I've decided to reprint these comments from the "Reality Check" post to draw attention to the strong opinions on this issue.
Anonymous said...
Reality Check -- Satellite photos and topographical schematics??? Looks like that crazy bully Brown and his CRL/Xcel Buddies are hard at work to portray Denver's most courageous City Council member as a loon. Have you ever seen Brown's facial expressions and loony eyes -- now that is someone to be worried about not to mention what he does.
Ruby Hill Park could be a Gem -- that is the point about which Diane Carmann writes so eloquently -- if those awful towers were taken down and buried.
Yes -- when you live at the edge of the Rocky Mountains, view planes are important unless you have an "economic" relationship with CRL, Xcel's lobbyist.
3:30 PM
Anonymous said...
I find it curious that anyone in a neighborhood would go to great lengths with sophisticated photos and diagrams to subvert a legitimate effort to enhance Ruby Hill Park in which Xcel's lines would be taken down. Believe the author of this "Reality Check" is just another Xcel pawn, much like Brown.
The reality check is that Xcel which has just settled with the IRS for tens of millions of dollars in a tax cheating scandal is not doing the right thing in a community from which it derives a substantil portion of its revenues.
MacKenzie shows courage by standing up to Xcel, whereas Brown is the real loon along with other council members who may join him.
4:09 AM
First let me thank the commenters for their comments, but I must ask - why anonymous? Why not stand up for what you are saying - with which, I must add, I mostly agree.
I was first "attracted" to this issue by the over-the-top rhetoric of Councilwoman MacKenzie. I love "over-the-top". The purpose of this blog being to report and investigate local issues, I decided to try to uncover the "reality" on the ground by gathering factual information. Little did I know that such information would be so contentious. "Sophisticated" photographs? - well thanks I guess - just my little digital camera - "Satellite photos"? - welcome to Google Earth, and "topographical schematics"? - just a copy of the viewplane map from the City of Denver website. I always go for the visual, and I thought these items might help the uninformed, which included me.
But why must it be assumed that anyone with a view different from yours is working for the enemy? I've been accused of working for the Watson campaign, and now being an Xcel "Buddy" and a pawn. No, none of the above. Mine is just another individual opinion. Now if anyone is looking for a paid shill, be sure to call me (just kidding).
More Information PleaseHas anyone actually seen the agreement between Xcel and the City in which Xcel deeded the land to the City but retained an easement with the right to "maintain and improve"? I haven't, but if it exists, I would like to read (and publish) it.
And does anyone have any information of the "real" history of the Ruby Hill "high-point"? It's been called an Indian "mound" and that term is often used with "burial". Is there any information about the Indian's use of this land? Please comment if you know of any. (And yes, I use the term "Indian" rather than "Native American" advisedly.)
Aside from the facts, my own opinion is that:
1. If Xcel had any brains, they would quickly agree to "underground" the ugly suckers, and win the PR battle with consumers. $5 million? Why do they care - just pass it along to the consumer. Imagine the headlines -
"Xcel Agrees With Neighbors - Will Beautify Ruby Hill Park". But opponents citing the outrageous CEO salary and IRS payments has nothing to do with this issue. Even if Xcel is right about the facts that they say give them the right to put in the new poles, they will lose the PR battle because no one cares about the facts when they are staring at a giant ugly pole.
2. I live near City Park and have prayed for 35 years that something would be done to improve its sorry state. (Personal aside: Due to the City's negligence, my partner tripped on a large piece of asphalt in the path and did a face plant, got a concussion and required a trip to the emergency room and subsequent medical care. In court we learned that in order for the City to be found liable, you must first put them "on notice" of their negligence. Harhar!) But now we are spending millions on City Park, and it's looking great (see next post). I see that monies are being slated for Ruby Hill Park improvements, and I applaud that, as it could surely use it.
3. Regarding the various birds on City Council, voters apparently prefer their representatives to be weird ducks, as they often reject experienced, educated individuals with real credentials and proven leadership to go for the, shall we say, unusual. I guess it's more fun that way.
4. I love Denver's beautiful views, but I hate viewplane ordinances. I'll have more to say on this topic as I don't like invisible things overhead that curtail individual property rights without individual approval, and that, as you know if you've read my earlier post on
"Overlay Railroad", includes zoning overlays.
So let's keep discussing the issue, keep the
ad hominem attacks to a minimum, present as much factual information as we can find, and continue to be the best City that we can be. You know, we all love Denver.