Thursday, July 10, 2014

Filming in Denver Parks requires permit

Here is says "If you're a student, an amateur or a professional looking to film in the Mile High City, here you will find all the information [permit applications] you need to get ready for your shoot."

Professional filming or photography (including digital imaging) of public property in Denver requires a permit from Special Events and Film Production. A permit from DPR is also required if the filming, photography or imaging takes place in any Denver park or park facility. Such a dual permit typically requires coordination with several offices, therefore a minimum of 72 hours notice is required.
Filming Guidelines / Procedures:
All requests must be initiated with Special Events and Film Production.

Mobile Stage Application
  • Once a film request has been completed, download a Park Permit Application.
  • Proof of Insurance of General Liability in the amount of $1,000,000 is required with a cancellation period of no less than 30 days. The City must be listed as additionally insured with the following statement: The City and County of Denver, its officers, officials and employees. Download Insurance Certificate information.
  • The application and insurance certificates will be faxed to the Denver Parks and Recreation Facility Use Permit Office at (720) 913-0778 for approval.
  • Requests involving a park, median area, or trail require approval from the Park Supervisor. Park Map with contact information.
  • Requests involving a Denver Golf Course require approval from Golf Course Supervisor. Visit the Golf Course website
  • Requests involving a Recreation Center require approval from the Center Supervisor. Visit the Recreation Center website.

Once all required documents and approvals have been received, a permit will be issued. 


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