I’ve noticed that Denver’s City Council Election, slated to occur on May 1, 2007, hasn’t been getting much coverage in the press. Blogger Dave Burrell at Denver Politics complains:
I despair over the lack of issues-oriented discussion in the May 2007 election. Though I look each day for news articles highlighting the differences between candidates, I rarely find them. It's not just the media's fault. With a few notable exceptions, the candidates also eschew definitive position statements on their websites, preferring instead to offer lofty phrases and commonsense platitudes that alienate no one.
It seems that the nature of this race is to play not to lose, instead of igniting real passion or driving controversial points into the public debate. I can't say I blame them, because the voters don't demand it and the media doesn't cover it. So you seek financial contributions, gather ye endorsements while ye may, show up wherever you can, and hope it turns out well.
Well, hey, I’ve got the time and the inclination to get involved, so upon reading this:
Join us at the Colorado Black Women for Political Action candidates’ Forum at the Blair Caldwell African American Research Library at 2401 Welton Street in Denver. The forum is open to the public.
I decided to videotape the Public Forums and put them on this blog. I've been videotaping and filming for many, many years and I figured this would be a good chance to get the candidates on video stating their positions. I would then put the video up on YouTube and notify the local bloggers that they could link to it to and expand the dialog.
But I didn't count on Karon (with an o) Hatchett. In fact I didn't know who she was until I was stopped from entering the hall in the Denver Public Library. (I didn't have my camera out but I think the tripod gave me away.)
Ms. Hatchett asked me to wait while she went into the auditorium. When she came back she informed me that I could not videotape. Dispite my protestations that it was a public meeting being held in a public library, she trotted out various reasons why she wouldn't allow it.