Long Time Coming - Hallelujah!
The synagogue at 16th and Gaylord has finally come back to life under the guidance of Pastor Michael and The Church in the City. The rehab was substantially fiananced by The St Charles Town Company, which had an interest in the old Safeway corner at Josephine and Colfax and wanted the Church to move. After I reported on the beginning of the rehab, I met with Pastor Michael. His enthusiasm was contagious. Upon seeing my collection of old articles and letters from the 80's and 90's, he asked for a copy. Rather than make paper copies, I decided to scan and post the collection, from which anyone may print copies. The following documents chronicle some of the problems endured by the neighbors brought on by various attempts to put the building to some kind of use. Understand that this is a partial and incomplete record to which I may add from time to time. I wanted to get it out before the first celebration tomorrow, March 28, 2009, at 3:00 pm. 1981

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