New Voter Registration Situation
SquareState has reported on more from our Chief Fox in the Henhouse, Mike Coffman, our combo Secretary of State/Candidate for HD6, who apparently sent out a memo to the County Clerks that certain voter registration applications should be rejected for the confusion resulting from a checkbox not being checked if the applicant is using the last four digits from their Social Security number.
As I understand it, on the new voter registration form, you have 3 ways to identify yourself
Driver’s license
Colorado ID
Last four digits of SSN
If you chose the SSN option, the box stating you do not have the first two must be checked. Coffman has issued a memo stating that if the SSN is used and the box is not checked, the application should be rejected.
Apparently some people, having a CO license or ID, but not having it with them at the time and not remembering their number, chose the SSN option but did not check the box. These applications will be rejected, but now we learn from Spencer Ross at Democratic Headquarters that the applicant will be notified by mail and have 30 days to correct the "problem".
This is what happens when the ridiculous situation of having the fox, Coffman, in charge of an election in which he is a candidate, is allowed to stand.
If you are in doubt, check your status here.
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