All Things MJ with Jessica LeRoux - June 16, 2013
Rolling heads,slapping wrists, you name it!
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Jessica LeRoux at the Capitol |
Its HOT in the KITCHEN, no joke, we are really brutally hot in our kitchen if y'all can get organized and get your orders turned in to us the earlier the better we can get a early start before the temps grow too insane and since we are not open to the public we can start at the crack of dawn way before you are open, if we know all of what we'll need to make the night before it helps a lot. So be kind to your loyal and informative MIPs makers and give us a heads up on or before Monday's each week if you can remember, so that we can keep our cool while making the most amazing whole food natural edibles. Of course we will deal with late orders and last minute requests but we just wanted to ask you nicely to always think of us ahead and be kind to our temperature challenged chefs and delivery drivers...
Well the turn around time on gratification from predictions made last week has been the quickest ever but on June 11th at 6am this was my facebook status and a link to the morning story on CPR... Dr Urbina is a lil bitch, his head is on the chopping block next...|Report_Puts_Convictions_in_Question_ and by Thursday our hated nemesis Chris Urbina from CDPHE is down in the dirt where piggy lil LEOcrats belong, scapegoated along with Cindy B for obediently doing big brother's dirty work. Betcha those bitches never dreamed that the Stoners would out last their brown nosing careers... I predict more details of why they both "resigned" will emerge as the audit of CDPHE is made public, it is due any minute now...
my status on june 10th... Beth Gonnaget We need to work one of your sypathetic friends at the capitol to repeal the law based on this evidence... or sue the state DAs for suppressing evidence... Im going to their rally so I can make some contacts to get that ball rolling.
- Beth Gonnaget next head on the block... Chris Urbina... empty the basket its gonna be a long day at the gallows...
a couple days before they gave the credit to the slicksters! Marijuana: Was damning report on DUI lab delayed because of THC driving bill?
Not nescessarily relevant but the top parole person in the state of colorado left their job this week too, again for performance quality issues. Getting endemic, and interestingly enough when the legislative session is done and law makers cant be accountable, but not to worry we'll have all new scandals by next january when they return to resume fucking we the people in the ass!
MMED cleared my license renewal check through the bank in a mere 6 days this year, so I guess they've figured how to speed up at least one thing since their audit! and yet this story continues to be underplayed: Hardware failure destroys some Colorado gambling, medical marijuana industry licensee fileswww.therepublic.comDENVER - Colorado officials say a hardware failure has destroyed certain computer files regarding gambling and medical marijuana industry licenses.
Just made up a new word sitting here... LEOcrat, any politician who accepts money from or meetings with for profit prison advocacy groups, law enforcement or secondary services, creates legislation designed to enhance funding for more encroachment on civil liberities, and or who puts the priority on a police state and calls that jobs and security. Both parties are full of LEOcrats lets find em and vote em out NOW!
Here is a link to the talk I was part of a few weeks ago if you did not have the fun of attending in person! Symposium
DUID Updates:
Teri, Michelle, Ronn, and I were there as the witnesses on behalf of the DUID battle...
If you have been convicted of any DUI in CO in the past couple years appeal that case ASAP. Not only was the state lab under a heavy cloud of corruption but the same lab is the one who set the gas chromograph standards for breathalyzer and blood testing so if the results are being skewed who can honestly say that those very standard sample settings were correctly corelated in the 1st place...
Drugged drivers, how to spot them | VailDaily.comwww.vaildaily.comEAGLE COUNTY � While two dozen police officers were downstairs in an Avon hotel learning drug recognition techniques, a doctor was upstairs performing medical marijuana exams and selling cards. The
our remedy, get as many people as you can to watch this:
In the community around the state:
IRS our friends!
other places, other battles:
Prison to Schools pipeline?
Kinda like what's been happening in CO over the past couple weeks...
Dont be this fucking guy please:
So in reference to the above story about fires, bans and other sad news for our great state there is only one super safe way to medicate in the mountains when the stakes are this high (pun intended!) and that is edibles... I camped out just on the east side of Wolf Creek and nearer the fire than I probably should have for safety... anyway i do like to medicate when I will be sleeping in a tent, for a variety of obvious reasons from aches to cold to animal noises (eek!) Seemed to me as a average sized woman who has smoked my medicine daily for 28 years that an 85 to 100 Mg dose is plenty to lay me down for a good nights rest, and 40-60 Mg is great before I go up hiking... but of course we dont pump our numbers, so I would say people should experiement with their own dosaging depending on the product they're choosing.
REMEMBER: We really really want you to order as early as you can so we can plan our week out and prevent employee based heatstroke! the 1st 6 orders to come in on Monday morning in response to this email will get a freebie add on in your order (as long as you order a minimum order and pay in full at time of delivery!) for the week as a prompt player prize!
THIS WEEK ONLY a deal on Chocolates, all old school chocolates (not Wafer madness or Bites) are 10% off if ordered before 7pm on Monday the 17th (as long as you order a minimum order and pay in full at time of delivery!).
Our June flavors are Still Cherry Warrior cheesecake 125 Mg gluten free
and Coconut Ginger cheesecake 85 Mg gluten Free:
Liberty Bites are perfect for the 4th of July, we are headed that way sooner than you think, order today!
Kinship bars are the perfect packable durable edible filled with pain relief and loaded with protein and nutrition to power each patient to their personal peak!
Let us know what you need today and we will make it happen!
Jessica LeRoux
Twirling HIppy Confections
303 922 3661
2145 W Evans Denver CO
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