City Park West Neighborhood Association Bylaws
an email from Dave Webster:
This meeting is very important to our neighborhood and is cosponsored by Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods, Wyman Historic District, Uptown Neighborhood Watch, City Park West, and, hopefully West City Park.
It will be held on November 13th at 6:30PM at the old Harry's Chop House between the Vine Street Pub and the Vintage Theater. This is the northeast corner of Vine and E. 17th before the alley.
This is a multipurpose meeting.
Item 1 is to discuss the redevelopment of the Planned Parenthood building at 2030 E. 20th Avenue (at Vine)
Item 2 is to update us on the redevelopment of Children's Hospital just west of Downing
Item 3 is to elect two delegates to the Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods Board from our district (2).
Item 4 is to elect officers of City Park West so it can again function effectively for our neighborhood in dealings with the city especially zoning and liqour licenses, the Uptown Neighborhood Watch and West City Park are focused on other issues.
District 2 of Capitol Hill United Neighborhoods is the area bounded by Colfax, 22nd Avenue, York and Park Avenue
City Park West boundarv is bounded by Colfax, 22nd Avenue, York and Park Avenue.
Please join us for an interesting evening that we will attempt to hold to one hour.
Thanks for your consideration.
Dave Webster
I (your blogger) scanned the copy below of the CPWNA Bylaws in the event that meeting attendees want to check out the section on elections - Article VI, Section 3, page 5, before planning or holding an election.
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