Once again, ducks are dying around City Park. In August of 2009 I was still trying to obtain the results of the $20,000 Duck Death Study which was instituted in an effort to determine what was killing the ducks in and around City Park back in 2007. It had already been determined, despite many statements to the contrary, that avian botulism was not the cause. Since then, I have repeatedly requested that the results be made public. Here’s the email thread, rearranged with the oldest first.
Given that Dr. Dubovsky always publishes his email address and phone number, perhaps YOU would like to EMAIL or PHONE him with your own concerns.
02/12/2010 07:50 AM
Dr. Dubovsky:
You may recall our telephone discussion last August [2009] of the FWS Duck Death Study. At that time you said that the report was finished, but not yet released. Has it been released yet? If so, would you send me a copy or a link? If not, why?
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Gerald Trumbule
From: James_Dubovsky@fws.gov
Sent: Monday, February 22, 2010 9:56 PM
To: Gerald Trumbule
Subject: Re: Duck study
Mr. Trumbule,
We are working to get the document released to the public. We have submitted the paperwork to do so, and are awaiting a reply from our superiors. We hope to have everything completed and the document available in a few weeks. I will contact you personally as soon as it is available, and if we run into issues that would delay the release.
Thank you for your continued interest in this issue.
Jim D.
James A. Dubovsky
Chief, Division of Migratory Bird Management
Mountain-Prairie Region
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
P.O. Box 25486-DFC
Denver, CO 80225-0486
phone: 303-236-4403
FAX: 303-236-8680
e-mail: james_dubovsky@fws.gov
06/21/2010 11:12 AM
Dr. Dubovsky:
I am writing once again to request that you email me a copy of the FWS Duck Death Study. I note from our previous correspondence that back in February you thought it would be available in a few weeks. If you are not able to release it at this time, would you please explain, in detail, why you have been unable to release the study?
There has reportedly been another bout of ducks dying at Ferril Lake in City Park and I think you would agree that the public deserves to know what has been discovered in the study.
Thanks in advance for your response.
Gerald Trumbule
6/21/2010 10:18 pm
Mr. Trumbule,
We have been working on the release of the report. Unfortunately, coordination among the various participants has been less that ideal, and we have not yet received agreement from all involved regarding the release. However, we do have a press release prepared, and as soon as we get concurrence, we will make the report available on our website. I have your e-mail from February (and now your latest), and will contact immediately once I have been told the report has been posted.
My apologies for the delay.
Jim D.
James A. Dubovsky
Chief, Division of Migratory Bird Management
Mountain-Prairie Region
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
P.O. Box 25486-DFC
Denver, CO 80225-0486
phone: 303-236-4403
FAX: 303-236-8680
e-mail: james_dubovsky@fws.gov
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