THC WEEKLY NEWS by Jessica LeRoux - September 30, 2013
Hey Now,

Vigil For Jenny Kush Tomorrow: Monday the 30th come out and show solidarity with Jeremy and Jenny's Mom.
get in line to get your app done and completed by 1-1-14!
A quick point of clarification on retail marijuana licenses and state tax ID numbers:
If an applicant intends to co-locate the retail marijuana establishment with its existing medical marijuana business, then the applicant does NOT need to obtain an additional state tax ID.If an applicant does not intend to co-locate the retail marijuana establishment with its existing medical marijuana business, then the applicant MUST obtain an additional state tax ID prior to application with MED. Therefore, the MED will ONLY accept applications for non-co-located retail marijuana establishments if the applicant has a tax ID for the new location.
Hope this clarifies everything for everyone,
Jordan Wellington, Senior Regulatory Analyst
Marijuana Enforcement Division (303) 866-3789
If an applicant intends to co-locate the retail marijuana establishment with its existing medical marijuana business, then the applicant does NOT need to obtain an additional state tax ID.If an applicant does not intend to co-locate the retail marijuana establishment with its existing medical marijuana business, then the applicant MUST obtain an additional state tax ID prior to application with MED. Therefore, the MED will ONLY accept applications for non-co-located retail marijuana establishments if the applicant has a tax ID for the new location.
Hope this clarifies everything for everyone,
Jordan Wellington, Senior Regulatory Analyst
Marijuana Enforcement Division (303) 866-3789
DENVER: On October 1st, the State Marijuana Enforcement Division(MED) and Denver’s Department of Excise and Licenses (EXL) will start accepting applications for Retail Marijuana (RMJ) licenses. Earlier this week, we held a public meeting with all relevant City departments and the MED to explain the RMJ licensing process. We had a very large crowd and answered questions for a long time after the meeting ended. We know that many interested folks were not able to attend, and some of those who did have follow up questions. Therefore, we will be hosting additional meetings next Monday, Wednesday and Friday, September 23rd, 25th and 27th, at 10:00AM in Room 2.J.5 of the Webb Building. It’s on the same floor as Excise and Licenses, just down the hall. We will walk through our process again and then answer questions. Also, please check the EXL website on Monday night for the RMJ Application Form and the RMJ Policies and Procedures. Please forward this email to anyone you think may be interested. Thank you.
my recap of last mondays MED application meeting:
the good: if you turn in your application to MED by 10-31-13 and it is 100% complete and paid at time of application you are going to be considered as in by 10-1-13 for purposes of equal access to opening on 1-1-14, you must do a separate application for each location/entity being licensed but you can turn all applications in at the same appointment. the bad: businesses that are not eligible for recreational licensing can have their products "one time converted" by a medical client into recreational inventory thereby putting many manufacturers and sellers in the cross hairs for violations of local cannabis codes. The ugly: The franwell MITs system isnt done yet, and there isnt a backup plan for ANY cannabis sales per legislative directive as of 1-1-14 if it is not delivered in time.
also accuratish:
Its fine to "debate" these taxes but you will be more effective if you register and VOTE NO!
COLORADO Citizens: register here to vote on the tabor taxation of cannabis now so that you can VOTE NO on AA.
Think About it, No new taxes means no need for dual licensing, one price for all, one place to shop, one license and associated overhead expenses... VOTE NO we already paid 232 Million in taxes based on current taxation levels last year, fuck the state and their bloated do nothing regulatory agencies...*
*be a VOTER then you can also do jury duty and nullify any cannabis case you may be assigned to
COLORADO Citizens: register here to vote on the tabor taxation of cannabis now so that you can VOTE NO on AA.
Think About it, No new taxes means no need for dual licensing, one price for all, one place to shop, one license and associated overhead expenses... VOTE NO we already paid 232 Million in taxes based on current taxation levels last year, fuck the state and their bloated do nothing regulatory agencies...*
*be a VOTER then you can also do jury duty and nullify any cannabis case you may be assigned to
COUNTERPOINT: from the guys who like to "compromise" other people's dreams
I am deeply ashamed of Mason T on this one, the A64 team really dropped the ball legislatively during the session by abandoning the intent and desires of the voters who made the mistake of voting for 64, and now they are only backing these bloated bs taxes for their own political gain to pay back all the compromises made on the backs of cannabis lovers and true activists, not because the tax is fair or reasonable. A Few Words For Proposition AA Pothead Hypocrites - For Robert Corry to turn around and try to kill the taxes that resulted in many "yes" votes on Amendment 64 is exactly the bad faith outgoing Senate President John Morse warned of when he tried to link passage of these taxes to allowing retail marijuana stores to open in January. fwiw i voted no on 64 so i get to say what ever I want about these fucked up taxes.
Here's what you'll be buying with a vote for those tax dollars
Denver environmental health investigators use Nasal Ranger gadget to crackdown on pungent pot odors Denver environmental health officials are dealing with an increasing number of marijuana odor complaints . to which i can only say "I fart in your general direction."
One mom fighting for her child's rights!
b careful which kind of leaf's you are peeping in the woods this fall:
Around the State:
More marijuana houses possibly opening in Aspen | A second land-use application to grow marijuana in Pitkin County has been filed with the county’s Community Development department. The application was received Sept. 12 with a case name of
can't wait till they try to make punk ass kids spit out their gummy worms into evidence bags!
Cali= blasting in a storage container: 3 Men Severely Burned in Pot Lab Blastwww.nbclosangeles.comThree men suffered serious burns in what investigators said was a marijuana lab explosion in Phelan, located in Southern California, on Thursday. The men were in a white storage container when the blast…
In the Police State:
CO paid 2 million just in fines last year... wanna guess why we really got a THC nanogram limit?
the worst of the bunch:
Slow but sweet progress:
What we are still up against from Big Pharma and LEO:
Flavor Switch!
Pumpkin Walnut is BACK….
order 6 Pumpkin Walnut cheesecakes as part of any 25 unit order, by 7pm on Monday the 30th and get your 7th cheesecake free!
Bronco Bites: 12 mixed chocolate 20 Mg THC hearts that show your love of the team and are fun to share with friends! support the team that makes your Sunday's Mile high!
order any 6 bronco Bites as part of a 25 unit order and get a free sleeve of Nips!
My newest thing!
order any 6 nips as part of a 25 unit order and get a free new Small Axe 125 Mg Chocolate! (cookies n caramel)
Small Axe: 125 Mg THC Cookies N Caramel
order any 6 Small Axes as part of a 25 unit order and get a free pack of Nuts!
check out twirling for our full menu and don't forget we do full sized party cakes too, if you need to print out some of the order forms here is the pdf:
THank you all for your continued Support
Jessica LeRoux
Twirling Hippy Confections
2145 W Evans Denver CO
303 922 3661
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