Friday, June 18, 2010

Shingle Mountain in Elyria

Shingle Mountain - 50th and York

from the email stream, via Tom Anthony (with some editing for clarity).  For more on the Elyria neighborhood go here:

To: Thomas, Gregg - Environmental Health

This operation commenced some months ago in Elyria and is getting out of hand:  Dump your shingles here and save $200 taking them out to Arapahoe Landfill.  It is happening on 50th and York just south of the impound lot.

I can't imagine it's legal, but then my imagination has gotten a bit stilted lately.  Can someone check on it for us?  Thank you,
Tom Anthony, President
United Community Action Network

From: Thomas, Gregg - Environmental Health
Subject: Shingle mountain in Elyria


Per Gary Lasswell and Ben Siller in our department:

We are dealing with two cases of shingle recycling centers. Ben is working with DES/Zoning, DFD, and Councilwoman Montero's office. He ordered both of them to obtain Stormwater permits; one has done so, the other has not and Ben has been in contact with CDPHE WQCD (water quality).

The location on Columbine is trying to do the right thing and has a contract in place with Brannan to accept the shingles for recycling. The other location on York is under orders from Zoning to produce an Action
Plan as to how they propose to recycle their shingles. There are other zoning and fire code issues that the sites need to comply with such as fencing/screening, height of the pile, setbacks, and littering. Both locations have permits from Zoning; recycling is an allowed use in an I-2 zone.

Hope that helps,



I am a resident @ 47th & High Street, and was at an Elyria neighborhood meeting last night @ Pilgrim Church, where residents expressed great concern and even outrage about the shingle recycling center on York Street.
1.  When is the action plan required to be produced?
2.  When will the other "issues" be addressed?

Is there a plan to notify the neighborhood as to the resolution of these issues?  How can we ensure they are held in compliance?

Drew Dutcher
3000 Zuni Street


I believe what is most important is the fact that, without so much as one word to the neighborhood association, these "permitted uses" in the I-2 can commence and gain landmark status, with not so much as a permit.

This is just exactly how it seems to us:  we're a dumping ground where actual human beings do not belong, hence "de-fund" the recreation center and heap on the old dusty shingles and fuel tankers.

Now the City is preparing to rid us of even the cautionary protections of Blueprint Denver by overlaying heavy industrial all around our parks, greenways, open spaces, homes and proposed transit stops.

It baffles me as to what the goal could possibly be other than cause health problems, crush property values, and pave the way for the wonderful Interstate 70 realignment through Elyria.  Is some other goal here?

Tom Anthony

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Do the shingles contain asbestos?
