ALL THINGS MJ with Jessica LeRoux - June 24, 2013
Indictments , MED rules, renewals and icy cool new products... whew!

ps: it feels kinda good to be one of the trusted owner operators whose license is easily renewed! 4 years and counting same owner 100% original products and recipes handmade and personally delivered, not one penny of investor money taken... I've made it this far on strength of sales of our delicious products alone, in our very own private commercial kitchen and as a MIPs owner I am fucking proud as hell of that fact, even though its been a long road and hard work every day of the past 4 years! If you dont know why we are still standing it is obvious you've never tasted our products, one bite and you will know that I love my work... and you will love em too!
you can print this copy to update your Twirling Hippy Files please!
Completing this process twice when many MIPs do not have their vertical license yet at all is a big deal, we'd like those of you who have also completed the Licensing goal to show your support for reliable vendors by supporting only MIPs that are completely licensed from now on, and we hope to help have 100% of our clients completed and ready for October ASAP. We want to reward those clients who also have run the state and local gauntlet and reaped the reward of fees like we've done: This week we will be offering a special deal for vertically licensed clients* 10 cents off every unit ordered for 1st time full licensee's... 20 cents off each unit for renewed licensee's if you scan and send us a copy of your 1st vertical license, or copies of both licenses by noon on Tuesday the 25th... New clients are welcome to take part!
* must be ordered as part of a minimum order of 18 units, and order must be paid in full upon delivery to receive discount...
What do you have planned for the 4th? You open? Closed? Special hours? we need to make everything happen for that week/weekend so lets make a plan... it will be easier for me to bring you what you need for the holiday this week if you are remote! plan ahead!
THE BIG NEWS OF THE WEEK, Shoe drop #1 and we could be dealing with a millipede by the looks of things! I predict some earth invoking and ventursome names will be in the next net or so.... and soon! Basically DONT GROW IT AT HOME (YOURS OR ANY OTHERS)... DONT STEAL (duh) DONT LIE (Esp to the DOR) and DONT COOK YOUR BOOKS!
this is "the" PDF of the charges...
page 36, item 55 attempts to influence Laura Harris of Dept of Revenue and her subordinates...
on page 72 of the PDF did anybody catch that the name of the LEO operation was "blow'n in the windy city"??? seems likely there were some interstate charges not filed here...
Catholics know what the MMJ industry is learning... the bigger the fish, the louder the sizzle come Fry-day
and now that big bad daddy got spanked, here is the new set of rules, who's head is on the block for these timely offerings?
link to listen to today's denver city council meeting on A-64 mostly BS and fees and restriction....
If I had a hammer, Id hammer in the morning...
no snarky feedback, sometimes this city makes my ass fill with rage too...
easy money for the profiteers:
even sesame street goes to jail and Im "crazy" for being obsessed about for profit prison agendas....
and always looking for more ways to take your money and or your righst away from you...
GREED INC...... and or what you will get in return for avarice...
more from our file on watching the landslide in slowmotion.... Down 80%, Is Medical Marijuana Inc. Finally A Bargain?seekingalpha.comIt has been five weeks since I last wrote about Medical Marijuana, Inc. (MJNA.PK) following its Q1 earnings release and OTC disclosure filing. While I remained negative on the company due to weak fundamentals and a high valua
waiting for the indictments train to pull into this station any day now...
Fires made my travels challenging, forcing a 6 hour detour, at least I wasnt foolish enough to risk the recommended diversion into New mexico... but Im not complaining, my thoughts and sympathies are with those who've lost their homes and health due to the flames and smoke. I would like to say that know why air particulate levels are dangerously high is a good time to switch over to edibles that are healthy, and to pack edibles for trips into the back country to avoid the $1000 fire ban violation ticket a friend got over this past weekend... honestly I dont know how I would have made it through the weekend without my Bars and Wafers!
Im neither an engineer nor a geologist but I can tell you one fact Ive learned from camping... no matter how "level" the ground looks from 5 feet away at eye height, when you lay down in your tent it just aint!
Introducing a ready to munch frozen treat that is decadent, sweet but not sugary, Organic, high in fiber, loaded with potassium, and has less than 200 calories!!! (I know that is all very impressive)
Meet: Bananas F*Rasta 100 Gluten free Mgs of Active THC, in three wowza flavors: traditional chocolate, peanutbutter chip, and toasted coconut! Must be stored frozen, will keep for 6 months!
Instant brain freeze now, long term pain freeze for your day of summer activities! Wholesale $6 each... MSRP $10-$12 please... cause y'all know I keep ingredients healthy every time!
Liberty Bites are available now for 4th of July! 240 Mgs in a sharing sized pack of 12 20mg hearts in three gourmet flavors! If you order them by noon on Tuesday the 25th you will get your liberty bites this week with plenty of time to promote them for 4th of july and we will give you a discount of 50 cents off each pack you order as part of a minimum order of 18 units if paid in full at time of delivery! great for making s'mores round the camp fire or for sharing with your panic friends
Last week for Cherry warrior & Ginger Coconut cheesecakes! next week we go back to toffee iced coffee and key lime for July summer flavors! whoo hooo stock up now!
New! Wafer Madness is causing a sensation, just the looks on the faces of celiacs who've tried it is enough to keep my ass motivated these days! 125 Mg of chocolate crispy wafer goodness order some today and let the patients shower you with thanks!
remember to scan your vertical final MMED license and or renewals for a discount on this week's order for clients who've completed the licensing process much less the heros who are on round two!
Thanks again for reading sorry Im behind schedule to send on Sunday but that trip back over red mtn pass used up all my emotional resources for one weekend, so y'know gotta prioritize!
Please get your orders in ASAP, its hot in the kitchen so having your order in a timely fashion helps us plan the week so we can beat the heat!
Jessica LeRoux
Twirling Hippy Confections
2145 W Evans Denver CO
303 922 3661 - stop what you are doing and call this number with your edibles order right now!
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