Shut Down the Corporations – A day of action against ALEC on February 29

Occupy Denver, in solidarity with 60 other cities in the USA, will be holding an anti-ALEC guided tour of downtown Denver. ALEC, the American legislative exchange council is a non-profit free market policy group, with a membership of over 2000 legislators. It works with major corporations to draft and pass legislation that benefits major corporations. It is best known for drafting anti union legislation in Wisconson and SB 1070 in Arizona. Legally it is not considered to be a lobbying group, yet is arguably the most dangerous “lobbyist” in the United States. ALEC’s collaborators include mega corporations such at ExxonMobil, Bank of America, BP, Monsanto, Pfizer, Wal-Mart, any many others. For a complete list of ALEC corporations visit the source watch website. For a complete list of politicians that are involved, click here. For more information on ALEC visit
Occupy Denver will be rallying on 2/29 at 3PM in Civic Center park where we will depart on a guided tour/march of ALEC corporations in downtown Denver. Come prepared to learn and protest!
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