently a few of mine were not...they will end up in your register.
Thanks for the heads up. I've passed on the warning to friends and family.